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A CEO's Revenge Marriage Accidentally in Love

Chapter 10
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Chapter 10


The car is quiet as my private chauffeur drives Hannah and me through the gates to my

mansion. Its been a long day, but I’m not tired. Not at all.

I glance at Hannah and find her staring down at the floor. She has been quiet and fidgety

ever since the buffet. It might have been overwhelming for her to meet so many new


It makes sense.

Hannah had to talk to countless people. She did excellent, though. That part about Hannah

calling me kind to my uncle was an outstanding performance-I couldn’t be more proud of


“You did well at the buffet,” I say.

“I did?”

“Mhm, everyone was fooled and thinks we are in love. Especially when you called me kind.”

“Y-you think I made that up?”

Didn’t she? “Yes?” I’m confused. I haven’t been kind to her. “Didn’t you?”

Her shoulders slump. “I did.”

Why do I get the feeling there is something Hannah isn’t telling me? Something is going on,

but knowing women, I will probably make it worse if I ask her about it.

Women always expect us men to be mind-readers, but since I have no clue what is going

on, I just repeat my earlier praise. “Well, you did great at the buffet.”

Hannah doesn’t look at me when she mumbles, “Thank you…

Hmm, is she upset or something? Nah. Why would she be? Hannah is probably just tired. I

should leave her alone.

The car stops, and I exchange a few words with my chauffeur, and then I unlock the door. A

swipe with a card, and then we walk inside in silence. I carry Hannah’s bags and clothes,

and we make it up the stairs.

I don’t plan on staying, but I’m a gentleman and don’t want Hannah to carry everything.

As we march up the stairs, Hannah glances at me. “Thank you for today… It was fun.”

Oh, so she is making conversation now? I smile but answer without looking at her. “You’re

welcome.” Hannah says nothing else, and we enter the master bedroom. I put the items on

the floor and then fish up my phone.

I haven’t called my no-strings-attached lady in a while, but for some reason, I’m in a good

mood for sex. My ex-wife is jealous, the business is going well, and all that is missing is sex.

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An image of Hannah lying half-naked in my bed pops up in my head, but I shake it away. I

shouldn’t be thinking about a naked eighteen-year-old! What is the matter with me?

I shove the mental image away and instead try to focus on Katarina, the woman I’ve been

sleeping with since my divorce.

To my surprise, Hannah keeps interrupting my train of thought. I see her bright smile inside

my head, and I angrily open my wardrobe.

“Are you going somewhere?” Hannah asks.

“I’m heading out to the bar,” I say and put my phone on my armchair before I take out a

new suit from my wardrobe. I look at Hannah over my shoulder. “I need a drink.”

“Oh,” she awkwardly smiles as she processes my words. Her expression is one I haven’t

seen her wear before. “A woman?”

I open my mouth in shock, then close it. “Yes.” Hannah is better than I thought at reading

situations. Shocking.

“I see…” Hannah tries to keep her bright smile, but I can tell me going out to meet a

woman bothers her. “I suppose everyone has needs.”


Since I don’t know what else to say, I walk over to the mirror to ensure I look presentable.

I’m aware that Hannah is observing me, but I doubt she will open her mouth-

“Sleep with me instead.”

I almost choke. “E-excuse me?” I turn around to eye her, blinking once I see that she isn’t

joking around. There is no laughter in her eyes, only pure determination.


heard me,” her arms are crossed over her chest, and she shrugs with a sheepish smile on

her lips. You married me-why not reap the other benefits too?”

Her words make no sense, and I narrow my eyes to glare at her. “You’re searching for Mr.



“I’m not him.” I’m not a good person. Certainly not good enough for young, naive little

Hannah. My thoughts lately are dark and have made me wonder if I should be with anyone

at all…

“I just want sex.

The suddenness of her words makes me laugh. “You, Hannah, the dreamer and the

romantic, just want



“Why do I find that hard to believe?” I’m darkly amused and tempted to laugh at her bizarre

offer. Surely

she can’t be serious.

