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Beyond the Divorce by Third Blossom

Chapter 105
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Chapter 105 Who’s the Wife Here?

Glaring at us, she snapped, “Matt, what the hell are you doing?”

Matthew quickly let go of me and stared stupidly at Melanie.

His flustered look was hilarious. He looked like his wife caught him cheating.

“Chloe, have you no shame? How dare you try to seduce Matt again?” She stepped inside

the door and

glared daggers at me.

up with

“You got my dad jailed and swindled all the money. Isn’t that enough? Also, you’ve hooked

up someone new, haven’t you? Why are you back here seducing my brother, you whore?”

Shut your mouth!” I stared back at the evil bitch. “1 have no interest in any man you

sleep with. Of course,

if you could steal him from me, others could do the same to you. A tiger can’t change its

stripes after all.”


“You stupid cunt!” Melanie almost threw herself at me.

Staring at her stomach, I said coldly, “Don’t forget you’re pregnant, all right? Who knows if

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I might hurt


Hearing this, Matthew quickly held Melanie back and glared at me.

I chuckled and added, “That’s more like it. You should protect your child. Don’t forget to do

a paternity

test when they’re born, okay?”

“You little…”

I walked away with a cold smile, dragging the two suitcases behind me. Melanie struggled

with Matthew and cursed at me, drawing the attention of a group of downstairs neighbors.

As the suitcases were too large, I struggled to carry them downstairs. Fortunately, some

helpful neighbors arrived quickly to assist me. One of them even said, “Just get a divorce,

Chlo. This family doesn’t deserve you. By the way, how’s Ava?”

I told them how my daughter was and thanked them. I never expected them to gather and

see me off.

I was crying as I started my car. I considered them family after ten years in the

neighborhood. Just when I thought I was done crying, I pulled over to the side of the road

and sobbed uncontrollably. I saw it as my

way of saying goodbye.

Although I was now staying in a lovely apartment, my marriage was ruined. The silver

lining was that it

When I was about to start the car again, Lauren called to meet up. I drove straight to the

agreed–upon location, and she looked surprised upon seeing me. I knew I must look

haggard because of recent events.

Letting out an embarrassed smile, I sat across the table.

“Chloe…” She hesitated, then said, “Don’t dwell on it, okay? That man doesn’t deserve


I I smiled. “Thanks. Perhaps every person who has experienced a failed marriage goes

through this. We know it’s not worth it, but we still can’t get over it. It’s more about the

loss of our time and youth than the


She nodded in agreement. After a moment of silence, she smiled at me.

ny way

“I’ve got some good news for you. I’ve taken care of the matter, and you can discuss the

details with them tomorrow.” Lauren seemed pleased with herself. “I hope it can be of help

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to you. Consider it my

of making amends, okay?”

It was both ironic and a relief that I received help from the woman my husband cheated


I had to admit that the news was a moral booster. It ensured that my interests would not


compromised in the slightest.

“Thank you so much! This helps a lot!” I said it sincerely.

“Hey, don’t thank me. Women shouldn’t make each other’s lives difficult, should they?

You’re the biggest victim here, and I made one hell of a mistake!” She laughed, covering

her mouth. “I’m so ashamed of

myself.” 2

I smiled at her.

Everything went smoothly. My name was on all those assets, and I was Tanum

Corporation’s legal representative. So, as I walked out of the bank, my construction and

renovation company had received

the boost it needed.

Before I could call Ivanna and tell her the good news, I received a call from Grace.

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