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A CEO's Revenge Marriage Accidentally in Love

Chapter 3
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Chapter 3


After agreeing to marry the most gorgeous man alive after Chris Evans and Chris

Hemsworth, I’m taken to a store to buy a wedding dress.

I walk around the store with wide eyes. Tobias has explained to me it will be a speed

wedding, yet all these price tags are anything but cheap. The man is spoiling me already.

My fingers smooth over a white, frilly dress that looks like something a Disney princess

would wear. It has diamonds and pearls, and I don’t even know if it’s for sale.

A mannequin is wearing it, and my eyes bulge when I see the price tag has five zeroes on it.

I would never be able to afford this. Maybe if I sold my soul?

“Is something the matter?” Tobias asks me.

I look over my shoulder. “No, I’m just…” I hesitate. “Am I allowed to pick anything I want?”

My question is noticed by the lady working the store. Her blonde hair is in a ponytail, and

her lips part when her eyes catch mine.

“That is a costly dress!” she exclaims and immediately walks over to us. Her high heels clop

over the marble floor. “If you want, I could show you to the back. We have affordable


She falls silent once she sees Tobias scowling at her. His eyes are furious, and the woman

immediately straightens her back—recognition flashing over her face.

“Y-you are Tobias Ford, President and CEO of Ford Hotels And Resorts, and this is—”

“My future wife,” Tobias calmly interrupts, but I can hear he is beyond irritated. “And you’re

lucky I’m not in a mood to fight. If your boss heard how you disrespected my wife by

assuming she couldn’t afford that dress, he wouldn’t be happy. I know Phil. We play golf

every Tuesday.”

The woman pales but quickly recovers to give me a dazzling smile. “Do you want to try on

that dress, Mrs. Ford?”

I’m baffled.

Tobias stood up for me, and I’m strangely moved. I’m even feeling butterflies. Perhaps I

misjudged his character? Maybe he can be nice sometimes. Oh, and I also like being called

Mrs. Ford! It makes me feel like I’m not alone in this world. I’m about to have a husband; it

thrills me.

I smile. “Yes, this is the dress that I want,” I tug on the expensive white wedding dress that

the mannequin is wearing and look up at Tobias. It’s then that I remember I have no right to

demand something so expensive, and I feel a wave of unease. “But are you sure that I can

have it? It’s rather expensive…”

His intense eyes focus on mine. “Will the dress make you happy?”

Blushing, I nod. “I’ve seen a celebrity wear a similar dress, and honestly? I would feel like a

Disney princess wearing this for our wedding. It would make this day even more unreal.”


“Mhm,” I smile up at him. I don’t want to say too much with the other woman around, so I

try to mystify my words. “Say what you want, but I don’t think I pulled the short straw. I

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

mean! Yes, you’re scary tall, intense, and downright intimidating, but you’re also saving my


“Because I’m paying for your expenses?”

“That and…” I hesitate and nervously laugh. “No, I can’t say it…”

“Say what?” Tobias seems confused. “If you got something to say, just say it.”

“It’s just that…” I take a deep breath. This is not easy to admit. “I might have a lot of

friends, but… I still feel lonely, and moving in with you? It feels… strangely assuring. Is that


To my surprise, a ghost of a smile fleets over Tobias’s lips before he turns his attention to

the woman working here. “We will take that dress.”

“Of course, Mr. Ford.”

I blink in shock. “I’m getting the dress?”

“We are getting the dress,” Tobias says, and while he doesn’t look at me, I can see the

slight curl to his lips. He is smiling right now, which gives me a mild case of butterflies.

Tobias should smile more often. He is gorgeous when he does.


An hour later, we are waiting for the pastor.

I’m wearing the white dress of my dreams, and Tobias is standing by my side in a new suit.

My stomach is jittery with nerves, but my partner looks extremely unhappy.

“This is taking too long…” Tobias complains.

I stifle a laugh.

Tobias is impatient, and it amuses me how he seems to think he is more important than

anybody else. But once his eyes zoom in on mine, I immediately pretend I wasn’t smiling.

Instead, I’m trying hard not to bolt away and run in the other direction as Tobias glares at

me. He is intimidating when he is in a bad mood.

“Mr. Ford!”

We both look up when the door to the church finally opens, and some chubby guy wearing a

costume smiles at us. Is this the pastor?

“Fucking finally!” Tobias growls and pulls me forward.

“Oh, we are going? Okay!”

Tobias’s strides are long, and I have trouble keeping up. Yet I don’t say anything because he

is fuming. Even the pastor seems troubled by Tobias and hurries down the aisle.

“Have you waited long?” he asks.

“Too long,” Tobias grunts and releases me as we stand in front of the aisle. He then looks at

the pastor with murder in his eyes. “Make this quick.”

How romantic…

Had Tobias been my “real” husband, I would have given him a piece of my mind for telling

the pastor to be quick. But this is a contract marriage between us, so I say nothing.

The pastor blabbers on and on, and I hesitantly peer up at Tobias, who is wearing an

unreadable expression. I wonder if he is thinking about his ex-wife. He looks almost sad…

I’m deep in thought, pondering, until I have to say, “I do,” and soon, the pastor smiles at us.

