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And Then There Were Four (Lilith Carrie)

Chapter 161
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Chapter 161: Seeking Help


The last few days I had spent with Trixie had been amaz- ing. I had marked her as my mate. Right now,

I lay on the bed watching her walk around my room with her hair hanging down in ringlets over her

shoulders in nothing but a see- through black robe. All I wanted to do was take her again.

She was beautiful and smart, and to think I thought ill of her made me disgusted with myself. How

could I have ever thought that way about my mate when fate destined her to be with me?

Regardless of what species she was.

Pushing aside the guilt that had formed over my initial behavior towards Trixie, I relished the sweet

moments I had with her now. It had only been a few days since we mated, and the entire time we spent

wrapped in each other's arms, learning more and more about each other with every waking moment.

She was strong, and I had no doubt now when the time came for me to return home, she would make a

fierce and amazing Luna to my pack.

"Pollux, I'm starving. Maybe we should go get some food." She looked over her shoulder at me from

where she had been looking in the mirror, absorbing the mark I left upon her shoulder.

One thing about this woman that constantly amused me was her love for food. She loved to indulge

herself, and look. ing at her, you would never think that considering she had to have been barely one-

hundred and twenty pounds soaking wet.

"Food?" I hummed to myself as a smile spread across my face. "All I need is you to eat, and I'm a

satisfied man."

The comment was true but also meant to make her laugh -which it did.

"Is that right?" she purred as she turned to make her way toward me seductively, making my cock jump

at attention. “I' m pretty sure I would be down for some more fun."

Before I could land my lips on her, a banging at my bed- room door made us both jump. It was late in

the evening, and the last thing either of us was expecting was company. Our only agenda was the

pleasure we took in each other.

So for someone to be here, it was either important or someone fucking with us.

Hopefully, it wasn't the latter otherwise, I wouldn't be able to control my anger at someone interrupting

my moment with my mate.

"What the fuck..." I groaned, rolling my eyes as I slid from the bed and quickly threw on a pair of gray

sweatpants. "This better be fucking good."

Trixie laughed at the interruption as I watched her plop onto the bed. Her hand on her chin as she lay

on her stomach with her feet kicking in the air. "Stop being grouchy. It may be important.”

"I'm not being grouchy-" The moment that I opened the door, Cassie bounded in, looking out of breath

and panicked. Her eyes scanned the room between me and Trixie as her mouth opened and closed.

"Oh, shit, I'm sorry."

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"Cassie," Trixie replied, quickly getting off the bed, "what's wrong? What happened?"

Cassie's hands fidgeted as her eyes brimmed with tears. “I don't know what I'm doing..."

Confused about why my sister was acting this way, closed the door and strode towards where my

concerned mate stood with her. Only once had I seen my sister this pan- icked before, and that was the

night Melissa had died. The night I saw her come out of the woods with Lucas.

It was something I would never be able to forget. At the end of the day, she was my sister, and despite

our issues, I'd kill someone if they hurt her.

"Cassie, I need you to take a deep breath and tell me what happened," I said calmly, trying to make

sure I didn't lose my patience. The first week of mating was always the most testosterone-driven, and

male wolves- especially Alphas were very territorial during this time.


Even towards those who were family, and right now, with my mate touching her, my beast was going


"I saw Lucas in the woods near the edge of town, and he was acting all weird. Like he was talking to

himself, and then when he saw I was there-well, he just wasn't himself. Some- thing is going to happen,

Pollux. I can feel it."


She rambled on frantically as she looked between Trixie and me. The moment my mate's eyes met

mine with concern, I knew I was going to have to do something. She wasn't going to let me brush this

off and part of me hated that she and Cassie were close. It did make for interesting conversation but

also harsh realizations that my mate would do anything for my sister, even if I didn't like it.

With a heavy sigh, I pinched the bridge of my nose, trying to focus on the situation at hand and not on

the hormonal shit running through my head. "Cassie, why were you near the woods at the edge of


Cassie quickly shut her mouth as she looked at me hesi- tantly. I knew she wasn't going to give me a

direct answer.

"Taking a walk."

The comment was quick, and my sister-who couldn't lie to save her life - was trying to avoid my

question at all cost. "Cassie-"

"It doesn't matter why I was there. Did you hear what I said? Lucas is not himself."

Snapping, I glared at my sister with irritation. "Lucas hasn' t been himself in a fucking while, Cassie."

"I know this," she replied, shaking her head. "But I'm telling you now, it's getting worse. We have to do


I couldn't understand why my sister couldn't get it through her head that Lucas had made his choice.

There was nothing to be done about the situation. He may have seemed normal to her at first, but the

moment he got here, he changed. He allowed his powers, his beast, to take over him,


and in doing so, became the arrogant asshole he was always meant to be.

