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Ethan’s Vengeance of Love

Chapter 12
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Why is Chief Jenkins here at this time?

Meanwhile, Derek was making a call. “She ran away. That’s why we’re taking her prints to do a

fingerprint comparison.”

“Yes, we have a target.”

“How can we let someone that the boss wants run away?”

At that moment, Pierce was thinking about Alice, so he naturally put her into what Derek said.

Did Chief Jenkins address someone as his boss?

Since Derek was the chief at the station, he wouldn’t address someone as the boss, but he had a few

people that he had close relationships with in his circle called the Seven Sons of Rodcaster.

Ethan Knight is the eldest among them, so is he the boss that Chief Jenkins is referring to? Was Ethan

the one who bullied Alice? How can it be him?

Pierce was doubting it. I must find out what happened.

Ethan had actually ordered people to surround the hotel to capture Alice not long ago. Although only

the insiders knew about this, with Pierce’s ability, it wouldn’t be difficult for him to know about the


When he found out the truth, he was shocked since it was indeed Ethan. He was the one who bullied


A person like Ethan definitely wouldn’t be in cahoots with those people from the Woland Family. Based

on his character and his way of doing things, it would be quite impossible for him to force himself on a


On top of that, Pierce also discovered that Ethan had drank a little last night and had returned to his

room around 9.00PM.

The truth might now be that Alice somehow accidentally went into Ethan’s room last night. She had

been drugged yesterday, so it was quite possible that she was the one who took the initiative to sleep

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with Ethan.

When Pierce reached home, he still hadn’t calmed down yet. How am I going to tell Alice about this?

Meanwhile, Sienna was in the living room. Her face was haggard, but when she saw Pierce, she tried

her best to get herself together. “Oh, you’re back. You should get ready now. We need to get going

already. Your grandma will be upset if we’re late.”

Only then did Pierce remember that it was his grandfather’s birthday today. They needed to go to the

Woland Residence to celebrate his birthday.

“Where’s Grandma?” he asked as he narrowed his eyes. Grandma said that she was unwell yesterday

and insisted that Dad and Mom take care of her. He couldn’t help but suspect that his grandmother was

part of what happened yesterday.

Sienna didn’t think much about it and simply answered, “Your Aunt Bethany picked her up. They have

already gone back. You call your father, and I’ll wake Alice up. We’ll leave after that.”

“Okay,” Pierce replied to her calmly. Well, since everyone will be there today, I can confront them there.

When he saw that her mother had a haggard face, his sister was obviously not fully awake yet, and his

father needed to drive, he chose not to tell them what he had found out just yet. He wanted to tell them

together with the others when they reached the Woland Residence—including the situation with Ethan.

As they were on the way, his father realized that the brakes of the car weren’t working, and there was a

truck loaded with glassware in front of them. No matter how his father honked the horn, the truck still

drove in the middle of the road unhurriedly. It was quite obvious that the driver was doing it on purpose.

The road itself wasn’t wide. One side of it was a mountain, while the other side was a cliff. There was

nowhere they could get around.

The moment their car crashed onto the truck, Sienna got up sharply from the passenger seat and

shielded Alice from the impact.

The next second, their car window was shattered by the glassware falling from the truck, and broken

pieces of glass stabbed Sienna, rendering her lifeless on the spot.

Pierce, who was seated with Alice in the back seat, hugged Alice tightly in his arms and blocked the

broken pieces of glass which his mother didn’t get to stop.

In the end, he became unconscious as well.

Meanwhile, Lucas, who was driving in front, had his chest stabbed with the shattered pieces, but he still

held on to his last breath because he was worried about his precious daughter, whom he loved dearly

since birth.

He couldn’t bear to let his daughter face those cruel and dirty truths, but it would be more dangerous if

she was still kept in the dark.

“Alice, Dad and Mom won’t be by your side anymore. You can only depend on… yourself. Be careful of

your Uncle Elijah and… and the Yeagers. The day before yesterday, I found out that Elijah and Thomas

worked together to cash out a huge amount of funds from the Woland Group.”

In the end, Lucas held his last breath and made a call. He reported his current location and said,

“Please come quickly and… save my daughter.”

At this moment, Alice was completely frozen.

With her mother’s and brother’s protection, she wasn’t severely injured, but she just couldn’t move nor

say anything. She even experienced temporary blindness, and there were a few minutes that she

wasn’t able to see anything.

Yet, she knew that she couldn’t break down now, for she knew that this was not an accident; this was


She couldn’t let her parents die just like that for no reason.

Pierce is unconscious now. I need to save him. Alice forced herself to pull it together.

At that time, she felt a sharp pain in her chest as if her heart had been yanked from her body. However,

she didn’t cry, and she wasn’t able to do so either.

She took out her phone and called the police as she trembled. Just then, she saw a car driving toward

her and eventually stopping beside them.

The car stopped there for a while. The people inside saw that there was no movement and might have

thought that they were all dead, so they wound down the car window a little.

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At this moment, Alice could clearly see Thomas on the driver’s seat and her uncle, Elijah, sitting beside


She sat in the car without moving an inch as she knew that this accident had been planned by Thomas

and Elijah based on her father’s last words and the fact that they were here.

“Do you want to check? Don’t let any of them survive.” From inside the car, Elijah could only see the

front and couldn’t see the back clearly, so he was a little worried.

“There’s no need to check. Just hit the car down the cliff and destroy their bodies without leaving

anything behind.” It was obvious that Thomas was much more ruthless than Elijah.

When Alice heard their conversation, she was boiling mad that her eyes were red. She wanted to just

run out and kill them, but her leg was hurt. It wouldn’t be possible for her to fight two men.

Just then, Thomas started driving to hit their car, wanting to make it fall from the cliff so that he could

get rid of all the evidence and be done with them once and for all!

With her narrowed eyes, Alice was looking at Thomas and preparing herself for the worst. If she was

meant to die here today, she wouldn’t forgive these two monsters. She would drag them down and let

them die together.

Yet, a car sped up from behind just as Thomas’ car was about to collide with hers. Even before the car

reached them, the driver’s howl could already be heard. “What are you trying to do? You there! The car

in front! What are you doing?!”

When Thomas realized someone was coming, he quickly wound up the window and left the scene as

fast as he could.

Almost immediately, Archie Moreno got out of the car, and when he saw the situation inside the car, he

was so shocked that his face turned green. The moment he saw that Alice was conscious, he asked,

“Alice, are you okay? Your father called me just now.”

“Save my brother. Take him to a place. I’ll give you the address. Bring him there. There’ll be a doctor

there who can save him.” Her face was as pale as a sheet without any color, but she sounded very

calm. “Bring him there secretly and don’t let anyone find out.”