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Beyond the Divorce by Third Blossom

Chapter 561
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Ryan sprang to his feet, shieldingas tea splashed onto his back. He let out a muffled groan.

There were gasps in the conference room. I quickly checked on Ryan, relieved that the water wasn't too hot.

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I pushed Ryan away, slamming the table and startling everyone. Even Nelson trembled, his eyes flickering as he looked at me.

"This is outrageous! I did not expect such uncivilized behavior from Bourdamun managers. It's no surprise that Bourdamun has been stuck in the past. It is stifling Orlinda's entire economy. It's all because of people with narrow minds like you!" My words left everyone in the room stunned, especially Nelson's people, who turned pale.

Nelson had acted like a tyrant and becthe unquestioned ruler.

"How dare you speak tolike that, you little brat? You've gone too far!" He yelled it while pointing at me.

"Security! Restrain her. She's out of control," he barked. "Unbelievable! Tell me, where did she cfrom? She couldn't have had a good upbringing if she's that rude." His yelling echoed in the conference room, and even his people dared not breathe. Swere subtly signaling tonot to confront him.

I sneered as Nelson did not scare me. I just didn't think his methods were right. He had beca tyrant in Bourdamun, believing he owned everything.

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"You're a classic example of an uneducated person!" I retorted, turning his words against him.

I had seen through Nelson. The more respect someone showed him, the more arrogant he became. He was convinced that he was right and that he could control everything.

"Mr. Noah might have indulged you but I have no reason to tolerate this uncivilized behavior. I know how to treat the elderly with morals and manners. But you?" I coldly scoffed. "I've been putting up with your arrogance because of your age, but resorting to physical violence? That just cost you all my respect. You're hindering Bourdamun's O development." I glanced at Noah, subtly questioning, "Does Bourdamun or Orlinda take precedence? Is he more important to you than Bourdamun's progress?" My words resonate with the people below. Even a young clerk secretly gavea thumbs-up. Noah, too, calmed down.

"Mr. Noah, I can drop the discussion on this project, but I need clarity on this principle. Call the CEO! Let's see if his age alone makes him qualified, or if our world-famous qualifications stack up against Bourdamun's local construction team. My voice was loud, and my words were articulate. I leaned on our qualifications. The ATL Empire's design institute boasted true global recognition.

"If the CEO says Tanum is not qualified to take over this project, I will take my elite team and leave!" After my declaration, I sat down and stared assertively at the former authority figure.

Noah caught my implication and seemed surprised. Perhaps he hadn't anticipated such strength from a seemingly delicate young woman.

Witnessing Noah actually reaching for the phone, Nelson scrambled to regain control. "Outrageous..."