Chapter One Hundred and Twenty Two Chapter One Hundred and Twenty One Chapter One Hundred and Twenty One Nothing in the world could have preparedfor that news Sarah's eyes held nothing but sympathy. I should have taken the pills. Now it was too late.
I wasn't ready; I wasn't ready to train a child. Damn, I couldn't even control myself; how am I expected to raise a child? I began panicking. "I can't-it can't be; there's too much of the line; I can't be pregnant." The words cout in a panicked whisper.
"We haven't run any tests yet; I'm only speaking based on the visible signs; we are not yet sure of anything till we run a test." She explained to me, and I nodded, but I could barely understand any word she was saying.
Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇtI paced around my room, waiting for Sarah to bring the results. She had askedto pee in a cup for the test; I didn't even mind how awkward it was-I didn't care. Please let her be wrong. If she is wrong, I would ask her for those pills and stay regular with them.
AnytI closed my eyes, I imagined myself getting big and round. I couldn't fight with a child in my stomach. I could never becan Alpha.
I always thought my childish dreams were dead, but the truth was that I had only managed to lock them away at the deepest parts of my mind; that didn't mean they were all gone. I had wanted that ever since I watched the soldiers train. I was never meant to be like the other women who had to spend their lives bearing children and raising them.
Sarah walked in; from the look on her face, I could guess what she was about to say.
"I'm really pregnant, aren't I?" I asked, and she passedthe result.
"A few weeks pregnant, Luna." "I can't..." "There is another option." "What option?" I asked, my eyes wide with hope.
"You can abort it. No one would have to know about it." Abort it. Kill an innocent child. I would never do that.
"No, I can't do that. I will keep it." Her mouth dropped open. "What? But you can't keep it... You have so much at stake; see this as a sacrifice for the greater cause." "I will keep it." I repeated, my voice sounded bold and sure and that was surprising seeing as I felt the complete opposite. "Thank you very much for your help, you may leave Sarah." She gave a slight bow before turning to leave. She seemed angry; I could understand her. She knew exactly what was on my mind, and she might actually believe she was trying to help me, but I would never kill my own child.
Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏmThe moment she was gone, I let go of every bit of bravery I had held onto; I let the tears stream down my eyes. I didn't know how long I stayed crying, but the door opened once more, alertingthat Alexander had just returned from work. Unlike every other day, when he would walk pastlike I didn't exist or I was sghost, 1/2 Chapter One Hundred and Twenty One this the stopped right in front of me.
"Are you alright?"
Alright. Of course, I wasn't; when I thought things couldn't get any m worse, they did, they got worse, life..... ΕΠ' was a disaster. and now my "I'm pregnant."
I hadn't wanted to spill it to him just yet-I would have kept it to myself till I I couldn't I needed his was ready. The wasn't strong enough.
support... I needed him now more than ever. But my words were met with silence. I stared up at him, unable to read his expression.
"Say something." I said to him, on the brink of losing it, "Damn it, say something." "Whose child is it?"
He did say something, but his words shatteredinto a million pieces! Tears poured down my face as I tried to speak, but no words came. Today's Bonus Offer