I had no sympathy for Lucas, and unfortunately, my sister was blinded by the idea of her mate being

uncontrollable to see that. I highly doubted anything was wrong with him. The only thing wrong was my

sister couldn't let go of a mate who didn't want her.

"I don't know what you expect me to do, Cassie."

"What to do?" She shook her head in disbelief. "How about helping me save one of our pack members,

my mate, Pollux? While I've been out there trying to find some reasoning be- hind what is going on with

him and what is going on with some of the others, you're in here with Trixie fucking around, and I need

both of your help."

A growl escaped my throat as I clenched my fist at my side. She was being disrespectful, not just to

me, but to my mate, and that was something I wouldn't tolerate no matter who she was. "You will watch

how you speak to us.”

Standing there with hesitation, her lips parted. She gave me a disgusted look before turning away from

me. "You act like you're in control, Pollux, but the reason why you're here is because you couldn't be

the leader or pack needed."

Without thinking, I grabbed her arm, spinning her around to face me. A snarl escaped me as my

canines lengthened. How dare my sister speak to me like this? After everything I've tried to do for her

over the years, this is how she would treat me in front of my mate.

"Just because your fucking mate didn't want you doesn't mean you can be disrespectful to mine.

Perhaps you should start accepting what is given to you, and then you wouldn't lose everything around


"Pollux!" Trixie yelled, causing me to glance at her. An an- gry scowl marred her beautiful face, and

seeing it, I realized quickly perhaps I had gone too far.

I didn't understand my sister's reluctance to tell us what she had been doing. Instead of her coming

here and telling us exactly what happened, she made a mess of things like she al- ways did, and now

my mate wasn't happy with me.

"I'm sorry," I gritted out as I rolled my eyes. "Let's start from the top."

There was a smile on Trixie's face as I adjusted my behav- ior towards my sister. She was definitely a

peace, love, and dream kind of girl, and while that would be great for the fu- ture of my pack, I was

going to have to educate her on how things worked in our world.

"Ignore him, Cassie," Trixie said as she caught my sister's attention. "You said you saw him in the

woods, and he ap- proached you. He didn't hurt you, did he?"

Shaking her head she replied with a no. "He wouldn't hurt me."

I couldn't help the scoff that left my lips at her words. "Don't say that... you never know what he could

be capable of."

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"He wouldn't, Pollux. He's my mate!" she shouted in frus- tration, "he is just... confused."

Going to open my mouth, Trixie gave me a wide-eyed look as if to tell me to shut the fuck up. The

entire situation was frustrating, and as I stood there trying to understand what to say or do, Cassie

frowned and moved toward the door.

"Cassie, where are you going? Please don't go."

Hesitating, she stopped at the door and glanced over her shoulder at us. “No, I think it's best that I go.

I'm sorry I inter- rupted your evening. I think I'm just going to get some sleep. Maybe I'm just tired and

overthinking things."

Not giving Trixie or me a chance to say anything, she was out the door in a hurry and quickly closed it

behind her. There was definitely something going on, and multiple questions ran through my mind.

One, why was my sister near the edge of town?

Two, what happened with Lucas that put her in such a state as she was?

Turning to Trixie, her eyes stared after where my sister had been as if she was just as lost as Cassie

had been when she arrived at my room. There was still a lot I didn't know about my mate and the type

of creature she was, but some- thing I did know was Trixie could sense things even I as an Al- pha


"What is it?" I whispered as I came up behind her, wrap- ping my arms around her waist. A soft sigh

escaped her as she leaned back against me.

“Pollux, your sister has a point. Something is going on, and we have to do something about it—"

"No," I snapped before pulling away from her. "There is nothing to be done."

Trixie didn't hesitate to whip around and glare at me with her arms crossed over her chest. The last

thing I wanted was for my mate to be upset at me, but I wasn't going to cause an issue when there

wasn't one.

"We can't just let her go about this on her own. She could end up getting hurt."

Laughter escaped my lips as I ran a hand through my hair. "I don't think Cassie will get hurt. It's more

likely she will end up hurting someone else. My sister is reckless and always has been, and now she

won't accept the fact that Lucas-the man who was supposed to be her mate- doesn't want her. But I

mean, I can't blame the guy after how she treated him."

"Pollux, you're being unreasonable. Not everyone's rela- tionship starts the same. Look at us... you

didn't even want me when you found out I was your mate, and you can't deny that."

The hurt in her eyes was something I didn't want to see. She was right, and I hated that she was. It still

didn't stop me from thinking this whole thing with my sister was ridiculous. "Fine... I'll go talk to her in

the morning.”

Trixie smiled brightly once more, and as she moved, she wrapped her arms around my neck to place a

kiss on my lips. I wondered what our future would be like. This woman already had me wrapped around

her finger, and our relationship had only just begun.