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Coolest Girl in Town

Chapter 81
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Chapter 81 I Will Definitely Meet My Idol,Coolest Girl in Town

Elise went to the bathroom at the airport, changed into a new outfit, and returned to her usual ugly

appearance. After checking herself again and again to confirm that everything was in order, she finally

left the bathroom. Before Elise went back to the Griffith Residence, she went to pick up her parcels. In

addition to H’s albums, there were also some local specialties from her hometown. Elise took these

back to the Griffith’s. “Grandpa!I’m back.” Elise entered the door while carrying many bags with her.

Seeing that, the servant hurried forward to take the bags off her hands. Jonah was reading the

newspaper when he heard her voice, then he put down the newspaper in his hand. “Oh! You’re back,

Ellie! I missed you so much when you weren’t around.” Elise hurriedly stepped forward. “I missed you

too, Grandpa. These are some things from back home that I brought for you, as well as your favorite

tea that my grandparents asked me to bring to you.”

Jonah nodded again and again. “That’s great! Have you been okay at home?” Hearing that, Elise stuck

out her tongue in a guilty conscience. “I’m all right, Grandpa.” Get new chapters update on jar.com “That’s good, then! I’m sure you’re tired from the trip here—go upstairs and get some rest

first. I’ll ask Aunty Stella to get you for dinner later.”

Elise was indeed a little weary from the long-distance flight. Right now, she was just barely holding on

in front of Jonah. “Okay, Grandpa. I’ll go upstairs first, then.” After she finished speaking, Elise carried

her things upstairs. Before she went to her room, she first went to Matthew’s room and knocked on the

door. After a while, the door was opened, revealing Matthew, whose eyes lit up when he saw Elise.

“Elise, you’re back!”

Elise nodded and gave him a copy of the album she brought back. “This is the limited edition album by

H that I collected before—here’s a copy.” When Matthew heard that it was H’s limited edition album, he

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immediately looked at it with excitement. It turned out to be the one he had always wanted! “How did

you get it!?

This is so hard to buy! I’ve searched everywhere, but I still couldn’t find it.” Elise scratched the back of

her head embarrassedly. “It’s nothing as long as you like it. I’ll go back to my room first.” Matthew

stopped her. “Wait a minute, Elise.” Elise stopped and asked, “Is there anything else?” Matthew went

on to say, “You gave me such a precious album, so I can’t give you nothing in return. How about I invite

you to dinner some other day?”

Elise wanted to say no, but as soon as she saw Matthew’s look of anticipation, she thought about it

again. It’s just a meal after all. No big deal, right? With that, she agreed. “Okay, sure.” As Matthew

heard her reply, he breathed a sigh of relief. “I’ll pick you up from campus, then.” Elise didn’t really think

too much of this. Instead, she gave a simple response and went back to her room. After returning to

her room, she didn’t sit still.

Swiftly, she took pictures of those albums and sent them to Mikayla. ‘Hey, babe. I have a gift for you.

Do you want it?’ She first texted her. ‘What gift?’ Mikayla texted back. Mikayla’s reply was very casual,

but as soon as Elise sent the photo over, she was completely ecstatic. She immediately texted back

after seeing Elise’s photo. ‘WAIT. WHAT? Isn’t this my idol’s album! You actually collected so many of

them! They’re the complete set! Gosh, do I simply envy you.’

‘Wait, wait, wait. Hold up. You just said you wanted to give me a gift. Don’t tell me this is the gift that

you wanted to give me!! Oh, my God. I love you so much.’ ‘Did you come back to Athesea? Wait for

me. I’ll fly over to you right away.’ Seeing Mikayla’s excited replies, Elise shook her head helplessly.

‘Girl, can you calm down?’

‘Of course not! Wait for me!’ Elise simply replied with an ‘okay’. After that, she put down the phone,

took a change of clothes, and went into the bathroom to take a shower. She thought that it would take

Mikayla an hour to arrive at the Griffith Residence. Little did she know that when she just came out of

the bathroom, Mikayla had already arrived.

“Oh, my god! My H!” As soon as Mikayla arrived, she hugged those albums and kissed them right away

like a lunatic. Elise couldn’t stand her acting this way, so she couldn’t help but say, “It’s just a few

albums. Did you need to overreact?” To that, Mikayla replied, “You wouldn’t understand—I’ve been

thinking about these albums all day and night, and I’ve stayed up all night trying to get them but I


Now that I’ve finally gotten a hold of them, it’s like a dream come true, okay? Hang on, Elise. How did

you manage to get so many limited edition albums?” Elise answered unnaturally, “I just bought extra

when it first came out; I didn’t expect that it would come in handy today.” Mikayla obviously didn’t buy it

one bit.

“What a stroke of luck, Elise Sinclair! How did you even buy so many of them at once? Wait—are they

actually pirated?” As soon as Mikayla thought of this, she turned the album over. It was a fact that all

genuine albums would have a golden lining which would show different colors under the sunlight at the

album opening, and this was something that pirated albums would definitely not be able to replicate.

Mikayla checked the opening, and there was indeed a golden lining, signaling that it was legitimate.

Seeing that, she became even more excited. “It’s genuine. Good grief. I’m so lucky.” As soon as

Mikayla’s reaction came into sight, Elise said, “Hey. Watch out for your drool. It’s basically spilling out at

this point.”

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Mikayla ignored it all. “Thank you, babe, for giving me all these H’s limited edition albums—you’re like a

Goddess to me.” Elise couldn’t help but laugh and said, “Wow. Did I just buy you over with just a few

limited edition albums? I didn’t know you were this easy.” Mikayla chuckled. “Well, it couldn’t be helped

that H has been my idol for many years. Let me tell you, if I can meet my idol one day in the future, I

will definitely—” “Definitely what?”

Before Mikayla could even finish speaking, Elise cut her off curiously. Mikayla said with a serious face,

“I must ask her for a hug.” “That’s it? This is your wish?” Mikayla didn’t notice Elise’s expression when

she said this as her eyes were completely glued to those albums. “A simple hug is enough. For a fan,

it’s already such an honorable thing to get a hug from their idol. I really hope that my wish will come

true one day.”

Elise looked at her and said, “Don’t worry. It will come true for sure.” Mikayla thought that Elise was

only comforting her, so she didn’t take it seriously and only said, “Yes. I will definitely meet my idol.”

…… The next day, Elise went to university as usual. Today, it was Matthew who dropped her off.

When they got to the university, and when she was about to get off, Matthew stopped her. “I’ll pick you

up after school. Let’s have a meal together in the evening, okay?” Just as Elise was about to ask,

Matthew went on to explain, “You agreed before that we would have a meal together.

I hope you won’t reject me this time around.” For this reason, Elise couldn’t refuse. “Okay. I’ll see you in

the afternoon.” Elise waved at Matthew, and then walked toward her lecture hall. “Elise!” In the next

second, Elise heard someone calling her name from afar, and before she came back to her senses,

two figures rushed toward her.

“Oh, Elise. I missed you so much!” Samantha came up and gave Elise a big hug. Riley, who was

standing at the side, didn’t forget to say, “Look how excited you are—look out for your image!” Elise

was surprised to see the two of them. “Why are you two here?”