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BENEATH HER DARKNESS: The Alpha's Little Demon by Cassandra M

Chapter 170
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BRAVING THE DARKNESS: One Night With The Demon King

BENEATH HER DARKNESS: The Alpha’s Little Demon Book 2

Chapter 18 – Black Coin


Title of the document

I was worried about where my brother was. After I spoke with Patrea, I told Adan I would visit Lucius in

Kalmerus, and Adan being Adan, he didn’t let me go alone.

It was easier to travel back and forth to the underworld now that Adan had requested a portal just

behind the packhouse that would lead us directly to the outside of the tower. Lucius didn’t even hesitate

to provide the portal. His only condition was to make sure Luther, my son, would be introduced to

Kalmerus as early as possible.

Unfortunately, Lucius was not in Kalmerus, and his righthand demon had no idea where he went, but

he said Lucius had been popping in and out of Kalmerus in the last two cycles.

“He’s here,” Adan told me while nuzzling his nose into my neck.

I was sitting on his lap at his office while I waited for him to finish signing the papers that he wanted to

send to Blade’s pack by tomorrow.

Adan never wanted to build alliances with any packs, as our pack thrived even without them. But Blade

was still struggling — not that he didn’t know how to be an Alpha, but after the death of his brother and

him taking over again, most of his constituents were still not warming up to him.

And knowing Blade, he was not one to bend his knees and bow down to anyone else either. So Adan

had to extend help to make sure no more of his people would request a transfer or move out into

human territory.

“What do you mean, he’s here?” I asked as I placed his hands on my thighs, and he began caressing

them sensually.

“Your brother. I can feel his aura.”

“How is it possible that you can and I can’t?” I asked again, tilting my head back and raising my

eyebrows as I caught his gaze.

“He was shutting off his aura to you. I guess he wanted me to know he’s here to let me know he’s

visiting Luther.”

“And you said earlier he was here yesterday too?”


I stood up from his lap and held his jaw before kissing him softly. “I’ll be back. I just need a word with


“Let me know if you need my help.” He smiled c*ockily at me while his hand slipped under my dress

and brushed against my thigh before going up to cup and squeeze my ass.

“Etiam, mi rex.” [Yes, my king.] I replied and smiled at him before transporting my body just outside of

Luther’s room.

I pushed the door open and found my son’s crib empty, but I wasn’t worried this time. I saw the Omega

who was supposed to keep an eye on Luther, sleeping in her bed, and I knew that Lucius must have

stunned her. Clotilde wouldn’t leave the room when Lucius asked her to, so he would always do this.

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Then he would make her forget he was even here when she woke up.

I closed the door behind me carefully and walked toward the open balcony. Lucius was sitting on the

stone railings, and I was sure Luther was on his lap as I could hear my son’s nonstop, incoherent


I stopped beside him, propped my elbows against the railings, and rested my chin on my hands,

cupping my cheeks. “Are you okay?”

“Yes.” He answered curtly without even looking at me.

“What happened?”

“She called you?”

“No. I called her to check on you, and she told me you left.”

“Was she angry?”

“No. She was upset that you still hadn’t come back.”

Lucius’ head tilted to look at me. His face was void of any emotions. I was trying to read his eyes, but

he was good at camouflaging them as well. “She wants me back?”

“She wants to talk to you. She told me if you want to back out of the contract, you don’t need to act

angry and just let her know.”

“Does she want to end the contract?”

I turned my body around and leaned on the railings

before crossing my arms across my chest while my eyes focused on the bedroom in front of me. “Why

did you leave? And why did you set fire to Bernard’s lawn?”

“He seemed not to care that I told him I was Patrea’s boyfriend. And I didn’t like that she was

entertaining him as if I weren’t there.”

“I’m not sure if you know the term exclusive, but was it part of your deal that she would be exclusive

just to you?”

“What do you mean?”

“I know you’re lusting over Patrea, thus, you made that deal. But did you make it clear to her that you

liked her? That you want her to be your girlfriend for real?”

“I didn’t say I wanted her to be my girlfriend.”

I turned around and scowled at him. “So why the f*uck are you upset if he was entertaining another

guy? And from what Patrea told me, she just accepted the fruits he gave her. She didn’t even invite him

into the house.”

“I don’t need to explain myself to you.” He hissed. “Of course, you don’t! But you need to explain and

make things clear with her!” My voice went slightly higher.

“Can you f*ucking calm down! You’re startling Luther.”

“Give me my son.”

“No. Unless you calm down, you’re not touching him.”

I couldn’t help but laugh this time. “Oh, Goddess! Lucius, that’s my son. Not yours, go make your own

with Patrea.”

“She doesn’t want me.”

“Who says that?” I huffed and was frustrated with him.

“She said I’m a demon, and I will always be a demon.”

“Does it hurt?” I asked, even though I knew the answer already. “I’m sure she just said that because

she was upset. And I’m sure you threw in some words at her too.”

“I don’t know what to do, Lucija.”

“Go to her and tell her what bothers you. If Bernard bothers you, then tell her that and ask if she could

stay away from him while you’re there. Like exclusive dating for three weeks. But I’m sure she has no

plans to entertain him. She never liked him. Patrea was just being nice.”

