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BENEATH HER DARKNESS: The Alpha's Little Demon by Cassandra M

Chapter 195
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BRAVING THE DARKNESS: One Night With The Demon King

BENEATH HER DARKNESS: The Alpha’s Little Demon Book 2

Chapter 43 – Mind Connection


I gasped for air as my throat continued to bum, but it didn’t feel painful at all. In fact, the warmth in my

throat was soothing.

I let my hand trail down my neck as I softly moaned, only to realize that my whole body was burning.

My body jolted up, and I sat down. I was floating while the battle continued below me.

It took a while before everything registered as to where I was and what was happening. Earlier, I was

riding Angel, Lucy’s winged wolf. While Lucy was communicating with me about different ways I could

use my new power, something suddenly hit my back.

I knew Lucy had placed a protective spell around us, but it looked like the one who fired it used a

bigger power than Lucy had, so whatever she used was not enough.

Everything happened so fast. Angel’s wings were also hit by fire, and we came crashing down. I tried to

put a spell on to protect us from falling, but everything suddenly went dark, and I had no idea what

happened next.

But here I am now.

I tilted my head back, and I saw Althea below me, chanting spells, and it made me realize the energy

surrounding me came from her.

My heart thudded loudly as worry coursed through my whole body. Although Lucy, Adan, and Blade

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were around to protect her, she was already losing so much energy because her nose was bleeding


I had to get moving. I aimed for the fire to subside, but before I could make my next move, Lucius was

already in my mind.

‘It’s my fire. Let it burn, so I can protect you from anyone hitting you.” I was about to reject the idea as I

didn’t want to steal his energy when I saw him in his new form.

His body had grown twice as big, with little horns or thorns sprouting around his arms. And I knew we

were in a battle, but my mind drifted to how on earth I would survive if he f*uc*ked me in that form.

Oh, spirits! I shook my head to let those thoughts leave my head when I heard Lucius chuckling.

‘We can try if you’re that curious. I promise I will be gentle.’ He was teasing me all the while he was

busy exploding demons around him. My eyes widened, but I remained quiet. Was this how the mind

connection works? This was so awkward. He would be able to hear everything.

‘Yes. I will hear everything.’ He answered. Of course, he could hear me. ‘Unless you learn to control

what your mind can connect with me or not.’

‘You need to teach me,’ I told him. ‘Maybe I won’t,’ he replied. ‘Lucius!’ I snapped at him before I

summoned spirits to send a stronger protective globe to my granddaughter and to everyone around her

before nodding my head at her.

She let go of the protective spell she cast on me and I slowly descended from the air.

Althea dropped to her knees, panting, and from the pale expression on her face, she was about to fall

to the ground.

A loud beastly growl erupted in the air as Blade sprung toward where Althea was and caught her body

before she collapsed, and everything happened so fast after that.

I saw Lucius direct his attention to Althea and Blade, and in seconds, they were gone from my


“No!!!” I screamed as my body blasted off some sparks that repelled the demons that were about to

lunge at me.

‘Relax, they’re back in the tower.’ Lucius explained, and it was only then that I was able to breathe

again. It was better that she wasn’t here.

I spun my body around as I rose from the ground, and everywhere I looked, it was the same. Demons

kept sprouting from dead bodies and from the depths of the ground.

If no one raised a white flag, this battle might go on forever because both Lucius and Arturos had

demons surrounding and guarding them. So there was no way they could be attacked right away.

I spun around faster and spread my arms open as I called for the spirits of the underworld. I had not

used this spell before, but it felt like I knew what I needed to do.

“Spiritus cognitiorum et spirituum inferorum. Exaudi orationem meam. Potentiam verberant daemones

Kalmerus protegendi eiusque familiam regiam.”

The fire that engulfed me died down, and I could feel Lucius trying to reach my mind, but he couldn’t

get through because of the spells surrounding my aura.

“Spiritus cognitiorum et spirituum inferorum. Exaudi orationem meam. Potentiam verberant daemones

Kalmerus protegendi eiusque familiam regiam.”

I was calling the spirits of the covens in the human realm as well as the dead spirits in the underworld –

a call to protect the demons of Kalmerus and its royal family.

With my body spinning and my eyes closed, I ascended in the air as I kept chanting the same words

over and over until I felt a strong energy surround me for a while before the same energy slammed on

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my body, making me jolt forward, but it didn’t hurt me at all.

I snapped my eyes open, and they began to burn while smoke was rising from my palms. My eyes met

Lucius’ and in seconds he nodded his head. A force came out of my hands in the direction of Arturos,

and Lucius dove in, using the force to spiral him forward in this direction. This was the only way we

could reach him in seconds, not giving him time to react or disappear.

I watched as the force I threw into the air pushed Lucius like a lightning bolt.

It amazed me that even without words, I was able to connect with him, and our minds were working in

perfect sync.

It might be the demon mark – the same reason Adan and Lucy were fighting in combat together in

perfect rhythm with each other.

If this was how it was going to be for the rest of our lives, then I wanted it. I wanted to be able to help

Lucis protect Kalmerus because I knew how much this kingdom meant to him.

A loud roar shook the ground as Lucius took Arturos by the neck.

A flock of demons flew and dove in the direction of Lucius, but before they could touch him, I sent a

spiral of strong forces that were released by Lucius’ body like a tidal wave, knocking all the demons

backward, before I built a shield around Lucius and Arturos.

My king flew their bodies up until they reached the highest point of the rocks and boulders surrounding

this area. It was so high that I could barely see them. Some of Arturos’ demons were flying up, but

Lucy, Adan, and Lucius’ demons were stopping them from reaching them.

I descended my body onto a higher boulder so that I was above everyone except Lucius and Arturos. I

was about to raise my body higher and summon the spirits to bring me where the two kings were when

a big flash of light was emitted from the top of the boulder where they were.

My heart stopped as I watched the boulder where they were engulfed by a massive flame. No. Please,

not Lucius.

‘Lucius?’ I tried to link him but there was no response.