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Beyond the Divorce by Third Blossom

Chapter 587
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I looked at her lively expression, and felt relieved. It seemed like all the barriers between us had completely disappeared.

"I know you're a straightforward person. You're not looking to take advantage, and this definitely isn't for personal gain. But I want to make one thing clear. You don't need to feel the need to becmy friend just because I took a hit for you. I'd rather not have a friend like that." Her hand emerged from the blanket, grabbing mine.

"That was how it was at first," I admitted without reservation. It felt wrong to hide anything from someone like Trinity. I needed to be honest with her.

"I didn't expect you to take the hit forwith no hesitation. It madefeel guilty. I felt bad that I said those cold words to you the night before and made you feel that we couldn't be friends." "That did bothera lot. It hurt my self-esteem." Her face turned cold.

"But even though you said we couldn't be friends, you still saved my life. So I felt regretful and guilty, especially when your life was in danger. I just want you to know that I genuinely want to be your friend because only a friend could have done what you did." I squeezed her hand.

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"A friend is someone who's willing to sacrifice anything for another person. That's a true friend. So I really wanted to be your friend after that." She scrutinized me. It was hard to tell what she was thinking.

Suddenly, she looked at my thermos. "I want ssoup." My heart warmed, and I smiled. "Sure. My housekeeper, Molly, made this soup. She stewed it for a long time. It'll help you recover." I hurriedly poured out a large bowl, blew on it a bit, and held it to her lips.

She blinked and looked at my face. After she paused for a long time, she finally drank the soup.

I noticed that she was tearing up.

I fed her the whole bowl, and her complexion seemed to gain a rosy tint.

"What do Liora and Stella have against you?" she asked.

I briefly explained the conflict between us, then asked her, "Why didn't you team up with them?" "I know that the relationships aroundare mercenary and based on self-interest, but those who want to usemust have something to offeras well." As Trinity said these words, she appeared extremely pragmatic, which was a stark contrast to the mischievous girl from earlier.

"But these two don't measure up. They have nothing I can use, and they won't bringany benefits. won't sink to their level. What they do is lowly and despicable. I have no reason to do what they do," she said, bluntly. This only increased my fondness for her. But this two-faced girl could be ruthless and bring people to their demise as well.

I felt a little bewildered and was unsure if this was the real Trinity.

"Ivanna cto see you," I told her deliberately.

"She cto see me?" she asked.

Apparently, Jared had not informed her that Ivanna had visited.

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"Yeah. She's genuinely concerned about you because you saved me." I told her the truth. "That's what a friend does. Ivanna and I are close friends because she's genuine and loyal." "I won't let Jared go just because of that," Trinity said calmly as she looked at me.

"You're wrong. There's no 'letting' anyone go in this case. It's a fair gbetween the two of you." I countered.

Just then, Jared cin. He nodded at me, then stood by the bed, looking down at Trinity gently.

I felt a little lost and vaguely remembered Ivanna lying in bed when she was sick. He had protected her like this too. I didn't know who Jared would choose in the future. I felt torn. I stood up and looked at Trinity. "Get srest. I need to go to work. We signed a new contract yesterday, and I need to work on that." She nodded. "Thanks for the soup." "Don't forget, we're friends now. There's no need for thanks," I reminded her with a smile. I waved to them before leaving the ward.

Outside, I raised an eyebrow and let out a breath. I didn't want to get entangled in the complex relationship between the three of them. Right now, I could only remain neutral.

Before reaching the office, I received an unexpected call from Matthew.

I realized that if Matthew was callingnow, it must be about something important. I decided to take the call and heard his voice. We need to meet, Chlo. I have something to tell yout." QUMS