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Beyond the Divorce by Third Blossom

Chapter 584
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Faced with everyone blaming her for her abrupt departure, Lauren responded with a calm smile, "Actually, leaving was a spontaneous decision. I just wanted to be carefree and wander for a while." She laughed. "So I truly followed my heart. I had no plans. I just wanted to get out there and see the world. I told no one, not even Chlo." Though she spoke lightly, only I knew what she was thinking when she left.

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I was convinced that her mindset at the twas one of living or dying based on her own choices, which was precisely what I had feared. Fortunately, she returned unharmed.

Ivanna asked if Lauren encountered any dangers in the past six months.

"There are always challenges during a journey," she said with a sad smile. "There were many adventurous moments, including getting lost, crossing language barriers, entering desolate areas, and facing war. But sometimes, when you open up to things, fear disappears..." Oliver listened silently, occasionally serving her dishes but barely eating.

She cooperated, saying thank you each time, and still ate. They seemed harmonious on the surface, but I could sense a lack of warmth between them. Despite sitting close, their hearts seemed distant.

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Lauren shared personal insights and plans, focusing solely on her perspective.

Ivanna, seemingly opposing Oliver, boldly asked Lauren, "Lauren, after being away for so long, do you have any new thoughts?" Oliver glanced nervously at her profile.

Lauren smiled, dabbed her mouth with a tissue, and then looked at me. "Chlo, are you keeping your promise?" I knew what she was referring to. It was about coming to the company. She had said that once she returned, she would start working.

"Of course." I nodded thoughtfully and said, "Then you better fulfill it." "Alright, I'll take a day off tomorrow Lakea and report the day after." She chuckled and looked at Ryan. "Mr. Ryan, get ready to welcme! be working at your company. I haven't worked in years, so I hope I can adapt quickly and keep up. || Ryan smiled gently, glancing at me. "Yes, the authority in our company is still in Chlo's hands. She calls the shots. I believe you'll be competent!" "Thank you! I'll do my best. In the past six months, I've used my spare tto study while traveling the world. I can't afford to waste any more time!" et "After sexperiences, I felt regretful," she said as she ate. "I wasted too much tand lost myself. So, I want to reclaim that time. hope you can all be patient withand givean opportunity to live with dignity." I noticed Oliver's face turning pale, and his hand shook slightly, knuckles turning white.

Atlas, who had been silent, suggested, "If you want to learn, I have a brilliant suggestion. You can start training at our company. AT Empire's PR company is top-notch, and can find someone to guide you." UMS Lauren looked at Atlas eagerly and asked, "Mr. Atlas, are you serious?" Atlas glanced at her and nodded solemnly. "Certainly. If you're serious about learning, it must be done professionally. As our company continues to rise, we need an outstanding PR manager." Privacy