I smile back, and the pastor says, “You may kiss the bride,” and that’s the part I wasn’t

ready for.

Tobias turns to me, and I blush. We have a clear height difference, and I feel ashamed for

being short. Not only am I younger, but I’m… small. It doesn’t stop my new husband,


He slides an arm underneath me, picking me up bride-style like it’s nothing, and my heart

somersaults inside my chest. I’ve never done as much as even to touch a man. But now

Tobias’s breath mingles with mine, and his eyes are intense.

“My wife.”

That small sentence quickens my heartbeat, and without warning, Tobias kisses the next

breath from my lips. It’s not a quick peck on the lips. No. It may have started innocent, but

the second our lips meet, it feels like we are connecting two puzzle pieces together.

Tobias widens his eyes, and there is a look of wonder before he presses against me harder,

kissing me with a raw hunger that makes heat pool between my legs.

Oh wow, he is a great kisser, and I mewl into his mouth.

Could life get any more perfect than this?

I’m held in Tobias’s muscular arms. He is so strong, and his kisses are hot and delicious. My

hands are on his shaven cheeks, brushing over his slightly prickly skin as I taste his mouth

The pastor clears his throat, and Tobias and I break the kiss.

We stare at each other. I’m confident I’m blushing while Tobias frowns at me. How sweet

and friendly…

Didn’t he like the kiss?

I guess not since I’m immediately placed back on the ground. The magic is definitely

broken, yet my pulse is still racing.

I liked the kiss.

Is that a bad sign?

I ponder on that as we walk out of the church as newlyweds. Tobias is holding my hand, and

my insides go tight and hot when I look up at him. He really is gorgeous…

My whole chest seems to sing in agreement. It’s worrying. There is no doubt that I find

Tobias attractive. Sadly, I don’t see any affection on his face when he stares down at me.

“From now on, you’re Mrs. Ford,” he says and stops on the pavement. A car drives up to us,

but he keeps his eyes on mine. “No one shall know about this agreement, not even your

friends. You must always act and behave as if we are in love.”

I nod. “Of course.”

His lips curl slightly by the corners. “It’s also crucial that my butlers and maids see us

together too. They are friends with my ex-wife, and I expect them to gossip to her, which

means we will sleep together.”

I’m about to nod again, but then I gasp. “Wait, do you mean sleep-sleep or actual sex?!”

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Amusement dances in his eyes, and he smirks while playing with the long tips of my hair.

“Both,” he tilts his head, eyeing me. “Do you have a problem with that, Mrs. Ford?”

I gulp. “No, sir… I mean, Mr. Ford.”

I say that, but the truth is that I’m panicking inside. I’m a virgin and not ready to be

intimate with gorgeous Tobias and his baseball bat of a cock—how the heck will it even fit


Tobias’s lips twitch. “When speaking of me in the future, please call me husband or Tobias.”

“Uh, yes!” I awkwardly smile. “Um, Tobias.”

“And stop being so nervous around me. If you can’t even look at me, people won’t believe

you’re my wife for a second.”

“I’m sorry! It’s just that…” I take a deep breath. “It’s just that I find you rather intimidating.”


While blushing, I stare down at the ground, mumbling. “And intense.”

Tobias looks me over, and I can feel his inquisitive gaze like a physical weight over my

shoulder. A black, shiny SUV is ready for us, yet Tobias only focuses on me.

“I haven’t been myself since my ex-wife cheated on me,” he says those words so calmly

that it’s hard to believe it’s a personal matter. “I’m usually in a bad mood, but you should

know you’re never in danger when you’re with me. Never. I wouldn’t hurt you.”

I peer up at him. Tobias doesn’t look friendly, and neither is he smiling, but I can tell his

words are the truth.

I manage a smile. “Thank you for clarifying.”

“Of course,” he glances at the car, then back at me. There is dark playfulness in his eyes.

“Are you ready for your new life as the wife to one of this country’s wealthiest men?”

Wait, is he one of the wealthiest?

I stare at him. “Wealthiest?”

“Mhm,” his lips twitch. “From now, people may try to take pictures of you, and you might

find yourself in various magazines,” he nods ahead. “I think that man over there belongs to

the paparazzi.”

Wait, no one said anything about the paparazzi!

My panic grows, but Tobias doesn’t seem bothered. He opens a car door for me, and I get

inside, dazed.

Tobias talks to the driver, and the car moves. I think we are headed to Tobias’s mansion. But

I don’t know. My head is spinning, and my chest tightens when I glance up at Tobias.

I’ve dated many guys, but none were as intense as Tobias. He is older than me too. Refined

and aristocratic. It feels like we come from two entirely different worlds. I’m dirt poor, but

Tobias? He strikes me as the type born with a silver spoon in his hand.

I swallow thickly. “Will there really be paparazzi trying to take my picture?”

His eyes land on mine. “They mainly focus on celebrities, but they might try to take pictures

for the first few weeks since we are newlyweds.”

I sigh in defeat. “Perfect…”

To my surprise, Tobias chuckles. “Don’t worry. You will be able to attend college like usual,

but I will assign you a bodyguard.”

My eyes widen. “WHAT?!”