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BENEATH HER DARKNESS: The Alpha's Little Demon by Cassandra M

Chapter 141
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BENEATH HER DARKNESS: The Alpha’s Little Demon Chapter 141

141 – Two Alphas BLADE. Five hours after I arrived at the Mystic Pack territory, I was already gearing up for a counterattack to

save my pack.I wanted to focus on it and avenge my brother, but I couldn’t.

Althea kept seeping inside my head, which she had been doing since I met her.

Before heading to the warrior’s building, I saw piles of photos on one of the tables inside Stone’s office.

Out of curiosity, I went and checked on it, only to see photos from Aiden’s blessing ceremony a month


They were many, but my eyes only focused on the ones that had Althea in them.

She colored her hair a bit brighter than the regular dark plum that she had, but she was still beautiful as

always.Her face was full of life.

She was smiling, and there were no traces of misery in her eyes.

Unlike me.

Before today, I had spent the last five months trying to find myself.

I was lost more than ever.I ran away from my pack because losing Sol was too much for my heart to


She was not even my Luna yet when her life was cut short.I couldn’t understand why she was taken

when we hadn’t spent much time together yet.I loved Sol with all my heart, and I knew no one could

replace her.

Until Althea arrived.

I wanted Althea, but my head couldn’t accept that I had to let go of Sol so I could welcome her fully into

my life.

Thad no idea what the Goddess was up to when she created two mates for me.

Was this a test I was supposed to pass? Was this something to prove how much I loved Sol? What

about Althea? Why was she wasting a young female’s life on me? I couldn’t understand it.

And I was not sure if anyone would understand the turmoil within me.I wondered what Adan would feel

if he lost Lucy and all of a sudden another female came along and took his attention.I was sure he

would be more broken than ever.

Because that was what I was feeling now.


And guilty for something I had no control over.

I couldn’t accept the fact that Althea was slowly taking Sol’s place in my heart.I was sure Sol could see

that wherever she is now, and I wondered if she was suffering when she realized my heart was not all

hers anymore.I wanted Althea.

But I was not sure what to do at this point.I was too old for her, too broken, and [ didn’t think she would

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

be fine with that.

She deserved a man whose life was not tainted with anger and misery.She was too bright and lively for

the darkness I carried within me.She deserved a man who was more than just a fragment of what I was

before I was broken.

“Alpha, are you ready?”

A warrior’s voice that was standing by the open door snapped me out of my thoughts, and I

immediately nodded my head while I shoved any thoughts of Althea to the back of my mind.

Stone might have ordered him to fetch me in the room they assigned for me.

I stood up and slipped the torn photo of Althea that I took from Stone’s office into my duffel bag.

I wanted to carry her picture with me, but I might need to let my wolf out, and I didn’t want to lose that

one as I might not get a chance to grab another.

I threw the duffel bag on the floor beside my bed before I followed the warrior out.

Outside the warrior’s building were many warriors, all geared up for an attack.

Stone was already present, and standing beside him were his Luna and his Beta.

I let my eyes roam around the ground and realized there were no cars.

Are we running into my territory? That would take more than two hours by paw, and by the time we

reached it, the warriors had lost some of their energy.

My eyes shifted from the ground to Stone, who was holding Lucy’s hand as he conversed with her and

his Beta.

“Are we running? I don’t think that’s a good idea.” I asked, not minding if I was cutting into their



A smug grin crossed his face.

“Lucy will transport the warriors there so we can take the men on the borders by surprise.”

We had already discussed the attack, but we had not gone into specifics about how we would reach all


I assumed we would take cars and then run by paw a few kilometers away from the borders.

So this was a surprise.

But seeing how confident Stone was, I just shrugged my shoulders.

I just wanted to get there and kill them all, if I could.

But as Lucy wanted, I had to let them live if they didn’t attack us.

Except for Ethan.He was mine to crush.

“I’m ready whenever you are,”

I stated as I descended the steps and approached the warrior formation in front of the building.

