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BENEATH HER DARKNESS: The Alpha's Little Demon by Cassandra M

Chapter 20
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020 – An Heir


“Yes, I want to be punished now,” I didn’t know why I said that. I knew I’d been anticipating alone time

with the Alpha for the whole day, and it left a sour taste in my mouth when he would rather go out and

buy things in public than bring me into the privacy of his room.

Was he losing interest in me while my lust for him was driving me wild?

He chuckled, swiping his tongue over his lips before he bent forward, resting his hands on his knees, his

face parallel with mine that his breath fanned over my face. “Aren’t we excited for punishment? What

punishment were you expecting, Omega?

I bit my bottom lip. I wanted to tell him

all the ways he could punish me, but I restrained myself.

“Do you think punishment involves soft beds and soft touches? Roses and kisses?

He curled a finger on my chin, tilting my face up to meet his eyes. “Only good girls get those… And

you’re far from the good, perfect Omega you claim to be.”

“I can take the punishment for bad girls, Alpha…” I told him while looking at him

straight in the eyes.

“Can you?” He asked in a mocking voice, which just made my pussy throb.

I parted my lips, inching my face closer to him as I nodded my head. And just like what I wanted, the

Alpha crushed his lips against mine and began kissing me bruisingly hard, and I welcomed it


My hands crawled up to his chest before

they coiled around his neck, pressing my body closer to him as he lifted me off the bench, yanking my

legs to snake around his hips. His tongue plunged into my mouth. He was skilled at kissing, and soon

our tongues were fighting for dominance.

I had never been kissed with this

intensity – it was passionate, but it was also full of lust, which was driving my core wild. I felt our bodies

move and the

next thing I knew, we were inside the

locker room and he was locking the door while he continued to assault my lips.

My pussy was throbbing wild and if he decided to fuck me here, I would not be complaining. Alpha Stone

helped me to my feet, abruptly turning my body around so that he was standing behind me, with a full-

length mirror in front of

I closed my eyes as his mouth sank into

the crook of my neck, biting and nibbling my skin, raising goosebumps, and igniting fire all over my body.

My clutch on his arms tightened as his hands reached for the hem of my shirt, and I was ready to help

him pull it off me when I heard the fabric being ripped apart,

making my eyes snap open.

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I stared at my reflection, I was half

naked. I watched as the Alpha unclasped

my bra and let it fall to the floor.

“Take off your pants…” His voice came out hoarse, his teeth grazing on the skin of my neck while his

hands were kneading my breasts.

I didn’t need a second order. I

immediately unbuttoned my pants, tugging them down and kicking them with my feet while doing my best

not to

moan too loudly. As soon as my pants

were off, the Alpha’s hand went down to the waistband of my underwear and tugged them harshly,

ripping them in the


Soon I was fully naked, with just my necklace hanging around my neck.

“Legs apart…” He grunted, and the authoritative way he said it was making my pussy leak. “Don’t move.”

I parted my legs and I could see my core in the mirror, glistening from my own wetness. My eyes

followed the Alpha’s movement through the full-length mirror as he pulled the gymnastic rings hanging

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above my head, lowering them in front of me up to my waist.

“Hold this…” He added.

I bit my bottom lip and held on to the rings. The thought of raising my arms excited me, but if I thought

that was all, I

was wrong. The Alpha bent down and picked up my shredded shirt and tied my hands on the rings using

them before he went to the wall where the button that

adjusted the height of the rings was located.

Soon, the ring was slowly rising together with my hands, until my arms were up and I was almost

standing on the tip of my toes.

“Alpha, I won’t be able to reach the floor if I get tired.” My legs were spread open, my arms up and fully


“Did I allow your opinion, Omega?” He asked without looking at me as he slowly pulled his shirt off,

leaving just his jeans

I licked my lips as my gaze fell on his chest. A small sweat formed on his perfectly sculpted abs. He was

rippled in all the right places, and simply looking at

him caused heat to spread throughout my entire body.

