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Coolest Girl in Town

Chapter 231
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Coolest Girl in Town

Chapter 230

Despite the circumstances, Elise only smiled back at Jamie. After all, if it weren’t for the presence of

other people, she might have used this opportunity to tell Alexander the truth. However, it wasn’t the best

time to speak up given the number of people present. And so, she decided to take it step by step.

As a discerning man, Rudolph took notice of Alexander’s seeming interest in Elise and tried his best to

bring the topic around to both of them. Meanwhile, Jamie, who was seated nearby, was quick-witted

enough to resolve the awkward atmosphere.

However, Rudolph seemed not to cotton onto Jamie’s meaning and only occupied himself with debating

whether to arrange for H and Alexander to have some time alone after the dinner.

Most were aware of the unspoken rules that guided this industry, and Jamie knew that H’s reputation

would not suffer for her being alone with Alexander. Hence, he offered, “Want a smoke, Rudolph? Let’s

step outside for a smoke.”

Though somewhat reluctant to leave, Rudolph agreed to Jamie’s proposal with a smile. “Sure. We’ll be

back soon, Young Master Alex.”

With that, they walked out of the room one after the other. Without Rudolph there to get in the way, the

atmosphere between Elise and Alexander began to change subtly.

For a long moment, the room was silent. After a while, Alexander slowly spoke. “You have a beautiful

voice, Miss H, and you’ve been doing very well in the industry. Why did you retire?”

She lifted her eyes and stared at him. As their eyes met, the both of them jolted like they had been

shocked and Elise was the first to look away.

It feels too familiar, Alexander thought to himself with a frown. It feels just like when Elise and I look at each other. Why do I keep seeing Elise in her? Are they related in some way?

Now that he actually thought about it, they both had the same last name. Does that mean the both of them are biologically related?

Before Alexander could pursue that line of thought, Elise murmured, “I retired previously due to a vocal

cord injury. Since I thought I could never sing again, I

chose an appropriate time to leave the scene. After treatment, however, my vocal cords healed. I didn’t

want to return-you could say I never thought about it-but in the end, I came back for a friend. She lost her

memory, but she was always a fan of my music before that. What I’m hoping for is to bring back her lost

memories using my music.”

“I see. You must prize your relationships very much. It must be a blessed thing to be your friend.”

Though his tone of voice was sincere, she simply commented, “Thank you, but I’m only doing what I can.

I’ll leave the rest up to fate.”

By now, Alexander was feeling not only did Joy remind him strongly of Elise, but they spoke very

similarly as well. How could there be two people in this world who looked so different and yet seemed so


“May I take the liberty of asking you a question, Miss Sinclair?”


“Do you have a twin or a biological sister?”

And just like that, Elise felt her heart skip a beat. At first, she thought Alexander had discovered

something but since he was only staring at her in confusion, she could only tell him, “I’m an only child.

There are no other children in my family.”

Assuming he had jumped to conclusions, Alexander was quick to apologize. “I’m sorry. I only asked

because I thought you were very similar to someone I know. Please don’t take it to heart.”

Yet, Elise asked curiously, “Who are you talking about? Is it the woman you love? I heard you have a

fiancée… I wonder what she’s like.”

The statement was thrown out reflexively, and Elise wished for nothing more than to be able to bite off

her own tongue the moment she finished speaking. Why do I have to complicate things for myself?

Yet, there was a part of her that hoped to be able to hear what Alexander thought of her through

someone else’s ears.

“I wonder if you can read minds, Miss Sinclair, because the woman that I said was

similar to you is indeed my fiancée. She is someone I feel very comfortable with.”

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Somewhat surprised by his reply, Elise opened her mouth to say something, only to be interrupted by the

room door flying open as Jamie and Rudolph walked in.

“Miss H! Young Master Alex! What are you both talking about?”

“Nothing. We were merely chatting.”

With that, Rudolph dropped the topic.

It was evident that he dared not force Elise and Alexander together again after Jamie’s skillful

manipulation of the scenario. Thus, the dinner came to a perfect end.

On the way home, Elise looked out of the window as Jamie drove and couldn’t resist asking, “Do you

think Alexander could have found out about my identity a long time ago, Jamie?”

“Why do you say that, Boss?” Jamie questioned, puzzled.

In truth, she didn’t have a concrete explanation. It was only that Alexander had stared at her strangely

prior to leaving, and that careful recollection of their conversation made her feel like he wouldn’t have

asked her whether she had a sister if he hadn’t realized something was amiss.

“Forget it. I was planning to tell him the truth, anyway, so even if he knows, he’s only finding out a little bit

beforehand. It’s no big deal.”

“It’ll be fine, Boss! You didn’t do anything wrong-you were only keeping your identity hidden. He shouldn’t

blame you for that.”

Pursing her lips, Elise muttered, “Let’s drop the topic. I don’t want to think about it anymore. The fan

meeting is tomorrow, so make sure you get some rest once you go home.”

