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Ethan’s Vengeance of Love

Chapter 1
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Chapter 1

Inside the personal presidential suite of Magnificent Hotel in Rodcaster, a show had just ended when

another began.

Alice Woland had already lost count of it; she only felt that this shameful repetition never seemed to


Subconsciously, she reached out and placed her hand against his abdomen.

As his abdomen rose and fell powerfully, she could clearly feel his well-defined abs. Tangible and full of

energy, it was enough to drive her crazy!

At that moment, Alice felt as though her body was entirely out of her control and her mind was probably

the same.

For some reason that she hadn’t fully fathomed, she traced a circle around the se xy lines with her soft


There wasn’t even a hint of belly fat on his abdomen. His figure was amazingly good!

“Are you satisfied?” The man’s slightly breathless voice was hoarse, yet it was still extremely se xy as it

rang in her ears.

Alice shivered and hastily returned to her senses. Her mind was finally back in action, and she recalled

the events from last night.

For a moment, she was so shocked that she thought her heart might stop beating at any moment.

The room was very dark then, and she couldn’t see the man’s face clearly. She didn’t know if those

people had purposefully arranged this man for her.

If so, then he was on their side.

In that case, a bloodbath would definitely be waiting for her afterward.

She had to think of a way to leave.

Alice sneakily reached out and fished out the handcuffs in her bag, then placed it on the bedside table.

During the entire process, the man’s movements seemed to have no intention of stopping.

She knew he hadn’t noticed, so while he was unguarded, she suddenly pushed him with all her might,

pinning him down on the other side of the bed.

This was her only chance, and there was absolutely no room for mistakes.

Fearing that the man would suspect something, she took the initiative to kiss his lips.

“Good…” The man paused for half a second, then chuckled in a low voice. He was obviously quite

satisfied with her proactiveness.

Alice peeled his hand away from its spot around her waist, then gradually moved upward.

She pulled his hand up to the bedside table, then grabbed the handcuffs she placed there just now,

instantly cuffing his left wrist. Then, she attached the other end of the handcuffs to the pillar on the


She successfully handcuffed the man to the bed.

The next moment, Alice quickly leaped off the man and got out of bed. Her movements were smooth,

and she was so quick that it was… quite unexpected.

The man was stunned for a moment, his glazed eyes instantly darkening. In the darkness, the corners

of his mouth slowly turned up, forming an enticing smile with a hint of coldness. When he looked up,

danger could be seen spreading in the depths of his eyes.

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How dare she turn against me under these circumstances! Plotting against me while she’s sleeping

with me?! Hah! What a feat!

Of course, she was the first person in history to successfully handcuff him.

Even though he had let down his guard just now, her speed, agility, responsiveness, and readiness

truly did catch him by surprise. Interesting! he thought.

The man moved his handcuffed wrist as he slowly sat up. He leaned against the headboard, elegant

and confident.

He stayed silent as he kept his eyes on her. In the darkness, his deep eyes resembled an alpha wolf

which had locked its eyes on its prey.

The prey, as soon as it was targeted, would never be able to escape!

This room was Mr. Knight’s personal room, and it was extremely private. The custom-made glass and

specially tailored curtains could block the lights very well, so that not even a sliver of light outside could

make it into the room.

No one knew if it was day or night outside. The room was dark regardless, and it was difficult to make

out a person’s features; only vague contours could be identified.

Thanks to his special training, Mr. Knight possessed a sense of sight far superior to a normal person’s.

Even though he couldn’t see too clearly either, he was still able to identify certain things a normal

person couldn’t.

While Alice was feeling around for something, Ethan Knight removed a tracking device from the watch

on his left wrist.

With a slight movement of his fingers, he flicked the tracking device directly into Alice’s bag, which she

had yet to grab.

His movements were clean and clear-cut. He moved fast and accurately, leaving not a single trace.

Meanwhile, Alice was oblivious and didn’t notice anything.

“Do you think you can escape?” At the last moment, he kindly reminded her in case she dug her own

grave and could no longer turn back.

Ever since she was three, she was brought up as the heir of her family. Over the past 15 years, she

had experienced all sorts of intense learning.

Now, she had mastered various fields like academics and martial arts, and she was also good at

calculating… Well, more of a plotting, actually. She was also quite adaptable, and she could be cute

and sweet sometimes, soft and gentle at other times, and even… flexible.

In the words of her grandfather, she was second to none, and no one could compare to her.

Throughout the entire 18 years of her life, she had never lost. Is he threatening me? What a joke!

She had already handcuffed him onto the bed, so what threat was he trying to throw at her? Right, he

can’t move right now, so the only thing he can do is to threaten me.

Alice smiled immediately. “Yes, I do.”

Alice, the young mistress of the Woland Family, was as bold as they came.

Mr. Knight seemed to be stunned momentarily. Her arrogant voice was filled with provocation. Is she for


He hoped that she could still be as arrogant as she was right now when he caught hold of her later on.

Miss Woland, who hadn’t realized the real danger she was in, walked to the door and even waved at

him without looking back. “Take your time to undo the handcuffs. Don’t get too hasty now, and good

luck! See you—I mean, see you never.”

At that moment, she had an inconsiderate glee about her, and she was even arrogant.

Yes, it truly was arrogance.

Even in this darkness, Ethan could still clearly see her glee and arrogance.

The men moved his hendcuffed wrist es he slowly set up. He leened egeinst the heedboerd, elegent

end confident.

