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CEO’s Surrender: With You, I Can Never Win

Chapter 100
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Chapter 100

Harry was driving, so he called his men to do the investigation.

Soon, he received a message from the communication company. “Mrs. Turner didn’t talk to anyone. Your

number must be on her blacklist.”

“What?” Bryan looked shocked.

He felt regretful.

That woman was vengeful. Did she try to get even with me in everything?

How childish!

“Where is she?”

“Bloom Bar. Shall we go there now?”

“Hurry up!” Bryan roared.

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Harry stepped on the accelerator and sped up. He wished this car would become a plane at this


In the bar, Finley was completely drunk after a few bottles of strong alcohol.

She kept hitting the bar counter with her head. “I keep warning myself not to make mistakes. People

can’t wait to see me make a fool of myself. Why wasn’t I more careful?”

Allison got a pillow from the bartender and put it on the bar counter to protect Finley. “Oh my! Don’t hit

anymore. You will get hurt in the head. If you became stupid, what could you teach me?” “You know

nothing but games, don’t you? Even at this horrible moment? Allison, how ungrateful your are! I will

break with you. You are not my friend anymore.” Finley had blushes on her face, narrowed her beautiful

eyes, and poked Allion on the shoulder with her slender finger.

Allison glanced at Finley and said, “Finley, no more drinking. Let’s go. I’ll take you home, okay? Let’s go

back to my place.”

“Okay, let’s go to your apartment. I don’t want to see Bryan, that jerk, anymore. He has ignored me for

one whole week, moved my phone number on the blacklist, and took that woman to the party…. Humph,

he’s a jerk. I will divorce him… I want a divorce…”

Finley shouted in the bar.

“Okay, divorce him. When we wake up tomorrow, we’ll divorce him immediately. Anyway, I don’t think

very highly of him. He is old, unromantic, and bad to you…”

Allison and Finley were complaining. They didn’t know that Bryan was standing behind them like a scary


Allison dragged Finley down from her stool, turned around, and met Bryan’s cold

Allison loosened her support for Finley out of fear. Finley fell forward.

Without hesitation, Bryan pulled Finley into his arms by her waist.


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“Mr Mr Turner, oh, what a coincidence!” Allison dreaded Bryan. Never had she looked Bryan in the eyes

though they had met several times.

An innocent girl like Allison became timid in front of the intimidating Bryan

Unlike Finley, Allison didn’t have the unyielding spirit.

“In the future, don’t take her to a bar!” Bryan ordered coldly.

Allison immediately gave in and nodded repeatedly. “Okay, there won’t be next time. Mr. Turner, please

forget what I said. Take her home quickly. If you don’t, she will break her head.”

Bryan lifted up Finley and left without looking back.

The tall figure looked cold from behind.

Allison patted her little chest and let out a sigh of relief after seeing the terrifying couple off. She almost

died of the creepy gaze of Bryan.

With her cheek against his strong chest, Finley kept muttering bad things about Bryan.

“Bryan, you’re such a jerk.”