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BENEATH HER DARKNESS: The Alpha's Little Demon by Cassandra M

Chapter 35
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035 – Lucien


“Now!” I slammed my palm on the table,

and Lucy’s body jolted at the impact

created. Her eyes widened as she stared at

me with shock, but I could see defiance in

her eyes.

I was expecting her to lash out at me, but

instead, she stood up and excused herself from the table before walking away.

The age and the color of her hair – I could let it go. She might have thought it was unnecessary, but

hiding everything about knowing her father was the one

that set me off.

I asked her about it not just once but all the time, and she would deny it. What the fuck was so hard

about telling me who her father was? Did she commit a crime against him?

The moment she left the dining room, I threw the table napkin on the table,

pushed my chair, and stood up.

Aeon and Alexa stood up as well, and in seconds, Alexa was already in front of

me, her hand holding my chest, stopping me from following Lucy.

“Can you calm down, Adan?”

I held her wrist and gently pulled it away from my body. “This is between us. I apologize for ruining your


I didn’t wait for her to say anything, and I just walked away, but I could hear footsteps behind me.

“Adan,” Aeon’s voice was firm. And despite the fact that I didn’t want anyone meddling with my affair, I

knew better than to disrespect any of my family


I turned my body around to face him,

slipping my hands inside my pockets. He stopped in front of me, his face void of

any emotion.

“I’m not sure how much you knew about Lucy, but it looked like she was hiding many things from you.”

He began.

“You noticed that too?” I scoffed


“I meant well, and I’m not taking sides, but that female up there,” He pointed a

finger on the floor above the staircase. “. is an orphan. She might have a father, but I am fully aware she

never liked him. She

was raised by rogue parents, and we have

no idea where she was for the last nine

years but somehow she came out alive.

Alexa had given up hope that we would

find her. So please, give her the benefit of

the doubt. At least for Alexa.”

“I’m not going to do anything to her, I just don’t like her lying.”

“Some people are not comfortable sharing things that hurt them. At some point, we all lie to protect

something. Don’t forget I pulled out a big lie to

protect your cousin, and I will do it again in a heartbeat if I need to.”

I brushed my palms over my face before.

letting out a big sigh.

“I hope it doesn’t matter to you if she’s a rogue or human, or maybe a fucking toad shifter or something,”

Aeon added.

I chuckled. Toad? Nah. A bunny perhaps.

“No, it doesn’t. She could be a spider too, but I hated being lied to.”

“We all do. But let me ask you, do you like her? Or is this just because you needed her so everyone will

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stop asking you?”

I motioned for him to follow me and ushered him to a small receiving room

nearby. I closed the door and stood in

front of it before I broke the news to him.

“I think she’s my mate.”

“How did you know? She doesn’t have a wolf.” He might have smelled her.

“Yes. But she’s emitting a scent…”

“That gets you addicted to it in seconds.” Aeon completed the sentence for me, and I just nodded my

head. “You need her wolf out. She might be part human then if

she didn’t shift on time.”

“I don’t fucking care if she can’t shift,

but why the fuck will I be mated to an


“Why the fuck do you think I’m mated to a rogue’s daughter?”

“Alexa has Alpha blood! A strong one!”

“Never question the Goddess. And for fuck’s sake, you’re not the only Alpha mated to an Omega. The

only question

here is, do you want her or not?”

I massaged my fingers against my temples and didn’t answer him.

“Let her go if you don’t want anything to

do with her.”

“No fucking way!” I was not able to control my response.

A smile slowly tugged on Aeon’s mouth before his hand reached for my shoulder, tapping it. “It means

you like her a little too much. Then don’t let her go.”

He then turned around and reached for

the door handle, but looked back at me

before he could open the door. “I have a

friend with an Omega Luna, I’ll ask what

they did to make her wolf come out. But

promise me, you won’t be too hard on

her. Alexa will be devastated if you hurt


“I don’t mishandle females.”


“Emotional torture is fucking worse than

physical torture, don’t forget that.” He opened the door and walked out.

“Aeon,” I called after him, making him stop midway through the corridor. ” Don’t say anything to anyone

about the mate thing because I’m not sure too.”

“I want to tell Alexa. But I’ll make sure

she won’t tell anyone yet.”

I nodded my head, that would be good for




I paced back and forth inside the

bedroom while fidgeting with my fingers. I really blew up this time. I still had no

idea what to tell him about my father.

I could easily explain the age and the

hair, but I didn’t want him to know about

He would surely be repulsed if he found out I have demon blood.

Who would want a demon? And I knew that supernatural species really didn’t blend well, so they tried

not to cross each other’s paths. Only the witches were able to communicate with almost every

supernatural species, but wolves mixing with vampires, demons, and water nymphs was a rare case and


unheard of.

