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Beyond the Divorce by Third Blossom

Chapter 79
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Chapter 79 Meeting Melanie Alone

I answered the call and heard Melanie’s usual arrogant tone, “I have something to tell you.

Let’s meet.”


“Why didn’t you tell me that when you were at my place just now?” I asked.

“It concerns us, not something suitable to say in front of the others. Come to Midnight Bar

now!” She

hung up without waiting for my response.

While holding my phone, I wondered what Melanie was up to. Still, I wanted to know what

she had to say, so I rolled out of bed and checked the time. It was almost noon, so the bar

wouldn’t be open at this hour.

After some thought, I decided to play it safe and changed into jeans, a T–shirt, and a pair

of casual flats. I tried calling Ivanna as I drove in case something went wrong.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Unfortunately, she was out of town.


I hesitated while holding my phone and finally called Atlas. Immediately after, I decided

against it since. Melanie knew I had met with him before. I knew it was best not to

complicate things and hung up the call as I arrived at the bar.

I had never been to a bar, so the dim lighting made me uncomfortable. The bar was

underground, and the stairway was narrow. However, the interior was spacious. I took a

while to adjust to the surroundings at the basement entrance.

Since it wasn’t opening hours yet, there were no customers.

Under the soft yellow light behind the bar, a young man who looked like a bartender was

busy with his work. I approached him and asked, “Sir, I’m here to meet someone. Is this

place open yet?”

He glanced at me and pointed across the room. I turned to look and saw a long corridor

many rooms. I wanted to ask him which room I was supposed to enter, but the bartender

seemed uninterested in being disturbed.

or with m

I could only search for Melanie from room to room.

It seemed Melanie frequented places like this. Otherwise, she wouldn’t have asked me to

meet her. The many rooms along the corridor resembled a maze, with every junction

leading to another corridor.

felt increasingly uneasy and was about to turn back when a door suddenly opened in the

corridor and out came Melanie. “Hal I didn’t expect you to arrive so quickly!”

She laughed, but her laughter gave me an aerie feeling. It made me far less comfortable

than facing her ously hostile demeanor. Ever since I witnessed her entanglement with

Matthew, I couldn’t help but

She reached out as if to hold me, but I avoided her dirty hand. “What did you want to tell


Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm


I opened the door with my foot and glanced inside the room, realizing it was empty. After

confirming it was safe, I walked in and sat on the couch, looking at Melanie. “I’m listening”

Melanie followed me in, swaying her hips in a way she thought was alluring. However, it

made me

nauseous. Suddenly, I realized why Matthew was attracted to her. I finally discovered why

he called me ”


Melanie strode over and sat on the seat beside me. She looked at me with excitement, joy,

and wickedness.

a glass, saying

I saw an already–opened bottle of red wine on the table. Melanie reached for it and poured

a “Chloe, I knew you’d come as soon as I called you. I’m sure you’ve never been here

before, right? Take a guess for Matt.”

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