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Coolest Girl in Town

Chapter 1011
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Chapter 1011

Later when the sun was already hanging high in the sky, Camren was sleeping in one of the rooms at

Griffith Manor. Suddenly, Rebecca barged in by kicking the door open before pulling the blanket off the

old man. "Stop pretending, Abbott! Get up and go back to where you belong!"

However, he only turned around in bed slowly, weakly revealing his pale face, unlike the rosy cheeks

he had earlier that morning. He then lay down straight and coughed several times, speaking weakly.

"Here you are, Becky. Here, have a seat."

When she saw the man's reaction, she began to feel a little hesitant. "Stop pretending. Our daughter

told us everything. You're not sick at all. You're only here to stir up trouble, so leave before it gets ugly.

The guards will show you the door when I say the word."

Then, as soon as the woman finished her words, the bathroom door opened, and Jessie came out with

a dustbin. Nevertheless, the moment she saw Rebecca, she quickly hid the bin behind her. She acted

as if she was guilty of doing something shady.

"What are you hiding? Show it to me." Rebecca was tempted to find out what was going on.

"Nothing, madam." Jessie's body tensed as she rapidly shook her head.

"Give it to me!" Impatient with Jessie's little games, Rebecca charged at her and snatched the bin.

In the meantime, Jessie had no intention of hiding the bin from her either. After putting up a little

resistance, she did as Camren told her earlier and gave it to Rebecca, standing aside obediently. On

the other hand, Rebecca instantly appeared worried when she peed at the inside of the bin with

bloodied tissue papers. "Wait, what? You're sick, indeed?" Rebecca was bewildered as she asked with

a soft voice.

"Well, now that you’ve already found that out, I suppose there is nothing else I can hide. Perhaps, my

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karma has caught up with me, but I do not blame anyone for my misery. Instead, my only regret is my

failure to make it up to you, Becky. Don't tell Arie about my condition, girl. She has no idea about the

truth at all—" Camren coughed violently as he struggled to get back up and leaned on the headstand.

While Rebecca was overwhelmed with mixed emotions, her eyes fixed on the bin, Camren added,

"Don't be sad, Becky. I'm at least happy that I can see you and our daughter before I die. Please don't

worry about me—" Camren comforted Rebecca, but before he could finish his sentence, he started to

cough again.

Meanwhile, Jessie, watching aside, couldn't help but feel impressed with Camren's good acting,

thinking he would make a good actor if he worked in the entertainment industry.

"Save your breath." Then, Rebecca took the plastic bag out of the bin and took it away. Nonetheless,

she doubled back after several steps and said, "No illness is incurable with modern medical technology

today. You mustn't die yet because you need to live long enough to repay us your debt!" She walked

out the door upon finishing her sentence.

"Why is it only you, Mom?" Ariel, who had been waiting downstairs, was surprised to see only Rebecca

when she thought her mother could have settled her father.

"He is old, and his days are numbered, so I have no reason to be mean to him." Rebecca sighed in


"What are you talking about, Mom? Didn't I tell you earlier? He's pretending." Ariel couldn't believe she

would fall for Camren's acting, although she always thought of her mother as an intelligent and shrewd

woman. Because of that, she didn't know whether that was disappointing or laughable.

"I don't care whether that's true or not. I'll look after him while you carry on with your life. So, I'm going

to go back and pack my stuff. Then, I'll move in and stay here." Rebecca was ready to dedicate her

time to caring for Camren from then on.

"What's wrong, Mom? Are you devastated or something?" Ariel sensed something wrong with her

mother's strange behavior.

"Devastated? Let's assume your mom has finally gotten over it, Honey. Furthermore, we should always

respect our elders' wishes." Danny pulled Ariel aside with him.

"I must get to the bottom of the truth, or Rylantha could pay us a visit and blame us for that." Ariel didn't

want any unforeseen trouble.

"Let her come then. In fact, I'm looking forward to seeing her deal with your mom. After all, the insults

from your mom's mouth are so devastating that they can destroy anyone's soul."

"How dare you make fun of my mom, Danny!"


After resting for half a month, Narissa was beginning to grow tired of her diet, which consisted of only

soup, although Elise was a good cook. "Come on, El. I can't take this anymore. I've had soup for

almost every meal in the last half of the month. Look at my tummy. I've put on so much weight that I'm

starting to lose my slim waist."

Elise held the spoon full of soup close to Narissa's mouth. "No. Losing your slim waist is the least of

your worries now. Your condition will take months to fully recover, and you've barely even lived through

half of it."

Narissa acted like she would cry but quickly rolled her eyes when something crossed her mind. "Fine,

I'll bear with my soupy diet, but please let me go out. I've been lying in bed for about half a month and

already feel like an old lady. If I stay in like this, I will be covered in cobwebs—"

Elise pouted and replied, "I don't know what you're thinking, but if seeing Jamie is why you want to go

out, then the answer is no. Come on, girl. You're a grown adult, so why are you still acting like a

stubborn child?" She felt like a mother nagging at her daughter every time she talked about that matter.

While Narissa pouted unhappily, Elise soon fed Narissa some fish and coaxed her to eat it. "I wouldn't

want to keep you grounded if I had a choice, but we have exhausted many resources to ensure the

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welfare and safety of your life and Jamie's. Especially Zephyr, he has to prepare your medication once

every few days so you both can recover sooner. Furthermore, I'm sure you don't want to keep imposing

on him, right?"

"Don't worry about that. I will pay him extra on top of the price for his service." Narissa had no intention

of owing Zephyr his money.

"It's not about the money, my friend. Zephyr may be a doctor with impressive skills, but he is not

someone anyone could hire with money. Therefore, you're actually paying him a favor rather than

money." Elise spoke from a neutral point of view.

"I bet it was all his idea, wasn't it?" Narissa was starting to get a little desperate. "Why don't you tell him

to talk to me himself? I want to see how he will make me feel indebted to him."

"You know what? I don't think he has the time to play your games." At times, it seemed to Elise that

Narissa and Zephyr were like kids who simply went ahead with their plans, no matter what the others


"How busy can he get? It's not like anyone has been hurt recently." Narissa appeared to be skeptical.

"It's your godson. Zephyr wants to be his mentor, but Irvin needs help to defeat Raymond, or he will not

consider his request. Because of that, Zephyr is always nowhere to be seen after his meal, suggesting

he is swamped." Then, Elise changed Narissa's perception of Zephyr. She added, "Anyway, Zephyr

has been concerned about you and Jamie this time, so you need to stop being mean to him."

"Don't worry. I won't look for trouble with him if he leaves me alone." Narissa rolled her eyes upward.

"Good! Rest well for now. I need to go." Elise had to leave as she had to supervise her children, who

had homework.

"Alright." Narissa responded affirmatively.

Elise stood up and warned her once again. "Remember, don't ever go looking for Jamie!"

"Okay! Okay! I heard you! Hmph!" Narissa covered herself with her blanket in an annoyed manner. As

soon as the door closed, she crept off her bed and went to her closet to take her outfit.