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BENEATH HER DARKNESS: The Alpha's Little Demon by Cassandra M

Chapter 19
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019 – Where’s My Punishment?


If training was hard, pretending training

was hard was harder.

Laira mixed me with five other females

who had just recently shifted in the last four months, and most of them were still awkward with the

training task. And

since I had ‘no’ experience at all with training, I had to be more awkward than them. Pretending to pant

after running some laps was hard because I wasn’t even sweating while the other females were already

red in their faces.

But I survived. Whining in training was

never my forte, but somehow I learned

how to do it today – great job to the

females who would rather ask me how

Alpha Stone rolls in the bed rather than

019- Where’s My Punishment?

run the laps.

And because I was a nice little Omega, I

just smiled and fluttered my lashes at them, pretending I was too shy to share my bed escapades with

the Alpha when in reality I had nothing to share.

Partly my fault, because I decided to wash myself first, making the Alpha realize

hunger was more important than getting

his cock inside me. No, I wasn’t

frustrated. I still have tonight, and I was

looking forward to my punishment.

But time was dragging so slowly.

I thought by lunchtime, the Alpha would come and see me, and maybe eat lunch with me, but then he

didn’t. It just made

me realize I was not his real girlfriend,

and I was just merely here as a display to

save his ego.

It was already three in the afternoon

019 Where’s My Punishment?

when Laira decided to call it a day, and I

was more than thankful. I miss Alpha

Stone already.

I was already on my way to the locker

room when two males blocked my way.

“Stephen,” The guy with black hair and a nose ring extended his hand.

I accepted and shook his hand, pulling my hand immediately before stating my

name. “Lucy.”

“This is my buddy, Mark.” He introduced the man beside him, who just threw a wave of his hand at me.

“Are you new here? I haven’t seen you around.”

“Yes, I just got here last night.”

“No wonder. Otherwise, I won’t miss

noticing you.”

I smiled at him, about to tell him that I was the Alpha’s girlfriend to shut him

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019-Where’s My Punishment?

off. But before I could do that, someone

cleared his throat so loudly that it caught

all our attention. And if I was not

mistaken, it came from the Alpha who just told me not to flirt with anyone.

Our heads snapped in the direction of the sound and my gaze fell on Alpha Stone with a really dark

expression on his face. It was darker than the one he had when he punished Cesar at the Feast.

“Alpha Stone,” Stephen and his friend, Mark, acknowledged the Alpha, and I just stayed there looking at

him, thinking of ways to defend myself just in case he began scolding me in front of his men.

“The male locker is on the other side. What the fuck are you two doing here?”

He asked them.

Stephen scratched his head and smiled sheepishly as he threw a glance at me, and I restrained myself

from glaring at

019 Where’s My Punishment?

him. What’s that glance supposed to


“I just thought I could talk with Lucy for

a while…”

“Lucy…” Alpha Stone cleared his throat, with his forehead still creasing, and I could see the Beta behind

him struggling

to keep a poker face. “You mean my


The color drained from Stephen’s face as

he raised his hands in the air before stepping backward, followed by his friend. “My apologies, Alpha. I

had no idea. Sorry for bothering you, Lady Lucy.”

They both tipped their heads down before running away to the other side of the training hall. My gaze

followed them for a while before I returned my gaze to the Alpha. Beta Collin was nowhere beside him.

He was already walking toward

where Laira was.

019 Where’s My Punishment?

“It’s not even a day since I told you…”

“Hold there…” I pointed a finger at him, my eyes glaring. “I didn’t do anything wrong.” I dropped my hand

and let out a sigh, and he was just looking at me. My eyes ran along his body. He had no shirt on and

sweat was trickling down his arms. “I was about to tell him I’m your girlfriend when you walked in and


the show.”

“So now it’s my fault because I came


“No. I’m just saying, he blocked my way, when I really wanted to take a shower. We weren’t even talking

for three minutes


“Are you disappointed I cut off your


“Oh, Goddess, Alpha. Are you even listening?” I hissed, trying to control my

019- Where’s My Punishment?


His eyes squinted, and I knew if I stayed one more minute we might end up bickering more and I might

forget I was just an Omega.