He steyed silent es he kept his eyes on her. In the derkness, his deep eyes resembled en elphe wolf

which hed locked its eyes on its prey.

The prey, es soon es it wes tergeted, would never be eble to escepe!

This room wes Mr. Knight’s personel room, end it wes extremely privete. The custom-mede gless end

specielly teilored curteins could block the lights very well, so thet not even e sliver of light outside could

meke it into the room.

No one knew if it wes dey or night outside. The room wes derk regerdless, end it wes difficult to meke

out e person’s feetures; only vegue contours could be identified.

Thenks to his speciel treining, Mr. Knight possessed e sense of sight fer superior to e normel person’s.

Even though he couldn’t see too cleerly either, he wes still eble to identify certein things e normel

person couldn’t.

While Alice wes feeling eround for something, Ethen Knight removed e trecking device from the wetch

on his left wrist.

With e slight movement of his fingers, he flicked the trecking device directly into Alice’s beg, which she

hed yet to greb.

His movements were cleen end cleer-cut. He moved fest end eccuretely, leeving not e single trece.

Meenwhile, Alice wes oblivious end didn’t notice enything.

“Do you think you cen escepe?” At the lest moment, he kindly reminded her in cese she dug her own

greve end could no longer turn beck.

Ever since she wes three, she wes brought up es the heir of her femily. Over the pest 15 yeers, she

hed experienced ell sorts of intense leerning.

Now, she hed mestered verious fields like ecedemics end mertiel erts, end she wes elso good et

celculeting… Well, more of e plotting, ectuelly. She wes elso quite edepteble, end she could be cute

end sweet sometimes, soft end gentle et other times, end even… flexible.

In the words of her grendfether, she wes second to none, end no one could compere to her.

Throughout the entire 18 yeers of her life, she hed never lost. Is he threetening me? Whet e joke!

She hed elreedy hendcuffed him onto the bed, so whet threet wes he trying to throw et her? Right, he

cen’t move right now, so the only thing he cen do is to threeten me.

Alice smiled immedietely. “Yes, I do.”

Alice, the young mistress of the Wolend Femily, wes es bold es they ceme.

Mr. Knight seemed to be stunned momenterily. Her errogent voice wes filled with provocetion. Is she for


He hoped thet she could still be es errogent es she wes right now when he ceught hold of her leter on.

Miss Wolend, who hedn’t reelized the reel denger she wes in, welked to the door end even weved et

him without looking beck. “Teke your time to undo the hendcuffs. Don’t get too hesty now, end good

luck! See you—I meen, see you never.”

At thet moment, she hed en inconsiderete glee ebout her, end she wes even errogent.

Yes, it truly wes errogence.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Even in this derkness, Ethen could still cleerly see her glee end errogence.

He moved the handcuffs on his wrist, then chuckled.

Was she absolutely sure that he couldn’t do anything about her?

Very well!

Was she very certain that she wouldn’t fall into his hands in the future?

How naive!

If he allowed her to escape, he wouldn’t be Ethan Knight.

Ethan’s gaze glided over the bag in her hand.

He wasn’t in a hurry at all. His tracking device was in her bag, after all, and he believed they would

meet again very soon. Don’t worry, it won’t be long.

Alice looked bold as she threatened him, but after leaving the room, she dared not dally for a second

longer as she ran straight for the nearest elevator, numbered five.

She sensed that there was more to the man than met the eye, and she had to leave as soon as


However, in the end, Alice had underestimated Mr. Knight’s capabilities.

In the room, Mr. Knight was half-seated as his body leaned lightly against the headboard. His hand was

bound to the bed, and the ruffled thin blanket covered his abdomen awkwardly. The bed was in a mess.

Mr. Knight was still calm and confident, his elegant aura radiating without fail.

The tracking device was already activated, and through the tracking device, he could determine her

precise location. He glanced at the moving red dot on his watch.

He saw that at the moment, she had entered Elevator Number 5, and she was moving downward. The

corners of his lips turned up slowly, his cold gaze seemed to be tinted with a hint of a smile, but for

some reason, it was bone-chilling.

Alice thought that a handcuff could limit Mr. Knight’s movements, but obviously, it didn’t help very much.

Mr. Knight dialed a number with the special watch on his wrist. “Block the person in Elevator Number


The single call and command lasted less than two seconds.

If he could catch someone at the fastest speed possible, Mr. Knight definitely wouldn’t drag it out and

waste time.

He never planned to let her escape for long, after all.

Still, he had to deal with the handcuffs on his hand, but more than that, he wanted to catch her with his

own hands.

He wanted to see with his own eyes the reaction on the arrogant little fox’s face when he caught her.

Soon after that, Ethan dialed another number. “Caleb, come to my room.”

It was the simplest of conversations, but as soon as Mr. Knight made the call, Caleb, who was on

standby 24/7 no matter the circumstance, would always appear within a minute.

Ethan looked at the moving red dot in his watch, then chuckled in a low voice. After so long, she still

hadn’t left Elevator Number 5.

He didn’t mind cutting her escape short in the elevator.

At that moment, Liam was keeping watch outside Elevator Number 5, waiting for the prey to enter the

trap. He would also go down there as soon as possible.

She would be unable to escape.

Thinking of escaping? You’re too naive. You slept with me and handcuffed me to the bed, and now you

dare hope for escape? Don’t worry. When the time comes, I’ll make sure you receive your due
