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A CEO's Revenge Marriage Accidentally in Love

Chapter 28
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Chapter 28


“Oh, right there…” I moan and writhe underneath Tobias in the back of his car, high on the

feeling of having his cock fill me to the hilt.

He kisses my naked breasts, and his chuckle rumbles through me in a delicious toe-curling

way. “You like that?”

“Yes, but I…” I sink my teeth into my bottom lip and stretch like a cat. His cock is enormous,

but I need him to be more forceful. “I need you to fuck me harder… much harder…”

“Beg me.”


Tobias smirks above me and lifts himself from my body-only to hit his head on the ceiling.

Oh my god, why is that so funny?!

I don’t know what I expected from having sex with Tobias in his car, but this wasn’t it. When

he visually winces, I can’t take it anymore and crack up. I can’t stop laughing!

“Oh my god…” I’m shaking. Tobias might still be inside of me, but the moment of sexy time

is over. My laughter fills the car, and I look up at Tobias, who looks unhappy. “Are you okay?

Did you hurt yourself?”.

“I hit my head pretty damn hard…”

That kills my fun. “You did? Shit! I shouldn’t have laughed when you hit your head. I’m sorry.

Are you really hurt?”

“Mhm…” Tobias topples over me and presses the air out of my lungs. I suspect he isn’t

resting his entire weight on me, yet I’m already being crushed by him.

“Tobias… I can’t… breathe… fuck… you’re heavy…”

He nestles his head between my breasts. “Did you say something? You have to speak


Oh; this bastard!

“TOBIAS!” I exclaim. “GET OFF ME!”

Tobias chuckles and flops down beside me. Pulling out of me. He is so tall that his legs are

bent even though we folded the backseats, but he is cute even though he makes me think

of a human cheese doodle.

“Do you want to lie on top of me instead?”

My lips form a hesitant smile. “You’re not mad we aren’t having steamy, hot, passionate


“No?” He shrugs like it isn’t a big deal. “We can have sex later, but right now, I demand

cuddies. I’m hurt and need kisses on my head injury.”

I snort. “Were you always such a baby?”

“I’m not a baby…”

I grin. Tobias is adorable when he glares at me. “If I told your employees that their CEO

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needed a kiss on his forehead after he hit his head, how would they react?”

A dark smirk spreads over his lips as he lays on his folded, muscular forearm and gazes into

my face. “Oh, you wouldn’t dare.”

“Is that a challenge?” I ask with a raised eyebrow.

He chuckles, but the sound is ominous. I shudder, especially when he focuses those

emerald eyes on mine. “Careful, Hannah. I’m bigger than you, and I’m not afraid to use that

against you.”

“How would you use it against me?”

“Like this…” Tobias rolls over to grab my wrist and quickly locks them above my head. He

hovers over me, smirking when I try to escape but find it impossible to move. “Now, when

you’re stuck underneath me… perhaps I should tickle you?”

My eyes widen, and I whisper. “No… please… have mercy.”

“I don’t know if you deserve mercy…” Tobias grins like the Cheshire cat, and ice-cold fear

slips down my spine.

“I will do anything…”

“Anything?” There is a gleam in his eye, and his fingers squeeze my wrist lightly three

times. ‘ My, oh, my, it’s a little too late for that now, Hannah. I came to you in my moment

of weakness, and you didn’t soothe my pain. You didn’t kiss my head. It was utter betrayal,

so I will take out my revenge by tickling you.”

Even though I’m clearly not winning this fight, I laugh. “You sound like a Disney villain…”

“There is a reason I’m called Scar.”

I snort. “Nobody calls you Scar, you big idiot!”

He nods his head to the side. “Which is a real shame since Scar is such an awesome name.”

I sometimes can’t believe this guy. To think he is this goofy and the CEO of a multimillion-

dollar company…

“You’re silly…”

“I’m not silly. I am, however, very, very playful…” Tobias leans further down, brushing his

lips against my nipple. I’m pinned underneath his chest, powerless to stop him when he

sucks it into his warm mouth.

A violent shiver races up my spine. Tobias is flicking my nipple with his tongue with a

focused expression. His eyes are closed, eyelashes spread over his cheeks, and why I find

that hot, I don’t know.

I try to relax while Tobias plays with my nipples, but an annoying, tingling feeling is growing

between my legs. I’m painfully aroused, and the worst part is that his cock isn’t close.

My husband is much taller than me, and with his head down by my breast, my poor pussy is

aligned with his belly button… damn it. It means that I can’t even rub up against him. Or I

can, but that would be… fuck… I’m doing it anyway. Will he find it weird?

Tobias smiles against my breasts and glances up, amused. “Are you humping my stomach

right now?”

My face heats to a million degrees. “I can’t help it! I’m… I’m just… I need you, okay? Don’t

question me!”

