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Beyond the Divorce by Third Blossom

Chapter 121
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Chapter 121 Frustrations

When I woke up, I felt like someone had pulled me from a faraway place. Atlas’s

handsome face looked back at me. Startled, I tried to sit up but felt a sharp pain in my


“Why the rush?” His voice sounded hoarse.

We were still in the car, but the golden sun was setting on the horizon.

Urgently, I exclaimed, “What time is it? Damn it, I need to pick up my daughter!”

“I used your phone to text your friend, asking her to pick her up for you,” he stated. “Get

up, will you? My legs are getting numb.”

Blushing, I realized I had been sleeping on his lap the whole time. He hadn’t stirred or

woken me up.

“Um… How long did I sleep?” I asked shyly, quickly putting some distance between us.

“Over two hours. Let’s go!”

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

I quickly got out of the car. We had arrived at the same resort he had taken me to before,

but it seemed

less crowded this time. There were no other guests in sight.

Taking a few quick steps to catch up with him, I asked, “What kind of place is this?”

“What’s the matter?” He glanced at me absentmindedly.

“It is so lovely and peaceful! I like it a lot. But why isn’t there anyone else here?” I asked


Atlas smirked and didn’t respond. He entered with his hands in his pockets.

I rolled my eyes. This guy was such a show–off!

Every corner of the park was breathtaking, almost like a fairytale. I genuinely loved the


Atlas led me to a cottage and scanned his fingerprint to unlock the door. I quickly followed

him inside.

The interior was exquisitely decorated and elegant without being overdone.

He motioned for me to sit on a sofa, then entered one of the rooms. Before long, he

returned with a

medicine kit.

Surprised, I said, “Y–You don’t need to. I’ve already treated myself at home!”

He looked meaningful. “Are you afraid of me?”

chuckled nervously while hugging myself. “N–No! I don’t need it!”

It was awkward to imagine him treating my wounds.

“Come here,” he commanded, pointing to the widest part of the sofa. “Lie down.”

I still insisted, “I–It’s not necessary! I can do it myself when I get home!”

Couldn’t he take a hint?

1 don’t want to repeat myself,” he said, taking out an ointment tube. “I can’t take

advantage of you in this

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

state, even if I wanted to. So what are you afraid of?”

My face turned crimson, and I cursed silently. Wasn’t he doing this on purpose?!

“I’ve already seen what I needed to. Are you still trying to hide it?” He spoke

emotionlessly. “It’s too late to

worry about appearances when you look like such a mess.”

He walked over and lifted me onto the chaise longue. “Move again, and I’ll have you right

here. That way,

you won’t have any more excuses.”

My face reddened to my ears. This man, seriously!

He appeared aloof and gentlemanly, but he spoke without holding back. I was suddenly

aware of how

little I knew about him and his character. I only knew he was an assistant at ATL Empire.

What was terrifying was how he seemed to know me inside out. He had seen every part of

me, and that

was both unsettling and fascinating. 2