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A Gamma's Revenge by Ylyanah

Chapter 353
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Chapter 353 A Picture Mateja's p.o.V.

Finished I'll be damned, the picture was genuine. This is so creepy, we could be twins if it weren't forbeing a Mountain Lion and a lot older.

"Does she know?" I ask Amir, even though I have an idea that she is as oblivious as I had been.

"No, no one does. I thought it was better if they saw for themselves, I want them to see you before we tell "No, no one does I thought it was be them your connection to Lucas and what his what his plan was for you." Amir tells me, while the SUV pulls to a stop in front of the Palace.

There are many people out there of the King's Army.

waiting f s; two of them wear the suniform as Amir, Commanders A male who is standing behind Giselle has his eyes locked with mine and they seem to be pulling on the memories I can no longer access. He seems familiar and yet he is a complete stranger to me.

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My eyes get pulled away from the male when a hand is placed on my arm and Amir gently pullsout of the SUV, almost encouragingto take my first step towards answers. Echo forcesto follow Amir out of the vehicle and my eyes wander back to the male.

As I step away from the SUV and the male starts walking down the steps, a look of pure shock on his face as he softly whispers, "Mateja?" in a questioning voice.

"Your Majesty, it is best if we discuss this in the privacy of your private floor." Amir says as he places his hand on my lower back and instinctively I take a step closer to Amir's side.

-Everyone follows the King into the Palace, but Giselle keeps looking atwith almost visible question marks in her eyes. Prince Casimir finally gets her to move and Amir pushesgently to follow them.

Everyone stares atthe moment the door closes behind us and Amir guidesto a two-seater near the window. He sits down next toand I feel relieved that I don't have to do this alone.

"Before anyone starts asking questions, there is something you should know. Mateja can't remember anything from the first year of her life, Clover says that she was probably administered a poison to make her forget certain things." Amir explains, before he turns to the familiar, yet unknown male.

"Gianni, you seem to know Mateja. Can you tell us how you know her?" Amir asks him and I am glad that I have a nto go with the face.

"My Cousin is her Father, we never found out where Charlotte took her." Gianni answers and now I am confused. "Your Mother." Gianni clarifies.

My head becomes fuzzy, my vision gets blurred and I struggle to breathe. This is a bit much to take in at once and I fear that I am going to shut down again, but then I feel two hands cup my face.

"Mateja, listen to my voice. Breath in and out." I hear Amir say. “That's it, in and out. In and out.” I feel myself calm down and I almost laugh out loud when I see Echo sitting in the back of my mind with her eyes closed, following Amir's instructions. It is enough to getback to the present and I smile at Amir before my attention goes back to the others in the room.

I see Pedro grab a tablet from his computer bag and after a few clicks he holds it in front of Gianni, who etorte nodding his head "That is Charlotte" 1/2 Mar Chapter 353 A Picture 75% Finished "Are you sure, Gianni? Because all our research has revealed that her nis Dawn." Amir asks and Pedro quickly explains what they found out about Lucas' Mother.

"Hold on, you are his Half-sister?" Gianni asks. “Why didn't Liam ever tell us that he found you?" I don't know who Liam is, but I would like to know how he should have known aboutor why he should have told Gianni about my whereabouts.

"Gianni, how does your family feel about other Shifters? And I am not talking about Wolves or Lycans." Amir asks and I look at Gianni to see how he feels about the subject.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

"Not everyone was too happy with a Mountain Lion in the family, I would never shun a family member for om being another type of Shifter. My Mour Uncle is a Mountain Lion; he was welcomed into our family with open arms. Even though I know sfamily members wish my Grandparents hadn't accepted him." Gianni says.

"Then you just answered your own question, Liam didn't tell you because he disagreed with your Grandparents. I think he knows that Mateja is a Mountain Lion and like Giselle, she is one of a kind." Amir replies. Everyone stares at me, except for a young male who is standing behind King Damon.

"Can I see your Mountain Lion?" He asks while he walks towards me. "I have always wanted to see another type of Shifter, but according to Dad they tend to stay away from Wolves and Lycans." I smile up at him when he stops in front ofand Echo really wantsto show him what she looks like.

"Sure, just givea second." I say before I walk into the hallway to take off my clothes and Echo takes over our body.

She slowly walks into the living room towards the young male, he lets his hand run through Echog fur and she purrs when he starts scratching behind her ear. She sits down in front of him, just enjoying the attention he is giving her. "Okay, Forrest. Why don't we let Echo shift back? I believe there are still enough questions we need to answer." Amir says and after Forrest has hugged Echo, he walks back to King Damon.

Gianni gets up from the couch with his phone in his hand and kneels down in front of Echo, "I would like to take a picture and send it to your Father. Is that okay?" He asks and Echo nods her head.

My Father is still alive, but I have no memories of him. I hope Clover antidote isn't the only way to get my memories back, or it might take a long tbefore I will remember anything about my Father.

I have just put on my clothes again when I hear a phone ringing and Gianni looks atwith a smile on his face, before he answers the call.