“I don’t know, but…” she bites her lower lip, hesitating before she continues speaking. “I

want to have sex with you.”

Realizing she is serious, I growl. “Well, it isn’t happening.”

“Why not?”


Her smile falters. “Aren’t you attracted to me?”

My mood darkens, and I size her up. With her blonde hair and bright blue eyes, she looks

like an angel. That’s not it. You’re beautiful.”

She blushes. “Thank you.”

Complimenting her proves to be a mistake. Hannah’s face is one of genuine happiness, and

it’s killing me. I don’t believe in love-it terrifies me. And Hannah is young and innocent, and

I would ruin her.

I’m a pessimist and way too dark and broody. And then there is the age difference-sex is a

terrible idea. It would only result in heartbreak if we caught emotions.

I swallow thickly. “It still isn’t happening.”

“Is it because you’re afraid I will grow attached?”

I wince at her blunt question, and Hannah steps forward and looks at me with furrowed

eyebrows. She is so pretty that it hurts, and I know her following sentence will break my


“Because I can turn off my emotions,” Hannah says. “I can have sex without falling in love

with you. I promise I can. So please, please stay with me tonight. Have sex with me. Touch

me. Don’t go out with this other woman-whoever she is.”

I stare at her, conflicted, as Hannah lets the suit she borrowed fall onto the floor. She then

takes off her pants and stands before me, dressed in only her underwear.

Her underwear is red, a daring color that looks good on her even though I regard Hannah as

innocent. Still, I won’t make a move, and a breath of a laugh leaves her nose.

“What is the matter?” She asks in a soft, vulnerable tone. Her body is smooth and soft, and

her eyes glisten. “Am I really that bad?”


She whispers, “Then why aren’t I in your arms right now?”

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Her question makes a thousand answers pile up in my brain, but none of those matter now.

Not when my blood is pumping in my ears and my cock is stiff in my pants.

I can’t peel my eyes off Hannah’s soft form. Deep inside, I know Hannah is too young for

me. I want a family pretty soon while she is just starting her life. Our timelines don’t add up,

but I can’t resist her. Not when she is looking at me like that.

Sighing, I open the buttons to my suit and let my clothes fall to the floor while I scowl at her.

“This will only be about sex.”

She nods. “A-absolutely.”

“And you won’t cry about having lost your virginity.”

“I don’t think it somehow raises my value either way.”

I lift an eyebrow. “Is that true? Because it sure sounded like you had planned on saving

yourself for Mr. Right.”

I’m naked now, and pixie spaz looks at me like I’m her choice of drug. It makes my insides

hot with need. Does Hannah even realize how beautiful she is?

I doubt it. Hannah is blind and naive. So innocent. I’m bad for wanting her-the woman is

barely legal, but she is exquisite.

“I changed my mind,” Hannah’s eyes rake me up and down, stopping first on my cock, and

abs, then on my pecs, and finally, she meets my eyes, gulping. “I want this. I want sex. I

want you.”

My self-control snaps like a rope, and I stride forward, lifting her off the floor. Her eyes go

wide, especially when I lift her onto my bed. She stares at me, but I ignore that and spread

her legs by wedging my shoulders between her bare legs.

“W-what are you doing, Tobias?”

“I am going to lick your wet cunt as a proper husband should,” I tell her and kiss her belly

while my fingers

pull her strings away.

“Oh, I see…” Hannah sucks in a deep breath. “Okay. That sounds… good. Very good,


“Does it?” I glance up at her while kissing a trail down her hipbones, pausing above her clit.

Hannah looks both embarrassed and turned on. “I would like that a lot.”

I place the digit on my thumb on the clit. “Has anyone ever touched you here, including

yourself?” She shakes her head.

“Will it frighten you if I touch you here and lick you?”

“No,” she breathes, and her cheeks look redder than before. “I want to watch you as you do

it and know what it feels like.”

I smirk. “Good answer.”