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Coolest Girl in Town

Chapter 1078
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Chapter 1078 Aren’t You His Girlfriend?

Since Alexander had fallen ill, they had arranged for two bodyguards to stay outside the Griffith Manor's

entrance to prevent outsiders from entering.

At 3.00PM the next day, Zephyr approached the entrance with a man in a black hoodie, but they were

stopped by the bodyguards.

"Who is the person behind you, Dr. Lorwhal?"

Although Zephyr was suspected to be a traitor, the bodyguards were polite to him.

Zephyr took a look at them and stepped aside. "Have a look."

Following that, the man lowered the hood and revealed his face.

"It's Matthew!"

The instant the bodyguards realized his identity, one of them called for support while the other reached

for his gun at the waist.

A well-prepared Matthew fished out his baseball bat from behind and knocked them out quickly.

"Let's go." An unfazed Zephyr stepped into the house first.

Instead of following him, Matthew remained in the same spot and vigilantly observed his surroundings.

Things went too well, and it was to the point where he felt strange.

When Zephyr realized the man wasn't following him, he turned around and asked, "What are you

looking at? I've settled the guards around this area. Why do you think you managed to cross the street


Matthew looked at him and then scanned the surroundings, for he was still worried.

"Anyway, Narissa is in your hands. Even if you're captured, they'll have to exchange you for her. What's

there to worry about? If you don't hurry up, other people will notice the anomaly here and rush over.

When that happens, I'll lose my life!" Zephyr urged him anxiously.

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Only then did Matthew dip his head and step forward.

They soon reached the second floor. The entire building was quiet, save for the sounds of their hasty

footsteps. As Matthew moved forward, he observed the villa's structure and pondered on how he could

escape if an emergency happened.

They then rounded a corner and arrived at a room.

Zephyr opened the door, and the moment Matthew registered Alexander's presence, he lost his

rationality. He immediately pulled out a knife and charged forward without hesitation.

He had failed in his attempts to kill the man many times. As such, he had learned his lesson and

decided to end Alexander's life as quickly as he could. The instant he reached the bed, he swiftly

brought down his knife.

At that moment, he felt relieved that everything was going to end on a perfect note.

He imagined his knife jabbing into the man's flesh and killing him. However, that didn't happen. Instead,

he heard a loud thud as though his knife had hit a piece of iron.

Just then, Johnny, who was disguised as Alexander, opened his eyes.

Matthew was startled, but before he came to his senses, Johnny sat up straight. He then grabbed

Matthew's wrist with one hand and handcuffed him with the other.

"Well, well. How does it feel to be captured and handcuffed?" Zephyr walked into the room with his

hands tucked in his pockets. It seemed that everything was under his control.

Matthew darted his gaze between Zephyr and 'Alexander' before realizing he had fallen for their trap

again. He gritted his teeth furiously and tried to jab 'Alexander' with his knife. He was determined to go

to hell with him.

A well-prepared Johnny turned over and pinned him to the bed.

At the same time, Clement emerged from behind the screen and started beating Matthew up until the

latter no longer had any strength to move a muscle.

When Danny entered the room, he saw a paralyzed Matthew lying on the floor. His face was purple,

and blood was still streaming out of his mouth. There was no doubt he looked battered.

"Well, do you admit defeat this time?" Danny questioned.

Matthew sneered. "Why would I admit defeat? Do you think you're the winner? Before I came here, I'd

informed the people over there. If I don't call them in half an hour, the two women will be killed. Just

detain me if you don't care about them. There are two of them while I'm on my own. I suffer no losses!"

A disappointed Danny shook his head. "Do you think we'd lure you to this place without any

preparations? Our people barged into your place the moment you returned to Wegas. They're

supposed to be coming back now."

Matthew widened his bloodshot eyes and growled, "That's impossible! I've been cautious. If I hadn't

deliberately let Narissa follow us, she wouldn't have found that place. How is it possible that you've

found it?"

"You'll never accept the truth, will you? We've been fully aware of your plan since the beginning.

Everything was a trap Alexander and Zephyr had set up to capture you. Will you wake up to reality?

You stand no chance to win."

Matthew glared at Zephyr before shifting his attention to 'Alexander'. While in pain, he appeared

shocked and vicious, as though he was trying to hold something in.

A moment later, he spat a mouthful of blood and blacked out. Danny let out a sigh and handcuffed him

before taking him away.

As darkness descended, the moon hung high in the sky. There were a lot of stars that night, and the

North Star was especially bright, as though it was pointing out the direction for those who were heading


Other than Camren and Rebecca, the others were seated in the Griffith Manor's living room and

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chatting casually. Only Zephyr appeared to be on pins and needles.

After the antique clock on the wall rang 11 times, he started taking a look at his wristwatch frequently.

About ten minutes later, a car was heard pulling up outside the house. Zephyr stood up straight and

looked expectantly at the door.

Infected by his emotion, the others rose from the couch as well.

A moment later, Narissa stepped into the living room while pushing the wheelchair-bound woman


Upon registering their presence, Zephyr hurriedly went over.

A tactful Narissa stopped pushing the wheelchair forward.

At that moment, she realized that Zephyr's eyes were red and filled with tears.

She curled her lips and thought, I've never seen this guy being so sentimental before. Well, it seems

that he and the little fairy are a perfect match when it comes to their appearances, at the very least.

"Do you miss me so much?" the woman looked up at him and asked through choked sobs. The

moment she spoke, tears slid down her cheeks and left some traces on her delicate face.

"Yes, I miss you very much." Zephyr didn't bicker with her. Instead, he sounded affectionate. He raised

his hand and gently ruffled her hair, as though he was petting an adorable pet.

The woman was used to this kind of intimacy. She spread her arms and said, "Give me a hug."

Zephyr did as he was told and hugged her.

The people at the scene tactfully looked away.

Although Narissa didn't mind watching it, she still cocked her head.

She supposed she wasn't used to seeing a couple showing their affection for each other.

"Alright." The woman soon pushed Zephyr away and put on a faint smile. "If we hug for too long, they'll

mistake the nature of our relationship, my dear brother."

"Huh?" Narissa couldn't believe her ears as she turned around and asked agitatedly, "Aren't you his
