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Coolest Girl in Town

Chapter 1089
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Chapter 1089 Leaving It to Fate

Taven assumed they were his son's friends, so he let go of Bridgette and rose to his feet.

"That's kind of you. Let's talk inside."

After getting his permission, the siblings entered with their gifts. Alicia was polite as always, while Paul

wore a scowl on his face.

Noticing that Jamie was behaving rather differently, Alicia couldn't help but frown. "What's wrong with


Bridgette heaved a sigh upon hearing the innocent question.

Taven also sighed heavily before explaining, "He hurt his head, so he's now behaving like a child.

Nobody knows how long he will take to recover."

Surprised, Alicia covered her mouth with her hand as her eyes widened in shock and doubt. Soon, the

emotions were replaced by a glint of guilt.

He could've avoided getting hurt in the first place if it wasn't for saving me. It would not have been like

this. I owe him so much that I can never repay the debt.

Paul wasn't expecting such an outcome either. His scowl slightly softened as guilt washed over him.

A somber mood instantly enveloped the room.

The thought of Jamie's condition caused Taven's blood to boil. He tightly clenched his fists and gritted

his teeth. "The culprit needs to watch out because I'm going to make them pay for hurting my son!"

The siblings visibly stiffened at his determined words.

Even though Taven threatened to avenge Jamie, Paul wasn't planning to deny his responsibility in

Jamie's current condition. Thus, he came clean to Taven. "I'm one of them. I hurt him with a mace."

"What the hell did you just say?" Taven grabbed Paul by his collar. "You punk! How dare you have the

face to show up after hurting my son? You'll regret getting on the bad side of the Kellers!"

"I wouldn't have shown up here if I was afraid of the consequences." Paul had nothing to lose as he

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stated, "I'll have you know that I'll still do the same if it happens one more time. Your son deserves it."

The moment he finished his words, Taven's fist met his cheek. The impact knocked his head to the


Paul bore it without a word. Even more, he raised his chin with a challenging look on his face.

He asked for it! Taven thought. Therefore, he raised his hand again to give Paul another blow to the

face. How dare he hurt my son?!

Before Taven could land another punch to Paul's face, Alicia interfered. "Please stop, Mr. Keller. It's not

how it looks. Paul didn't have a second choice at that time. He didn't mean to hurt Jamie."

"Did he, now? Take a look at him! I see no regret on his face! Jamie is doomed if he can't get better.

This guy deserves to rot in prison."

"Rot in prison? What about your son? He's two-timing his fiancée! Furthermore, he ruined my sister's

reputation. I'll hold him accountable to it."

Surprisingly, Paul's outburst calmed both parties down and prevented the situation from getting worse.

Taven withdrew his hand while Bridgette rose to her feet. The couple turned their attention to Narissa,

seeking an answer to see whether Paul's words were true or not.

Narissa took a deep breath before telling them everything. "He's telling the truth. Jamie and I broke up

for the exact same reason. Moreover, Miss Heidelberg is now pregnant with Jamie's child. It seems like

you have sorted things out. If so, I'll be going and leave the rest to you."

After that, she began to walk away without turning back.

"Wait! Don't leave Jamie alone!"

"Stop right there! Aren't you ashamed of what you did? You aren't going anywhere! Keep an eye on


Jamie ran after Narissa. However, Taven immediately dragged him back and pushed him onto the

couch. Bridgette was asked to hold him down too.

What a weakling my son is! It pained Taven to admit it. How could he give in to temptation when he's

already engaged? He's such a disgrace to the Keller Family! I'm glad the Cuber Family keeps it

between us. It's more than Jamie deserves. We can't take it for granted and ask for more.

Since it was a matter between the Keller Family and the Heidelberg Family, Ariel had no right to

meddle with it. Therefore, she hastily excused herself before leaving the room.

Narissa hadn't made it far when Ariel got out of the room. Ariel picked up the pace and fell into step

with her friend before asking, "Are you sure you want to push Jamie away?"

Narissa gave her a bright smile. "I left it to fate and it made its decision."

Ariel was confused at first. A moment later, she got what Narissa meant. The Keller Family needs Alicia

to give birth to an heir because Jamie is no longer a suitable candidate.

"Look at how destiny fools people," she lamented.

Meanwhile, back in the room, the group was sitting opposite each other as they thought about different

things at the moment.

It was only after a long time that Taven broke the silence. "I apologize for losing my temper. As you

have seen, Jamie isn't recovering anytime soon. Therefore, I'm hoping that Miss Heidelberg will keep

the baby."

"No way! Alicia will never give birth to the child of a sc*m who cheated on his fiancée!" Paul interjected.

Taven only raised his head a little before shifting his attention to Alicia. "What do you think, Miss


"I haven't decided yet." Alicia cared more about Jamie's willingness. However, judging from his

condition, he couldn't even make a rational decision on his own.

"I understand. How about I pay your parents a visit someday to discuss the matter?"

"Don't bother. My parents passed away long ago and my grandfather is living on borrowed time. As her

brother, I'm the only person whom she can depend on right now, and I have the right to decide for her.

She isn't keeping the baby. We are going to the hospital tomorrow to get her an abortion."

Paul spoke firmly. He didn't want Alicia to compromise. I'm not leaving her to a man who can't return

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her feelings. It'll ruin her future. She's my precious sister. Men should be pursuing her and she'll bring

them to their knees, not the other way around. I won't allow Jamie to take everything my sister gave

him without repaying her.

Taven glanced at Paul but didn't reply. Instead, he changed his approach by appealing to Alicia's

sympathy. "Miss Heidelberg, you might not know my son that much. However, he's an optimistic,

righteous, brave, and kind son to us. He's the walking definition of a good man. You said it yourself just

now. He only got hurt in the first place because he risked his life to save you. Now, you're pregnant with

his flesh and blood, and the baby might be the only child he can ever have. I hope you can really think

it through before you make your decision."

His words hit a spot within Alicia.

To her, Jamie wasn't any ordinary good man. He would always be her hero. Hence, she couldn't bring

herself to abandon him at such a critical moment.

Paul looked at her expression and was immediately alerted to her hesitation. He couldn't contain his

anger as he roared, "You sly old dog! Don't you dare guilt trip my sister into agreeing with your wicked

plan! Let's go, Alicia. There's no need to waste our time on these sanctimonious hypocrites!"

He surged to his feet and walked away, expecting Alicia to follow suit. However, she did not do so.

"Alicia, what are you waiting for?" He stopped in his tracks to urge her.

She raised her head and watched him with determination in her eyes. "Paul, I'm staying a little longer. I

want to keep Jamie company."

Only a second ago, Paul refused to keep the baby but the next second, Alicia decided to stay with the

Kellers. The siblings didn't need to exchange more words to convey their thoughts to each other.

I can't believe it! How can you be so foolish, Alicia? Even though rage and questions filled Paul's mind,

he left the room in anger.

Afraid of Alicia changing her mind, Bridgette slid into the seat next to her and stated, "Rest assured,

Alicia. As long as you agree to have the baby, we'll try to meet your demands as best as we can."

"We'll discuss it later." Alicia smiled bitterly. She sat next to Jamie and reached out a hand to touch his


She barely touched him when he immediately slipped out of her touch. He ran around the room and

threw a tantrum. "Where's the beautiful lady just now? I want to play with her! Boohoo!"