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Coolest Girl in Town

Chapter 1074
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Chapter 1074 You’re Not Mrs. Griffith

When Owen finished speaking, he turned around and left with his subordinates.

After they were gone, only Alexander and Elise were left in the room. However, they looked nothing like

their original selves.

At that moment, they stopped pretending as their gazes were filled with love and longing.

As Elise glanced at the man's face that resembled Johnny's, she found it comical.

She finally understood how Alexander felt when he gazed at Anastasia's face.

It was supposed to be a romantic moment since they had been separated for quite a while, but she

couldn't help laughing.

A helpless Alexander walked over and showed her his tied hands, motioning for her to set him free.

While untying the rope, Elise asked nervously, "Johnny, has Alexander really fallen ill? Owen is lying to

me, isn't he?"

Although the room was full of bugs, there were no cameras at all. Therefore, even though they couldn't

speak as freely as they wanted to, they could move around.

"I hope this is a lie, but I'm sorry, Mrs. Griffith. Boss is indeed in a terrible state, and even Doc cannot

save him. His days are numbered."

Alexander read out the script he had prepared. Then, he tossed the rope away and extended his hand

before pulling the woman into his embrace.

"Boss misses you very much, Mrs. Griffith. He always calls out to you in his dreams."

Confessing his love for the woman in this situation was romantic; it was as though they got to spend

their last moments together during doomsday. Elise greedily breathed in the man's smell, which made

her feel at ease.

His presence was unique. She felt restrained when they were separated despite having the freedom to

go wherever she pleased. However, the moment she saw him, even if she was in prison, she felt free

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and unfettered.

"So what if he misses me? If he can't survive, my child will be born without a father." Elise knew Owen

was still eavesdropping on her, so she pretended to be worried about her future.

"Don't worry, Mrs. Griffith. Even if Boss passes away, Smith Co.'s assets are sufficient to allow you and

your child to live the rest of your lives without having to worry about money," Alexander said as he let

Elise go and stroked her belly. His eyes were brimming with love.

Finally, he didn't have to let her face the difficulty of nurturing a new life on her own.

Elise took his hands and leaned in closer to him to feel the man's warmth. She asked, "By the way, why

were you captured?"

"A few days ago, a customer from Lavonia let us in on a business deal. After Boss fell ill, our enemies

started targeting us. As such, we're short on money now. I didn't want to miss the chance, so I went

over. Little did I know it was Owen's trap. It's all my fault for being too greedy."

In truth, Alexander was already aware that it was Owen's plan. He was wondering how he could locate

Elise when Owen presented this trap. As such, he played along and showed weakness so that he

would be captured at the scene. Just as he wished, he finally got to see Elise.

"Those from Triune are cunning," Elise remarked. "Even you are not a match for Owen. So what if

Smith Co. has a lot of assets? How much longer can all of you keep the money?"

"What are you trying to say, Mrs. Griffith?" Alexander raised his voice and sounded furious. "The

moment you got together with Boss, you should've expected this day to come. You're supposed to stay

loyal to Boss, so how could you be a coward now?"

They then pretended to fall out.

"I'm Alexander's woman, no doubt about it. If I were on my own, I wouldn't mind going to hell with him.

However, I'm a mother now, so I have to consider my child. I just want to live a peaceful life. What's

wrong with that?"

Alexander snorted. "You've enjoyed the glory and pleasure that Boss has given you. However, once

we're faced with a crisis, you want to live a peaceful life. Mrs. Griffith, do you seriously think you can

cherry-pick the good stuff only?"

"You! Johnny, don't forget that I'm still Mrs. Griffith. Mind your attitude!"

"You're Mrs. Griffith only when I acknowledge it. If I don't, you're just a nobody."

Elise found the man laughable. She placed her hands on her hips and looked provocatively at

Alexander. "I dare you to say that again!"

Alexander extended his bony hand and pulled the woman into his embrace before landing a peck on

her lips. With a smug expression, he said, "You're not Mrs. Griffith! You're just a nobody!"

She's my wife, my child's mother, and the love of my life.

His eyes were glittering, looking as though he was proud of his acting skills.

A blushing Elise thumped at his chest in protest, but she couldn't stop acting. "We no longer have

anything to do with each other, then. Stay away from me. I don't want to see you here!"

The next instant, Alexander locked lips with her, making the woman unable to speak.

In a different room, Owen took his headphones off and leaned against the chair. He fell into his

thoughts with a frown.

He initially decided to let Johnny meet Anastasia so that the man would understand that Alexander was

doomed, and Smith Co. no longer had a future. He wanted Johnny to face reality and work for Triune.

After all, they were short on talented people.

However, he didn't expect that Anastasia would be the first to waver. He felt that Alexander no longer

had a keen eye for women.

If Elise were the one getting detained, she would've unwaveringly made a scene and killed some

people while she was at it.

Fortunately, Elise wasn't their target. Otherwise, they would have a hard time capturing her, let alone

detaining her in the base. That was no different from putting a time bomb there.

Owen supposed heaven was on their side, for Elise passed away long ago, saving them a lot of

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At the thought of this, he smiled craftily.

A moment later, he calmed himself down and ordered through the intercom, "Take Johnny away and

keep him inside the dungeon."

Maverick was supposed to transfer the money to Suella a week later, but before the sky turned dark,

she received a message from the man. He told her to meet up with him at the dock the next day.

She found it fishy, so she directly gave him a call. "Get the money ready and transfer it to my account.

Given our relationship, we're not supposed to meet up."

"I think it's no longer appropriate for you to stay in Wegas, so I've bought you a one-way ticket to

Europe. I'll pass you the money and watch you get on board. Otherwise, I won't be able to put my mind

at ease."

Before Suella could turn him down, Maverick threatened her by saying, "I'll give you 30 million in full,

but if you stay here and ruin my future, you won't get a penny. Make up your mind."

He then hung up the call and sent her the dock's address.

That's 30 million. Even if I start over in Europe, the money is sufficient to let me enjoy a luxurious life


After hesitating for a bit, Suella decided to head to the dock.

She only brought with her a suitcase that was filled with the luxury bags she had bought over the years.

She didn't even bring any clothes with her, thinking that she would buy all the stuff she needed when

she arrived in Europe.

Maverick was already waiting for her when Suella arrived. He looked into the distance on his own, and

it seemed like he was waiting for the ship.

When she approached the man, she realized two speedboats were parked by the dock.

As the wind breezed through her, she called out to Maverick. Getting no response from him, she

cupped her hands around her mouth and shouted, "Maverick!"

The next moment, a baseball bat accurately struck the back of her head.