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Coolest Girl in Town

Chapter 879
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Chapter 879 Elise’s Fault?

The employees from BJ Biotech silently retreated. When Elise finally came to her senses, she hurriedly

caught up with them. “Hold on, please.” “Pardon me, can you please tell me who is your boss’ wife?”

Elise had just investigated the background of BJ Biotech. From the information she obtained, she found

out that the company’s successor was single, so the identity of his ‘wife’ didn’t add up.

She did not intend to pry into another person’s privacy, but she felt that it would be good to know more

about the person so that she could return the favor in the future.

“Of course.” The man answered, “The last name of my boss’ wife is Cuber. I’m sure you know who she

is.” It dawned upon Elise that he was talking about Narissa. Even so, she was pretty astounded by the


It had only been a few days, and Narissa had become the soon-to-be wife of the owner of BJ Biotech?!

The man had a front-row seat to Elise’s expression. So, the instant he realized that she had figured it

out, he said politely, “Since you know her identity, we’ll take our leave now.”

With that, he left with his men. Later, Alexander rushed back to the hospital when he was notified of the

good news. At 8.00PM, Jamie’s operation was a success, and he was arranged to stay in the general


When the members of the Keller Family rushed over, Alexander took Elise home to rest. On the way

home, they talked about what had happened today and found something strange.

“Based on Jamie’s dashcam, he was chasing a woman on a motorbike before he was hit. This person

seems to know Jamie well. He found someone who looked like Narissa to disrupt his mind. Finally,

Jamie was distracted and fell straight into that person’s trap.”

This was the information that Alexander discovered from his investigation.

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Elise leaned on Alexander and sighed heavily. “He told me that he didn’t care. But, hah, just because

he saw a woman who looked like her, he almost died! So, when he wakes up, I must ask him why he

doesn’t want to face his feelings.”

Alexander embraced her tighter and told her his speculation, “I suspect that Wendy is behind this.”

Elise straightened in shock at the mention of Wendy’s name, and her eyes were filled with

bewilderment. “But we have no longer crossed paths with her since my disappearance. So she has no

reason to target Jamie.”

Alexander took her hand and squeezed it tightly. “Well, we do cross paths sometimes. In the past

seven years, Jamie worked with me and secretly eliminated many of Wendy’s people, so it is

reasonable for her to despise us. Also, under our attacks and interference, she is short of funds and

staffing locally, and now is the best time to recruit newcomers and attract investors.”

“Just how did Jamie get in her way on her road of riches?” Elise asked.

Alexander looked at her with his dark eyes. “The Cuber Family is not listed in the wealth ranking, but

their influence is much stronger than those so-called billionaires worth tens of billions of wealth. She

can do anything with the help of the Cuber Family.”

The moment Elise ran his remark through her mind, she came to a sudden epiphany and quickly

grasped what Alexander was implying.

Narissa was an only child, and everyone knew that she loved Jamie. However, once Jamie was out of

the equation, Wendy could manipulate Narissa and utilize the power of the Cubers to turn the tides.

If she wasn’t siding against them, she would have applauded the woman for her cunning.

“It is evident that Wendy is already at the end of her rope as she risked making a move on Jamie,

which in turn is a great opportunity for us.” Alexander’s gaze turned piercing and dangerous.

“You’re right.” Elise beamed. “This time, we’re going to make her pay!” Indeed, someone had to pay for

the seven years their family had lost. It was already a week later when Jamie woke up from his

medically induced coma.

After the friends and families had departed, Elise dismissed the others and stayed in the ward with

Jamie. “Here, have a glass of water.” She poured a glass of warm water and handed it to him. Then,

she pulled a chair over and sat next to his bed.

“Thanks.” Jamie took the glass and took a shallow sip. The inflated airbag injured his throat. Now,

every single time he swallowed was painful, so he was currently limited to a liquid diet in order to

prevent aggravating his throat.

Elise nodded as she mulled over what to do for a long while before retrieving a red envelope from her

bag and handing it over. “What is this?” Jamie was startled and then beamed with delight. “Oh! Are you

ready to marry Alexander?”

Elise shook her head with a smile and lifted the envelope a little higher. “It’s Narissa’s engagement

invitation. Don’t you want to see it?”

Jamie’s smile froze on his face. He could feel his heart being stabbed and twisted for good

measure. But he quickly suppressed his sorrowful emotion and forced a smile. “Wow… I didn’t expect

her to find her true love so soon…”

The light in his eyes dimmed with every word he spoke, and he couldn’t even hide the sadness

reflecting in his gaze. “Do you think it’s true love?” Elise said, “I think it’s a compromise.”

Jamie stared at the invitation in a trance and did not answer her.

Elise was utterly irritated by Jamie’s lack of response, so she sighed heavily and questioned him

sharply, “I know that I’m not jumping to the wrong conclusions. You like Narissa, so why on earth do

you refuse to admit it? Don’t bother denying it. She’s getting married anyway, so it doesn’t make any

difference now. Tell me. I want to hear the truth.”

As soon as she finished speaking, the room again fell into silence.

She felt like she was talking to a wall. She was sure her methods wouldn’t be just a verbal beatdown if

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he weren’t already confined to the hospital bed.

Just when Elise thought that she would not get any answers, Jamie finally broke the silence.

“So what if I like her? I’m destined to be an outlaw. Love and marriage are lifelong commitments. Since

I can’t commit to it, I might as well not give her any hope in the first place.”

“An outlaw? Don’t you think you’re being a little too melodramatic?” Elise needed clarification on his

logic. Jamie looked outside the window with a somber expression. “This car accident is the best proof,

isn’t it? Maybe one day, I’ll disappear, just like Boss.”

“So, it’s still your boss’ fault, huh?” Elise slapped her forehead and shook her head. She had no idea

that the fake disappearance could have such a negative impact on Jamie.

Jamie donned a bitter smile. “No, you misunderstand me. I didn’t mean to blame Boss. When I joined

the organization, I was ready to give my life for it, but I didn’t expect to meet Narissa, let alone fall in

love with her. It’s all my fault. I should have kept my distance. Narissa leaving in disappointment and

heartbreak is all my fault.”

“In that case, the babies should commit suicide as soon as they are born because people will die

anyway! So why do you have to overthink things?!” Elise rolled her eyes in exasperation. “You should

think from a different perspective. As long as you stay safe, you can follow your heart and pursue true

love and happiness. Come on. You’re a grown-up. Have some confidence in yourself!”

Jamie couldn’t get out of his pessimistic wallowing. “What else can I do about things that even Boss

can’t change?”

Even Elise, who was so outstanding, couldn’t protect herself, let alone him.

“What if Boss is still alive?” Elise decided to reveal the truth.

“Impossible…” Jamie blurted instinctively. Then, his eyes lit up with delight as if something had crossed

his mind, and he stared at her in anticipation. “Are you telling me that…”

Elise grabbed his wrist, looked at him, and nodded solemnly. “Jamie.”

As if she had redeemed his soul with her admittance, Jamie beamed with joy and felt like all the cells in

his body were singing with joy. “Y-Y-You are…”