Alpha Stone stood up in front of me, our bodies touching, chest to chest. I wanted to smile at him, but the

fierce expression on his face made me change my mind. His hands went around my body until they

reached my ass. His calloused palms rubbed against my ass cheeks, and it made my pussy leak more


He trailed his hands down my ass to my thighs before he yanked them up and coiled them around his

hips. I was hanging with my legs straddling his body.

The fabric of his jeans was adding friction to my naked core, but it didn’t

stop me from rubbing my pussy on his

bulging erection. This was taking too

long. I wanted him inside me.

“I said, don’t move…” He groaned and


“Alpha…” I mumbled his name as I stopped my movement, swallowing hard, parting my mouth open

because I couldn’t breathe from too much lust

overtaking my body.

“Do you want me inside?” His fingers under my ass were brushing against my

wet folds, and it was making tingles

shoot up everywhere.

“Yes… Please!” I whimpered before he planted a slap on my ass, making my

body jolt. “Alpha!”

“Please what?”

“Fuck me!”

“No. This is punishment, right? Why would I give you what you want?” He landed another slap on my

cheek, and it

was harder than the last one.

“Please… I will do everything you want

me to do.”

“Really? Everything?”

I nodded my head too many times. My throat felt dry and it felt as if I would die of thirst if he did not dive

into my pussy


His hand coiled on my hair as he tugged it down, making my head tilt up and meet his eyes. “I want an

heir, Lucy. Can you give me one?”

My eyes watered, knowing it was impossible at this point, but I was willing to say yes to everything he

would ask of

“Can you give me one?”

“Yes, Alpha… I’ll do my best.” And I mean it. If I was eager to have my wolf

before so I could find my mate, I was

even more eager to have her now so I could have Alpha Stone inside me.

“Good girl… Do you know how old I am?”

“Twenty-five?”I answered.

“I’m almost twenty-nine. Too old for you

“I’m not a virgin anymore…” I cut him off. I wanted to tell him I was twenty and

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not eighteen like he thought I was, but

the words didn’t come out right.

His one arm was coiled around my waist,

holding me in place as my arms hung

above. He smoothed a hand over the stray

hair on my face before he let out a smirk.

“Good. because I don’t think a virgin

would appreciate me today.” He let go

and let me go on my feet.

I felt coldness enveloping my whole body

the moment he stepped away from me.

“Alpha…” I was desperate. I didn’t want

him away.

Alpha Stone didn’t say anything and just dropped to his knees in front of me. Without any warning, he

parted my legs

wide and leaned his face forward, and

swiped his tongue over my folds up to my


Tingles erupted from my core to every part of my body as the fresh juices leaked down my thighs while a

sultry moan escaped my throat.

Then his mouth began assaulting me. He was lapping, sucking my soaking wet folds loudly and sloppily

while his thumb circled my clit, rubbing it harshly. My knees buckled, but I tried to stay upright, clutching

the rings for dear life as the Alpha ate and played with my pussy.

I was a soaking mess down there, and I could smell my own arousal.

A low growl reverberated from his chest before he yanked one of my legs up and anchored it on his

shoulder. He was opening me wide. His thumb pressed inside my core, stroking in and out of me at a

fast pace while he licked and sucked the juices gushing out of me.

“You taste fucking sweet…”

“Alpha…” I couldn’t stop moaning over and over. My knees continued to buckle and I was already

hanging low. My hands were painful from being pulled up by the rings but at the same time, my pussy

wanted to explode already.

I closed my eyes and bucked my hips forward, pressing my core to his face, and the Alpha withdrew his

thumb from

my pussy, making me whimper in frustration. His hands grabbed my ass as he pressed my core to his

face, and he began to ravish me wildly like he hadn’t

eaten any pussies for years. His face was

wet with my juices but he didn’t seem to


I lifted up my other leg and wrapped both around his neck, making me hang on to the rings while the

Alpha was clutching my body. He inserted two fingers into my pussy and began to thrust in and out of

me, deeper and faster, making my body jolt with every stroke.