“Can I go and shower now? I didn’t do

anything wrong…” I let out a sigh, my shoulders dropping.

“Go. Shower fast.”

“Yes, sir. And you look like you need a shower too?” I told him as I turned

around. “Care to join me?” a

I giggled before turning my head back to

look at him, and I saw his eyes were dilating. I smiled at him and placed my hands over my mouth. “I was

just kidding, Alpha… Bye!”

I didn’t wait for him to reply as I rushed inside the locker room. I knew I just kept rubbing the Alpha in the

wrong way, and

019- Where’s My Punishment?

soon I would have to pay for it.

Well, game on! I opened the shower and drowned myself under the water while

thinking of the many ways I would be punished today. Hopefully, it didn’t include cutting off my thumb.



I couldn’t concentrate the whole day on all the paperwork that Collin and I needed to attend to. My mind

was flying somewhere, specifically to the training


I had no idea how many times I sent Laira a mindlink to ask how the Omega was. At one point, she told

me Lucy just seemed to be pretending to be weaker like the other females in training so as not to

intimidate them.

And I think Laira wasn’t lying. That

019-Where’s My Punishment?

Omega could run. Of course, Beast was faster, but she did run a length before we were able to catch

her, and when we did, I

couldn’t even remember her panting

from all the running she did.

But it was the least of my worries. Laira

informed me that she was getting along

well with the other females and that she

personally liked her. And it was enough to make my day. She would thrive here in

my pack.

I knew it was too early to tell, but it was a good start. But when I thought she would do well here, I didn’t

expect to see her in

conversation with Stephen and Mark,

certified playboys from my pack of

warriors, when I went to pick her up after

I was done with my own training session.

No, I was not jealous. I was just being territorial. Lucy is mine. I didn’t spend money to buy her just to

share her with

019- Where’s My Punishment?

everyone. It was simply like that.

Besides, an Alpha never shares his

female. Never.

“Yes, sir. And you look like you need a shower too?” She spoke as she turned around, slowly walking

towards the locker room. “Care to join me?”

Her question caught me off guard. What the fuck was this female playing at?

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Images of her naked under the shower, like the one I witnessed this morning, came rushing in, and if she

didn’t open her mouth to speak again, I would have jumped at the offer.

“I was just kidding, Alpha… Bye!” She was giggling as she ran off toward the locker room, and I just

found myself

shaking my head while trying to pacify my dick.

I walked my way to the other side of the

019- Where’s My Punishment?

hallway and headed for the shower room. I needed to stop the fire she had just

started inside of me.

And as much as I wanted to jerk myself

off in the shower, it was impossible with too many warriors around me. So I just contented myself by

reminding myself

that tonight, I would make sure she would pay for everything she was doing

to me.

I had already been waiting for her for ten

minutes before she finally decided to show herself up. She was wearing black jeans and a shirt bigger

than her frame that she tied up at the bottom, which just

showed off her perfect curves.

“Alpha Stone, what are you doing here? Did you wait for me?” She asked as she

sat beside me on the bench outside the

locker room. She sat too close, our skin

brushing, but it didn’t last long because

019 Where’s My Punishment?

she moved away in an instant.

“Yes, I’m taking you to the city.”

“Now?” She asked, her eyes rounding as

if I said some terrible things to her.

I nodded at the warriors who passed by

us and waited for them to disappear

before I answered her question.

“We’ll buy you some decent clothes.”

“Can’t it wait some other day?”

“Why? Did you plan anything today?” I asked her back as I stood up in front of her, slipping my hands

into my pocket. I was starting to get pissed off again. Was she making plans without asking for my


“Well, I thought I would get punished today. I mean, after the training.” She answered nonchalantly

without looking

at me. Her hands were clutching the edge

019- Where’s My Punishment?

of the bench as she swayed her feet.

I couldn’t stop myself from chuckling, and I was glad the place was already deserted. This female would

be the death

of me. “Do you want your punishment now?”

She swallowed before she met my eyes. Will you cut my thumb? Or any of my body parts?”


“Yes, I want to be punished now,” she replied, her eyes swirling with lust, and it just drove my own lust for

her to spiral