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BENEATH HER DARKNESS: The Alpha's Little Demon by Cassandra M

Chapter 36
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036 – Team Lucy


“Do you think, after you lied straight to

my face, I have enough reason to trust you…” I didn’t want to tell her that, but it

came out of frustration.

Then Aeon’s words earlier suddenly came


‘Some people are not comfortable sharing things that hurt them.”

My gaze fell to her face. She had her head down and was biting her bottom lip so hard that I was sure

she would be tasting blood soon, while her arms were hugging her body as if she was cold.

I cupped her face and tilted it up, so I could meet her gaze. Frustration was flitting across her eyes.

“Lucy… I want

you to be honest with me.”

Her hands moved away from her body as she cupped my cheeks, and I let go of my hands on hers.

“Alpha Stone…”

“Adan…” I told her.

A weak smile curled on her lips before she opened them to speak again. “Adan… Just give me time. It

might just be a name for you, but… for me…”

‘Some people are not comfortable sharing things that hurt them.’

“It’s okay if you need more time.”

Her arms wrapped around my neck as she slammed her body against mine, hugging me tightly. “Thank

you! I promise you, when I’m ready to talk about my father,

you will be the first to know. His name is Lucien. That’s all I can offer you now.”

My hand smoothed over her hair as I let

out a sigh.

Lucien. I would meet you one day.

My arms snaked around her body as I

hugged her tighter, only for her to pull back and cup my face again.

“Alpha Stone…”

“Adan…” My brows furrowed at her.

“Adan, can I kiss you?” She asked in a very alluring voice, and I was smitten


My eyes darted to her parted, wet lips. Are you trying to make up for all the lies?”

“I promised I would make it up tonight, Adan… but now, I just want to feel your…”

I didn’t let her finish and crushed my lips against her, my hands tightening their hold on her waist as I

pressed her closer

to my body.

A low whimper escaped her throat as I plunged my tongue into her mouth and

began kissing her bruisingly hard. This was my only way of punishing her because even if I hated her

actions, I was

already on the losing end.

Lucy might be a fucking witch because I couldn’t stop falling for her trap. I knew she had me already

wrapped around her fingers, and I was just letting her.


“Are you ready?” I asked her, leaning my

arm on the door frame as I let my eyes scan her perfect form while she checked

herself in the bathroom mirror.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Lucy was wearing a short, tight-fitting

halter blue dress that showed off her

perfect curves, and if I was not taking her to meet my family, I would probably end up locking us in my

suite now.

“I think I am. Do I look okay? It’s not too short or showing too much skin? Or too


“No. It’s perfect.” I licked my lips, my fingers brushing against my chin.

“Good, because I don’t want to show off to anybody something that’s just meant for my Alpha.” She

winked at me and began walking toward me.

Her palm cupped my crotch as she passed me in the bathroom doorway. It was just for a split second,

but my cock instantly

became hard.

“I’m ready whenever you are.” She added as she grabbed her coat as if she hadn’t done anything to

tease me.

I smiled at her and helped her slip on her coat before I opened the door for us.

We were heading to my parents’ estate for dinner. My grandparents were there too, as well as Alexa and

Aeon, but the pups would not be joining us.

After my outburst earlier, it was safer if

they were not around. Because I was sure Amara would not let me get away with it

without washing my mouth with too

much water.

She hated it when I cursed, and I

assumed Aeon had learned to filter his

mouth around her too. She was already

acting like a boss at eight years old.

My hand slipped under Lucy’s coat and

rested on her ass as we walked down the


I saw her eyes widen before she tilted her head to look at me while we continued

walking. “Your hand – is on my – ass.”

I squeezed it before answering without looking at her. “I know. And that’s where

I want it to be.”

“You’re going to make me wet. And everyone will smell my arousal.”

“Exciting.” My face was void of any

emotion. She began this game, and I was

just continuing it.

“Alpha Stone…” She hissed, we were near

the ground floor now.

“Adan.” I let out a sigh. “I need you to

call me Adan in front of my family. And

not a word about the Omega Feast.”

