Chapter 124Since when was Beowulf soft-hearted? At his command, the girls flinched, pale-faced. Recalling their orders, they pleaded, "Please, sir, let us serve you- otherwise, we might not survive." They'd been warned that failing to please this gentleman could spell their end. They risked being sold into a life of vice-or worse, death.
They were just trying to make a living and certainly didn't wish to die.
Such a handsman, he wouldn't turn a blind eye, would he? Master Sylvester Gomez didn't care in the slightest. His long legs emerged from the steaming hot spring as he grabbed a bathrobe hanging nearby and slipped into it. Turning his head, his eyes sharp as a hawk's, he glared at the girls. "Your fate is of no concern to me." Since when had Master Sylvester Gomez becthe benevolent type? The two girls were trembling, tears almost spilling over, praying for a sliver of mercy from the strikingly handsman before them. "Sir..." Impatient, Master Sylvester Gomez snatched up his phone and shot a text to Goy Gomez before settling on a solid oak bench nearby. With his gaze lowered, his slender fingers rhythmically tapped on the coffee table, lost in thought. Receiving the message, Goy Gomez's face drained of color, and he hurried over with his security detail. Upon arrival, they saw two girls standing in the hot spring, clinging to each other, their eyes wide with terror.
Their appearance and figure were somewhat reminiscent of Miss Lela.
Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇtWhat kind of a fool had arranged this? There was no tfor guesswork; Goy Gomez quickly ordered the guards to pull the girls out. It wasn't until they stepped out of the water that he noticed the sheer dresses clinging to them-combined with their expressions, it was an unabashed display of pure desire.
Even the guards couldn't bear to look and turned their heads away.
Goy Gomez's lip twitched at the sight, and he quickly approached Master Sylvester Gomez, his head bowed, his tone one of self-reproach.
"Sir, it was my oversight. I deserve to be punished." Mildred Gomez had been sent to follow the White Lion, which left Goy in charge of maintaining all matters here. Yet, this incident had occurred on his watch.
Master Sylvester Gomez gave Goy a cold look. "Idiot." Goy's head sank even lower.
Master Sylvester Gomez didn't dwell on the matter. Turning back to the girls, a smile suddenly broke across his face. "How amusing." Seeking a woman to match that young lady's face-a fool's errand. Master Sylvester Gomez twirled the dragon head ring on his thumb, a hint of lethal intent flashing in his eyes. "Josh Fudge!" It took Goy only a moment of surprise to grasp the situation. The entire wildlife park was Josh Fudge's territory, and during the previous hunting competition, Josh had been trying to curry favor with the master. The identity of the man sending the girls was clear without question.
In his mind, Goy afforded a moment of silence for Josh Fudge's upcoming fate.
In the past, shad tried to gift beauties to the boss, knowing full well he had no fondness for women, and they were swiftly turned away.
Yet, this tMs. Lela suddenly beca fixture by his side.
Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm
Everyone speculated-it must be that the previous offerings had failed to match Mr.Gomez's preferences, but Ms. Lela, she was different. With countless beauties in the world, one might assMs. Lela was nothing more than a plaything for him.
After all, none would believe that Mr.
Gomez-infamous for his ruthless and unforgiving nature in thestreets-Would genuinely fall for a woman with no background to speak of. Josh Fudge had really crossed the line this time. Sending a woman? If so, you'd least avoid finding someone who resembled Ms. Lela. Wasn't that just asking for trouble? Everyone knew Mr. Gomez doted on Ms. Lela to the point of absolute indulgence.
"Sir, what should we do next?"
Rising from his chair, Master Sylvester Gomez towered a half-head on above Goy Gomez, his tone laced with impatience, "Do I really need to spell it out?" Goy nodded, understanding the unspoken command-Josh Fudge was a dead man.
With a wave of his hand, the bodyguards led two weeping girls away...