With that, Jamie speedily ferried her back to the Griffith Residence before driving off on his own.

Unbeknownst to Elise, there was a slender figure on the balcony of the top floor, watching as Jamie

disappeared into the night. At this moment, Alexander sucked in a deep breath as his eyes darkened.

“You’re finally back, Miss Elise! Young Master Alex has been looking for you ever since he got home.

When he found out you weren’t home, he was worried sick. You’d better go say hi to him. He’s on the top

floor!” Stella announced, prompting Elise to hum a reply before putting down her bag and heading


Unexpectedly, Elise bumped into the man in question once she turned a corner. “Why are you standing


Staring closely at her, Alexander ignored her question in favor of asking, “Where have you been? Why

have you returned so late?”

And so, she had no choice but to say, “I wanted to relax after my exams, so I went out for dinner with my


“Oh? Which friends?”

Despite the mild evenness to his tone, Elise was starting to realize that something was off. Lifting her

gaze, she answered with a smile, “My classmates! Why? Did you need something?”

Just like that, Alexander looked even more somber. The one thing he was most scared of in life was

being deceived, and she had just looked him in the eye and lied to him.

Before she came back, he had had Danny ask Elise’s friends for her whereabouts. Not a single one of

them had set up a meeting to have dinner with her, not to mention that she had just been dropped off by

a man. Even so, Alexander had chosen to trust her until she lied straight to his face.

“It’s fine. Get some rest.”

The response made Elise’s eyelid twitch. After all, she had sensed the change in his mood, but his anger

had dissipated so quickly that it left her feeling like she had imagined things.

“You should get some rest as well.” With that, she strode upstairs and back to her room, shutting the

door without thinking further about the incident until her cell phone chimed several times in rapid

succession. Quickly, she pulled it out and discovered a slew of messages from Danny.

‘Where are you, Boss? Alex is looking for you!

“Say something, Boss. Don’t make us worry!”

“Why aren’t you picking up my calls? Call me back as soon as you see this message?

‘Boss! Boss! Boss!’

And it went on and on

Dumbfounded, Elise stared down at the messages. Having not expected to receive so many

notifications, she had put her phone on silent mode that evening and was only now finding out that

Alexander had been looking for her.

Hurriedly, she replied to Danny’s messages and informed him that she had returned so he wouldn’t

worry. With that, she put the thought out of her mind, took a quick shower and fell sound asleep.

The night passed smoothly and Elise did not wake up until the next morning. Although her clock told her

there were only a few hours left before her fan meeting, she did not feel hurried in the slightest and only

took her time to wash up and get changed. By the time she made herself presentable, Mikayla was

already downstairs waiting for her.

“Why are you so slow, Elise?” Mikayla couldn’t help complaining upon seeing her.

Taken aback to see Mikayla there, Elise asked in surprise, “Were you waiting for me?”

Mikayla was a little embarrassed, but she nodded anyway. “Jack said he’ll be coming with us, so I’m here

to wait for you guys.”

“Jack came home?” Elise stared at her in confusion.

Just as the words left her mouth, Jack emerged at the top of the staircase and made his way down. “I

know I don’t come home often, but that doesn’t mean you have to be so surprised, Elise.”

Elise was at a loss for words. After a moment of pause, she said, “Are you done getting ready, Jack?

Remember to dress down a bit. I don’t want your fans recognizing you when we’re there.”

Jack fixed his hair while he said narcissistically, “It wouldn’t be surprising if people actually recognized

me, though. After all, I’m just that handsome.”

Mikayla and Elise rolled their eyes at him in unison.

“How can you be so full of yourself?”

“You’re so full of yourself!”

The two ladies exclaimed in sync. They shared a smile a second after realizing that. “Our minds are so

alike, huh?” Mikayla said jokingly. Then, she gave Jack an annoyed side-eye.

Jack shrugged and said, “Don’t put the blame on me. I might be narcissistic, but it’s not like I don’t look

the part! I can’t possibly shy away when the heavens gave me such a flawless body to live in.”

“Stop! Jack, if you’re going to act like this, I’ll be leaving with Elise.”

Seeing her reaction, Jack immediately stopped fooling around. “No, wait for me! I’ll be ready in a minute.”

With those words, he scurried upstairs to change into a low-key outfit. He also put on a face mask so that

it was less likely for his fans to recognize him in public,

“Mikayla, Jack, you two should go ahead. I’ll head over there in a bit. Let’s meet up at

the venue.”

Jack was beyond thrilled to hear that. He instinctively gave Elise a grateful look. How could Elise not

know what he was thinking? She figured it out when she noticed how interested he was in Mikayla.

“Sure, Elise. We’ll get going, then. See you.” Mikayla waved at Elise and left with Jack.

When the two of them had left, Elise asked Stella, “Where’s Alexander? Did he go to work?”

Stella quickly replied, “Miss Elise, I haven’t seen Young Master Alexander since this morning! His car is

still in the garage, though. I just don’t know where he went.”