“Oh, so I’m not the only one with secrets

here.” She chuckled softly, and I didn’t


We walked in silence until we reached the

front door of the packhouse.

It was a chilly night. Snowflakes fell on us

the moment we stepped out into the dark.

My hand went up to her waist at the same

time she pulled her coat tighter around

her as she pressed her body closer to

mine. She must be cold.

“So how did we meet? We bumped into each other in the shopping center? Or you

save me from robbers?” She asked out of


“Beast found you in the forest while your

were running.”

“Oh, and then, shall we say it’s love at first sight?” Her lips curled into a teasing smile as she slipped

inside the passenger


I chuckled before closing her door and walking toward the driver’s seat. I waved at Collin, who bowed his

head at me.

before I maneuvered the car out of the

packhouse grounds.

“So…” she began, probably still waiting

for my reply.

“They don’t need to know the details.

about that. I took you out of the

orphanage and brought you here.”

“We can’t say that. Then they will know

that I lied about my age.”

“What’s the deal? Maybe Alexa told them


“She won’t. Alexa likes me…”

“You think so?”

“Stop making me nervous.”

“Am I?” I chuckled because we both knew

it was not easy to make her nervous.

“Do you think they will like me?”

“Will it matter if they do or don’t?”

“I want them to like me…”

“I’m sure they will. They’re nice people.” I mean it. I could never say any bad things about my parents or


“When you say nice, are they nice like you, or nice like real nice?” She asked in a low voice, biting her

bottom lip.

I laughed and shook my head. Sometimes I had no idea if she was unaware that she

was taunting me or if she was just good at playing naive. “What’s that supposed to mean? Am I not nice

to you?”

“You are…” She answered, but her face

showed no emotions.

“So I’m nice. But what does nice – like

real nice means?”

“Nice without getting anything in return.

Like just genuinely nice.”

“Should I take it that you meant I was

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

only nice because I want something from


“You want my body. My womb… So of

course you’re nice to me. But I’m not complaining, Adan. You’ve been more than what I was hoping for

as a buyer.”

Damn. Her and her mouth. She had no

filter at all.

“I like you.” I just said it out of nowhere,

and it helped that the car was in total

darkness. She would not see the emotions

I was trying to mask.

“I like you, too.”

“I’m not sure we have the same meaning

of like.”

She let out a sigh before she rested the side of her head against the window.”

Maybe. Maybe not… But I like you in a way, that I hope you will never find your

mate so you never need to set me aside.

That kind of like.”

My hands tightened on the steering wheel well before I was able to control the surge of emotion that her

words brought

I was hoping for the same thing. And more. I was hoping she was my mate. It could be the only reason

why Beast liked her. And I’ve been wanting to tell her that, but what if I was wrong? How could we then

move on from it?

I was still contemplating how I should reply to her confession when my parent’s

estate came into view.

“Wow!” Her eyes were rounding as she held on to the dashboard in front of her.

Her gaze was focused on the big mansion. that we were heading to. “Do you think my dress was not too


“Relax. Only my family is there.”

“That’s more nerve-wracking.”

“You can be in a potato sack, and they will still like you.”

“I don’t want to be in a potato sack when

I meet them.”

“They’re nice, Lucy. Like real nice,

without asking anything in return.” I told her as I turned off the engine in front of the steps leading to the

main entrance.

I saw her take a deep breath before she

036 Team Lucy

turned her body around and gave me an embarrassed grin. “Will you be team Lucy tonight?”

“Team Lucy? What do you mean?” But I already knew what she was referring to.

“Be on my team. That whatever happens. in there, you will not turn your back on


I leaned closer and hooked my finger on

her chin, tilting it up so her face was on the same level as mine. “I will always

have your back. So, yes, I’m Team Lucy tonight, and tomorrow too, and the days

after that.”

Her eyes beamed at me before she

pressed her lips against mine, and the world just stopped. My mouth began to move, urging her lips to

part so I could take more of what her sweet, wet lips

could offer.