He chuckles and lifts himself onto his arms. “Need me, huh? Do you deserve that after you

laughed at me hurting myself?”

I sigh heavily in frustration. Tobias’s teasing is going too far, especially since even my folds

are hurting now. I don’t even know how. I just know that I’m achingly wet. “Please…”

“A please won’t get you far…” Tobias whispers in an infuriatingly teasing way, and I groan in


“I’m so horny…”

He chuckles. “I know.”


I try to close my leg to make the pain disappear, but Tobias keeps them open with his legs,

and then he hovers over me. My view changes from nothing to his face and then his pecs.

They are fat and gorgeous, and his cock is FINALLY right where I need it.

Moaning in delight, I rub my clit against his cock, and Tobias breathes a laugh above me.

Someone is really desperate all of a sudden. I wonder what would happen if I let you go a

week without me?”

“Please don’t…”

He pushes the head of his steely length against my opening. I’m so wet that he could just

slip inside me. But he doesn’t do that. He continues to tease me and tells me more things.

“To tease you further, I would hit the gym harder and walk around naked with a pump every

morning. Mix some juice in the kitchen, and wander around naked. Cock and abs out.”

“Cock and abs? But there are so many other great places on you…

“Like what?” Tobias asks.


I look up at his hardened nipples. His glorious chest, hard-packed with muscles, is so hot.

Damn, simply looking at it makes me even wetter. If that is even possible…

“What about your pecs?” I ask in an innocent voice. But my thoughts? Not innocent at all,


from it.

“You like my pecs too?” I can hear the smile in his voice, but what frustrates me is that he

knows damn straight that I love his pecs. Tobias is just fishing for compliments right now.

So what do I do?

I arch my neck and take one of his hardened nipples into my mouth. Tobias yelps in surprise

but doesn’t pull away. He sinks down with me, hissing lowly while sliding his cock inside me.

All while being braced on his large forearms. So sexy.

I flick my tongue, and he groans, thrusting that massive cock deeper inside me until I’m

finally filled. Goddamn, he is enormous.

I’m still throbbing between my legs, but it feels better when he arches his hips and pushes

into me, only to drag his cock almost out of me. I love it. The pleasure is delicious.

I briefly stop teasing his nipple to moan. “Keep doing that…”

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“You like that?” Tobias asks in a strained voice.


“I like when you suck on my nipple. Its more sensitive than I thought.”

He likes it?


I smile before leaning in to suck his nipple harder; he tastes like salt and smells of sex. My

fingers grip his sides, and Tobias thrust his cock in and out, in and out. I love the place he is

hitting me in, and my clit is somehow stimulated by his pubic bone. It feels great and drives

me wild. I stop sucking his nipple to lick his pec instead, not caring that I’m basically

worshipping him.

Tobias doesn’t seem to mind. He shudders and groans above me. The sound is deep and

guttural, and my legs tremble, my sex so swollen it aches. I want him to go faster, and

when he does, my vision blurs. Yes-yes-yes! I meet his thrusts, eager to reach a quick


We keep going, and I climb, and I climb, and I climb. Then, once the pleasure starts, I moan.

How could I not? The way Tobias moves, so confident and just a bit dirty… fuck me.

How did I get so lucky? How is he so good at this? I can’t wait any longer! My moans are

becoming louder, and I close my eyes.

“I’m… I’m going to cum…” lord, I sound so whiny, but it doesn’t matter. I’m so damn close!

“I’m close too…” Tobias can barely speak. “So close…”

He definitely can’t be lying only to make me happy.

It sounds like Tobias is keeping everything together, and when I latch onto his nipple a

second. time, he moans so deeply that I come hot and hard on his cock.

What an orgasm!

A smile spreads over my lips, and when Tobias releases inside me, I feel incredibly

accomplished. I meet his eyes, panting while trying to find the right words.

“How was that for a quickie?” I ask.

He smiles at me. “You’re amazing, you know that, right?”

I giggle, and Tobias collapses beside me. I’ve discovered he is a cuddler, and I’m not

surprised when I’m pulled to him. I feel wonderful, and it tickles when he nips at my neck.

“That tickles…” I say, closing my eyes and shivering. His hand is on my stomach, and his

torso is warming up my back.

“I don’t care…” Tobias murmurs and kisses underneath my ear. He then nips at my earlobe

and whispers. “You’re gorgeous and should be kissed everywhere.”

A bubble of joy lifts from my chest. “You’re such a charmer.”

He chuckles. “Maybe…” silence falls, but I get the sense he wishes to ask me something, so

I patiently wait. And eventually, he talks. “You’re on birth control, right?”

“Yes,” I smile. “Don’t worry

“I’m not worried…” he kisses my neck again. “Just wondering.”

“Oh, I see…”

Interesting. Is Tobias scared of children, or does he want them? Suddenly caring about birth

control is rather curious…