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A CEO's Revenge Marriage Accidentally in Love

Chapter 19
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Chapter 19


Working the dough for the bread we will have for dinner, I glance at Jake as he focuses on

putting frosting on the cupcakes we made. I smile at the view of a brutish guy liking to


Out of all three brothers, Jake is the giant. Tobias is lean with a tapered, beautiful waist. He

is the tallest and the oldest. Mark is broader but still thinner than Jake, who looks like the


They are all good-looking, though. But I obviously prefer the one I married above all.

“You think the blue frosting looks good?” Jake asks in his deep bass voice and glances at

me. We have made friends over baking. Despite him being the silent type, we are an

excellent team. Also, he is not that reserved once you get him to open up.

“The frosting roses you made look beautiful, Jake”

Jake’s nostrils flare in satisfaction. “Thank you…

I smile up at him and continue battering the bread. The counter is high up, but I’m


I’m kneading the rough dough and putting all my strength into it. If I pretend it’s Tobias’s

face, it goes. easier. I’m irritated with him… again. How can he think everything I do is fake?

I’m not acting and pretending to be nice! I like him!

“Hmm, looks like Mrs. Booker and Mrs. Dalton are at it again,” I look up, and Jake nods at

the window. Tobias is the oldest, so he has to put up with the elderly women around the

block flirting with him… that and the fact he is pretty, I guess.”

I laugh. “Did you just call your brother pretty?”

“Have you seen him?” Jake snorts, and there is a tiny smirk on his lips while he continues

making roses out of blue frosting. “Mark and I constantly bullied Tobias despite him being

the oldest.”

“Bullying him?” I’m listening now. I want to learn more about Tobias; luckily, Jake is a willing


“Yeah, Tobias has always been a pompous ass-I’m surprised he knows how to use the

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lawnmower. But don’t get me wrong, I love my brother. However, it doesn’t change the fact

that the pretty boy over there. was born with a silver spoon in his hand. He is spoiled.”

I glance outside the window. Tobias is talking to the two older ladies, and they are laughing

at something he said. Probably louder than necessary, and my lips twist into an amused

smile when I catch one of them checking out his abs.

“I hope they know he is married,” I joke.

“I would ring him if I were you,” Jake’s expression tells me he isn’t joking, and his eyes roam

over my face, all serious. “How did you meet my brother? If you don’t mind me asking.”

Overprotective, grumpy, and big, huh? Jake seems like a great guy, and I smile at him while

raking my brain for what to say. Remembering my first time meeting Tobias, however,

makes me embarrassed.

“Umm..” I’m probably redder than a tomato by now. “I kind of walked in on Tobias when he

was… you know… staying at his hotel after the divorce. It was the wrong room.”

Jake cracks up. “It all makes sense now-you saw everything, didn’t you? That’s why you

married him so quickly.”

“What?!” I exclaim. “No, I can assure you that’s not it!”

My face is scalding hot, but Jake ignores my efforts to deny that I married his brother

because of his package. Nope. Jake is in his own world. He is wearing a thoughtful

expression, and then he makes this hesitating “Hmm” sound before looking at me again.

“What?” I ask.

He sighs deeply. “Look, I have a hard time talking to people…” he is wearing a blush right

now, and I find it strangely endearing since he looks pretty intimidating. “But you’re

obviously in love with my brother, and my older sister-in-law, so-”

“I think I’m younger than you.”

He blinks once, twice, and then tilts his head. “How old are you?”


His lips twitch. “Well, shit… you’re right, I’m twenty-two, those blue eyes of his roam over

my face. thoughtfully. “So my brother found another young one, huh?”

I smile hesitantly. “I don’t know much about Tobias’s ex-wife, but I’m aware I’m much

younger than him.” “That’s okay, just don’t hurt him…” he glances at Tobias, who is now

mowing the lawn with an audience. The older ladies are “sunbathing from the porch on the

opposite side of the road.

I smile. “Those ladies really don’t give up..


“And you won’t have to worry. I don’t plan on hurting your brother.”

A look of approval crosses Jake’s features, and he places a hand on my shoulder, staring

into my eyes. Tobias isn’t as cold as he might seem. I don’t know the full story of Sarah, but

my brother became quiet and withdrawn after the divorce. Today is the first time I’ve seen

him come out of his shell. He is smiling. again. Much thanks to you.”

Even though I’m uncertain if I had anything to do with that, I smile at Jake and take the

compliment. That’s very nice of you to say, but I might not have brought that change.”

“You did.” He says those words as if he won’t accept any other truth and then returns to his

cupcakes again.

I focus on my bread again, and once I’ve rolled the first balls, Jake gives me an oven tray. In

the background, I hear Winnie laughing since she and Mark are playing project runaway or

something. They are having a photo shoot.

“Are you sure your mom won’t mind me wearing this?”

Mark snort. “She might, but… who cares? Now, get in position and let me snap a picture…

actually, Wait… let me go down on my knees… there. Perfect! Keep posing!”

Jake glances over his shoulder, and I notice a frown on his lips. He seems irritated that his

twin gets to play with Winnie, and I giggle.

“How long have you been in love with Winnie?” I casually ask while forming my mini bread.

“Does it matter?”

I’m surprised Jake doesn’t bother to hide it. He doesn’t even sound embarrassed, which is

remarkable. He is a man who stands up for his emotions-I admire that.

I smile at him. “Does Winnie know?”

“No,” he doesn’t look away from his cupcakes. “Everyone knows, but not Winnie herself,

and I don’t plan on telling her.”

I arch an eyebrow. “Why not?”

He shrugs one massive shoulder. “I’m not pretty like Tobias… Or confident like Mark… I’m

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just an idiot who likes to bake cupcakes…” 1

“Hey, don’t say that!” I throw some flour in his direction, which gets him staring at me.

Once I have his attention, I beam at him. “You’re a great person, Jake, and if you like that

girl, tell her. She might not like. you back, but she will be lucky to have you if she does.”

To my surprise, those words are how I earn my first bear hug from Jake. He picks me up like

nothing, and then I’m nearly choked to death-it seems these hugs are a custom in the


I tap him on his bicep. “Easy there… big guy… you’re killing me…”

“Oh… sorry…”

I’m immediately placed on the floor and pause when I realize Tobias has entered the

kitchen. He looks uncertain of what to make of the situation, but there is some darkness in

his eyes.

He looks between us, and his gaze only seems to grow darker. I don’t understand. We got

along fine this. morning, but now Tobias looks downright murderous!

“I’m done with the lawn,” he announces without a hint of emotion in his tone, and then he

turns around.” I’m going to shower before our mother gets here. Be right back.”

With that, Tobias leaves, and I stare after him. Did he just come here to say that he would

shower? And what was with his attitude? He sounded so freaking irritated!

“What was that?” I ask. “Why did he sound so… moody?”

Jake chuckles. “You should go to him.”

I turn around, and my confusion grows when I notice the massively amused expression on

Jake’s face.

My eyes narrow. “What is so funny?”

“Nothing… just that… I’ve never seen Tobias jealous before.” His lips curl into a smirk.

Jealous?” I widen my eyes. “Of you? What? Why?!”

“He is just being stupid,” Jake says. “His ex-best friend stole Sarah, and I guess he is

insecure? Anyway, I can finish up here. You make sure he isn’t grumpy at dinner. Our

mother wouldn’t appreciate that.”

“Yeah… I should probably clear this up.” I doubt Tobias is jealous since he isn’t interested in

me romantically. Still, I don’t mention that to his brother. “Thanks for taking over.”

Jake’s face lights up. “No problem.”