If I didn’t like Alpha Stone, maybe I would risk taking it, but damn this! I really liked him, and I didn’t want

him to throw me out before I was ready to let go

of him.

Think of something.

I was sure now that he would ask for my father’s name. And I didn’t have one! My

father is just Prince Lucien, Prince of


The door to the suite receiving room sounded, and my heart thudded loudly.

He’s here. He’s here!

I kept turning around, not knowing where to go or hide. I was never scared of anything, but I had no idea

what I was feeling at the moment. Should I just let

smoke hide me from him?

The door handle wriggled, and it opened

at the same time I dropped to my knees and tilted my head down, my eyes focusing on the carpeted


Relax, Lucy, you’ve got this.

The door closed, and loud footsteps

echoed around me.

“Get up.” His voice sounded cold. He’s

still mad.

Of course, he is! You just lied to his face.

“I said, fucking get up? Who the fuck told

you to kneel?”

“I thought you liked it when I kneeled.” Shit! Me and my mouth. 1

A hand coiled on my hair as it tugged them down, making my head tilt up. His eyes were dilating, his jaw

twitching, but his aura was not as strong as it was in the dining hall.

“Don’t try to seduce me, young lady. I’m not going to let you get away with your


“You’re hurting me, Alpha.”

“I thought you’d like it when I grabbed your hair like this.” He tugged at it again, making my lips part and

my eyes close.

I was gasping for air. I knew he was mad at me, but I couldn’t help being aroused. Something was really

wrong with me.

I felt an arm coil around my waist as my body was hoisted up. My eyes fluttered


open, and I found myself on my stomach, hanging on the Alpha’s lap.

“Now let’s get some truth out.” He was almost grunting as his hand hiked up my

skirt before he brushed his calloused

palm against my butt cheeks.

My hand gripped his shirt on his stomach.

while the other held on to the calf of his

leg as I tried to balance myself.

Would he punish me, or was this

foreplay? Because I was surely getting excited already.

I heard a piece of fabric being ripped, and the cold air brushing against my core was a sign that he had

already torn off my

underwear. Soon his hand went under

and cupped my pussy while his fingers

massaged my folds.

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“Aren’t you a wet little bunny?”

My breathing hitched as I closed my eyes.

“Do you think you will get fuck? Liars will

not be rewarded.”

He withdrew his hand, and my eyes

snapped open at the exact moment a hard slap landed on my butt.


I gasped, eyes wide open, as I anticipated another slap. But it didn’t come.

The Alpha’s hand rubbed against my

skin, and it felt soothing, making up for the sting that he caused me.

“How old are you?”


“You made me feel like a fucking pervert

lusting over a female almost eleven years. younger than me.”


“But you still fucked me!” I sneered but I

tried not to move.

“Because I can’t stop.”

“Can I explain?” I blurted out almost immediately.

“Explain.” His hand went back to my core and began massaging it, making me lose my concentration,

but I tried to explain as much as I could.

“The orphanage. They will never accept me… if I tell them I was already eighteen… when I found them

two years ago. So I had to tell them I’m sixteen.”

“Who were you running away from?”

“My father.”

He stopped touching my pussy and clamped his hands on my waist, the next thing I knew, my body was

lifted, and I was positioned on his lap, facing and straddling his thighs.

His expression was softer, not like the one he had at the dining hall.

“Was he hurting you?” His fingers

reached for my stray hair as he tucked it behind my ear.

I bit my bottom lip and nodded my head. Lying comes easy for me.

“Was he abusing you… sexually?” His jaw tightened, and he said the last word.

“No. Emotionally and physically.” Well,

that part was true.

“I can protect you, but I want to know everything. Is that the reason you were hiding your hair color? “So

you won’t be easily identified?”

I nodded my head again. Was he not

concerned that I was an Omega with red


His hands went to my arms, rubbing

them softly as he nodded his head. His expression was calmer now, and I had no idea if I should be

thankful or scared.

“I want to know everything about him so I know who I am protecting you from. His name, his work, where

does he live? Is he powerful? Does he have any connections? Human, shifter…”

“He’s like us…” I wanted to add, he’s like us, supernatural too, but I didn’t.

“Okay. Is he an Alpha?

“Alpha Stone, please, I really don’t want…

“Fuck, Lucy! What are your excuses now!

“His voice suddenly changed, but I couldn’t blame him. “Do you want my fucking protection or not? Is he

fucking dangerous or what?”

“Alpha Stone, do you trust me?”

“Do you think, after you lied straight to

my face, I have enough reason to trust
