Chapter 87
“You're going to figure it out, don’t worry about it. Just go with the flow and make sure you enjoy yourself while
you're at it. And be careful too, the Alpha is a good person. He's just too unpredictable and mysterion. | don’t
want you to get hurt.” She whispered toand | nodded my head in understanding.
“I understand. Thank you. | really appreciate your care and concern.”
We pulled out of the hug and began cooking again, and this tthe awkwardness was completely gone and |
was more relaxed and at case being in my friends presence.
“The Solace is tonight and I'm so excited for it.” Christie finally said and | turned to look at her.
“Really? Are you guys usually allowed to go?” | asked with a hint of excitement in my tone that I couldn't bother
to hide.
“No not really, but we get to watch the fireworks from the garden and the pack members usually bring a lot of
goodies to the mansion. Plus, the Alpha is usually nowhere to be found so it gives us enough room to be as free
as a bird. We can stay up as late as we want and we just have like a mini celebration amongst ourselves.”
“The Alpha invitedto the Solace | blurted out suddenly.
| didn’t know why I did but it just cout of mouth without control of any sort. Christies face broke into a grin
at my revelation and then she was poking my sides in glee.
Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt
Goddess! That's insane, I'm so excited for you. Make sure to have a lot of fun and sneak in sgoodies for me.
The maid said excitedly.
| wasn’t sure the sort of reaction | had been expecting from Freya but her current one madebreak into a grin
and | laughed out loud at her last sentence.
“You greedy little bastard. | thought you are going to get lots of goodies sent to the house.”
“Well yes, but you know what they say. Stolen food always tastes better.” She said and we both began laughing
“Alright, alright. Because you're an amazing friend, I'm going to try and sneak in as much goodies as | can for
you.” | responded.
“You're so kind ma. Thank you so much.” She replied tically and | wheezed with laughter.
“Where's Jessy? | haven't seen her all day.” Christie commented,
“Yeah well she has been bothering everyone with her new bunny and | think | need to check up on her.” | said,
turning around to exit the kitchen.
The moment | left the kitchen the sound of my child's laughter reached my ears and | smiled in reaction. The
moment | walked into the living area where her laughter seemed to be coming from, | bummed into the head
“I'm so sorry.” | said to her and she only laughed in reaction.
“It's alright, I've been looking for you anyway so I'm glad you cto me.” She said teasingly.
“Oh is there a problem?” | asked but she was already shaking her head before | could even complete my
sentence. No, no. Not at all. The Alpha just sentto you with a message. He says to start getting ready and
that he'll be ready to
09.41 Mon, Jan 27
Chapter 87
leave soon” She delivered and | nodded my head.
“Thank you.” | said, giving her a small smile which she returned before walking away.
“Con Jessy, I'm sure Naomi thinks your bunny is pretty” | said, throwing an apologetic smile at the maid.
“Mommy!” My daughter bounced in my direction and I laughed as | caught her just before she could knock me
“You look excited.” | said to my daughter as we began heading in the direction of the quarters.
“I am.” She responded and | smiled.
Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm
“Freya.” Zoe called, just before | could go into the quarters and stopped to address the black eyed girl.
“Can | ask you a question?” She said and | furrowed my brows in confusion.
“Of course.”
“Well, it’s just that the Alpha has never left the house with any of us before so I'm just wondering where you
guys could be going. Are you sick?” She asked.
“Oh no, I'm just going to the Solace with him.” | said, trying to sound as nonchalant as | could. The maids eyes
widened at my words.
“You're going to the Solace with the Alpha?”
“Yes.” | responded. The head maids face broke into a wide grin.
“Wow! I'm so jealous and excited for you at the stime.” She said playfully, laughing and I laughed along
with her.
e sure
-Well make
to have fun and steal a lot of goodies for me.” She said and | laughed even more.
“Christie said the sthing what is wrong with you people?” | said to her and the maid laughed even harder.