“I almost killed Bernard, and I killed two demons for no reason.”

“You’d been killing demons for no reason, so why does it bother you now?”

“I don’t know.”

“Because Patrea will mind.”


“Because of Patrea. You don’t want her to be upset

if she finds out you killed two demons because you’ re upset with her.”

“She never liked demons.”

“But it doesn’t mean she wants them all dead. She doesn’t like demons, and yet she’s waiting for you to

come back.”

“Here, take your son. He’s getting heavier.” He handed me Luther, who was smiling at me, eyes

twinkling as he grabbed my hair and began playing with it.

“Are you going to see Patrea?” I asked as I clutched my son against my chest.

“I don’t know.”

“Lucius, if you want to end the contract and not see her again, then tell her. Don’t make her guess if

you will return or not.”

“I didn’t say I didn’t want to see her again.”

“Then go and talk to her. I didn’t know a king could be as cowardly as you when it comes to females.” I

chuckled but smiled warmly at him after.

“Am I a disappointment to our species?” He asked, giving me a sheepish smile that if I didn’t know him

as a demon, I would think he was an ordinary male having confusion with his decisions.

“No. I’m sure you’re one of the best, if not the best Kalmerus ever had. So go fix that one with Patrea,

so you can focus on your kingdom again and let Dorion have some day off.”

“Yes, Luna Lucy.” He flashed me an arrogant smirk before nodding his head and disappearing.

I let out a deep breath and hoped he would fix this and not make a bigger problem. I turned around to

enter Luther’s nursery, and at the same moment, Cordelia stirred from her sleep and opened her eyes.


I let my body be transported back to Patrea’s room even though I had no idea what to tell her.

I stood by the door while she was on the other side, facing away from me. I couldn’t help but swallow

hard at her choice of nightgown for tonight. She had a sheer white baby doll nightie that was just up to

her ass, with matching sheer panties.

I was sure if she turned around, I would see her breasts and p*ussy. Did she wear this on purpose,

hoping I would come back, or was she celebrating that I wasn’t here and decided to put on her s*exiest


All doubts about whether she wanted me back flew out the window when I felt a connection snap within

me. She rubbed the coin once. It meant she missed me.

A smile tugged on my mouth as I remained on my spot, not moving at all, not even breathing.

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I heard her let out a sigh before I felt another connection. This time, she rubbed the black coin three

times. She was summoning me.

“Hello,” My greeting startled her, causing her to abruptly turn around, and my eyes immediately

lingered on her body, taking in the brown nipples and bare p*ussy that were visible through her lingerie.

“You heard my call.” She swallowed hard as she slowly placed the coin on the table behind her.

“I was already here watching you even before you rubbed the coin.”

“Oh…” She smiled, but her eyes were filled with uncertainty. “So, you came back even without me

summoning you?”

I nodded my head and crossed my arms across my chest. “I can’t seem to go away. But I’m glad you

tried to summon me as well.”

She leaned her hands on the table behind her, and it made her body arch a bit. She didn’t even try to

hide her almost-naked body, and I liked the idea she was doing this on purpose.

“Did you miss me?” I asked.

She shifted from her position and crossed her arms against her chest, and it made the tops of her

breasts push higher and her nighties inch up. “I’m scared the nightmare will come back. It has been a

good two nights with you, and last night was horrible. But I don’t know if I should summon you or not.”

“Why did you hesitate?”

“I don’t know if you want to be here after what happened. Are you still mad at me? I know I went

overboard with the things I said.”

“Are you scared of me and what I did?”

“No. That’s the problem. I should be, right? After what happened with me and your father, I should be

scared of having another demon around me. But for some reason, I’m not scared of being around you.

It’s like something is wrong with me. Maybe my head got destroyed when I got stuck in your world.”

“I don’t want you to be terrified of me. What you saw — that’s a part of me I don’t think I’ll be able to

stop. But I would never hurt you.”

“That’s the weird thing. Standing there in front of you, with all the fire around you and anger burning in

your eyes, I wasn’t scared. I knew you could burn me and burn the whole house, but somehow I was

thinking you wouldn’t.”

“I will never hurt you,” I repeated, more firmly this time.

“But you’re willing to hurt the people around me. That one I can’t seem to understand. So if you want to

talk about it, let’s talk. Like adults.”

“I don’t like Bernard.”

“I’m sure you don’t. I don’t like him too.”

“And yet you allowed him to visit you at the library, but I was not given the same privilege. You asked

me to do something else while you didn’t even think twice about saying yes to him.” There, I f*ucking

said it.

“Are you jealous of him?” She asked almost immediately, but within seconds, she was already waving

her hands. “Forget about that question.”

“I don’t know what jealousy is, especially when it comes to women. I only know of envy, and I was sure

it was not envy of who he was that I was feeling.”

“Yeah. Of course. He’s just a human compared to a king, why would you envy him?”

“I don’t like him around you. I don’t like when you smile at him or laugh at his antics.”

“You can’t stop me from interacting with people. I missed having humans around me.”

“I know. Maybe I just don’t like the attention you were giving him.”

“But it was nothing compared to the attention I was giving you…”