A hint of doubt passed her eyes. His car is at home, but he‘s not?

She immediately went upstairs to Alexander’s room, but there was no one inside when she pushed open

the door. There was no sign of the man at all.

Elise went around the entire house to search for him but to no avail. Thus, she took out her phone and

dialed his number, only to be replied by a woman’s robotic voice, “Hello, the number you’ve dialed is out

of reach…”

Elise’s forehead furrowed in a deep frown. Why‘s his phone turned off?

And so, Elise gave Cameron a call, but the guy only answered, “Young Master Alexander hasn’t come to

his office. I didn’t see him either, but I’ll let you know if I do. If there’s nothing else, I’ll be hanging up


After ending the call, Elise couldn’t help but feel a little disappointed. Come to think of it, though, Alexander‘s also a fan of H, so he‘d definitely attend the fan meeting. He even promised to wait for me after the event.

So, Elise pushed the unsettling thoughts to the back of her mind and returned to her room to change

before heading out. She then hailed a cab to Jamie’s office. After undergoing a makeover by a makeup

artist and a stylist, she reappeared with a brand new look.

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“Boss, you look absolutely stunning and cool in this get-up. Your fans will be so hyped to see you like


Elise stared at her own reflection, feeling quite satisfied about how she looked. “It’s a brand new start

today. Hopefully I can finally be myself again from now on.”

“Everything will go well, Boss. Let’s go.”

At this very moment, the largest stadium in Athesea was filled with people. Fans were holding LED sign

boards of H high above their heads, and never ending waves of costatic cheers filled the air.

A minivan slowly arrived at the entrance, and screams grew louder wherever it drove past

“Boss, you have such passionate fans!” Jamie couldn’t help but exclaim.

Elise looked at her fans around her through the windows, feeling unbelievably moved. These people

were from all over the world, but they were all gathered here

today just for her. They were all strangers to each other who had traveled far and wide to see her.

“Boss, you can just head inside from the entrance. Our security system is very well established here;

there’ll be more than 20 bodyguards around you at all times to ensure your safety.”

“I know. There’s a huge crowd today, so tell everyone to stay safe.”

When the car fully came to a stop, Jamie got down first and opened the door for Elise before she swiftly

got down. The moment she did so, the surrounding crowd reacted enthusiastically. They couldn’t stop

cheering for H, and Elise waved at them with a smile on her face as she followed the bodyguards into the


Mikayla, who was standing amidst the crowd, spotted H immediately. She couldn’t help but buzz with

excitement as she said to Jack eagerly, “Look-it’s really H! She’s so pretty in person!”

Jack followed her line of sight. A pleasant surprise filled his eyes when he laid eyes on Elise. H had

always mesmerized her fans with her voice alone, so he didn’t think that she’d be so beautiful in person.

“She’s indeed very pretty. She looks so young too! She doesn’t look like a singer with years of

experience at all.”

In response, Mikayla patted his shoulder matter-of-factly. “H debuted when she was 15, so she should

only be around 18 or 19 now. Don’t you know that?”

Jack felt a little embarrassed; in truth, he actually didn’t know much about H. “I didn’t know that, but I do

now that you’ve told me.”

“It’s fine! We should head inside too. But why isn’t Elise here yet?” Mikayla decided to give Elise a call as

she spoke, but she was stopped by Jack.

“You don’t need to call her. It’s so crowded here anyway, so the signal is probably bad too. She’ll

definitely head inside if she’s here, so let’s just wait for her inside.”

Hearing that, Mikayla put away her phone and went through the entrance with Jack.

Meanwhile, Elise went to her dressing room backstage to take a break. Without missing a beat, the

director came over to check up on her schedule for the day. After they were done with that, Elise took a

look at the time. There‘s 10 more minutes before showtime. I wonder if Mikayla and the others are here yet.

As that thought flooded her mind, her phone buzzed with a notification. It was a text message from

Mikayla asking where she was. Elise quickly replied, ‘I’m already here. See you later!’ Then, she kept her

phone away. Since Mikayla and Jack are here, Alerander should also have arrived.

“Boss, it’s time to stand by,” Jamie came and informed her.

Elise got up and made her way toward the waiting area. Round after round of energetic cheers came

from the stadium; they hadn’t stopped once even before Elise made her appearance onstage.

“Alright, alright. I’m sure everyone here can’t wait to see our star of the day-H! Well then, what are we

waiting for? Let’s welcome her onstage together!”

The host’s friendly interaction fired up the crowd, and they cheered in unison, “Ten… nine… eight…


When the final second came, Elise ascended up the stage from below on a trap door, slowly coming into

view before her audience. The surrounding screams and cheers amplified at once.

As Elise took it all in, she couldn’t help but feel deeply overwhelmed. She walked

toward the host and he quickly passed her a microphone.

“Here, H. Go on and introduce yourself to the fans.”

Elise took the microphone and she looked around at her fans, who had filled every seat in the stadium.

She said, “Hello everyone, I’m H. It’s great to see you all!”