Like a rehearsed show, they all bowed their heads at me at the same time, and it made my chest puff


I hadn’t felt respected in along time, and although I was okay with being alone on my own, I couldn’t

deny the pride that rose from my chest at the simple gesture Stone’s warrior gave me.

I halted in my steps and shifted my gaze in between all of them before I returned their act with a bow of

my head and turned my body around to face Stone and Lucy.

Collin stepped down from the steps as well and made his way beside me while his mate moved to the

side and stood beside Gamma Kingston and his female.

All attention was now on Stone and his Luna, as silence befell the whole grounds.


I squeezed Lucy’s hand before I let it go and took a step forward.I began to roam my gaze around the

warriors in front of me.

The moment the grounds fell into complete silence, I began my battle speech.

“It’s been a long time since we interfered and helped another pack.But we will take this as an honor to

defend a brother and his people in need.Tonight, at one and a half in the morning, we will all head to

Silver Crest Pack territory.You are here because we know the strength you hold in combat fighting and

the loyalty you hold in your heart.I want all of us to go home in one piece, just as I want all of you to

spare the lives of warriors that are willing to submit to me or the rightful Alpha of the Silver Crest Pack,

Alpha Blade.We will go into battle to save Blade’s territory and his people from a devious Alpha, but

you, my warriors, will always be my priority, and I want you to instill that in your hearts.The men

standing beside you, behind you, in front of you, and all around you, are your brothers, your comrades,

and your family.I want you to watch out for one another.I want all of us to come home to our families

and our pack.No one should be left behind.”

I took a deep breath before I continued.

“Am I clear, men?”

“Yes, Alpha! We will fight with pride and honor! We will fight to protect our brothers!”

They responded before they began chanting.

“Hail, Alpha Stone! Hail, Alpha Blade!”

They all chanted in unison, repeating our names over and over again, raising the momentum, until I

raised my hand to quiet them down.

“We have a few more minutes to go.I assumed you are all grouped according to the borders to which

your Luna will transport you.”

Lucy could transport people without touching them or joining them.

Lucius was generous enough to show her how to do it.

And to be honest, I didn’t think of using that ability until she suggested it while I was gearing up and

preparing myself for the attack.

It would be easier than driving and running by paw to their border.

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So just an hour ago, I took her with me, and we made a quick come- and-go appearance at every

border where she needed to transport our warriors.

On the other hand, I would take Blade and Collin with me directly to the plaza, where we knew Dalton

was tied up and due for execution by sunrise.

“Yes, Alpha.They are lined up according to the borders assigned to them.” Collin answered.

I reached out my hand, and Lucy took it as she came closer to me, tilting her body to the side so she

was facing me.

“Be careful.”

I cupped her face and let my thumb rub against the soft skin of her cheek.

“I will be because I know you and Aiden are waiting home for me.”

Her eyes welled up with tears, but she blinked them back before she flashed me a warm smile.I tipped

my head down and kissed her lips for a few seconds before letting her go.

“My mind is open for you, but you know the drill.”

“No communication until it’s a matter of life and death.” She replied in one breath.

“Right.And the walls?” I added.

“Put my walls up until it’s a matter of life and death.”

I knew she would be worried, and the last thing I wanted was to feel her anxiety, as that would worry

me as well.

And I could lose my focus.

I never doubted Lucy could take care of herself or even the whole pack, but if I felt her anxiety, I might

mistake it for danger, and the last thing I wanted was to abort myself from the battle to see her.

“Good girl.”

I smiled and wrapped my arms around her for a quick hug as my warriors watched us.

This was something I never imagined myself doing before — showing affection in front of the crowd —

but with Lucy, it felt so natural.

I let go of her, but instead of going down the steps to stand beside Blade and Collin, I swung my body

around to face her before I dropped onto one knee and kneeled before her, bowing my head down as I


“Bless me and my warriors, my Luna.”

She inhaled deeply as the beating of her heart became louder until I felt her hand on the top of my


“My love and blessings will be with you and your warriors.Come home safely for us, and for the whole


Her hands cupped my cheeks and tilted my head up, making our eyes lock before she leaned her face

down and kissed my forehead.

“I love you, my Alpha.”