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Ethan’s Vengeance of Love

Chapter 31
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‘Did you solve the crisis with your proposal?’ Now that Tyler had started managing his family’s business, he had a

clear insight into these things. ‘No f*cking way! How did you solve it? Have you come up with a new proposal?’

‘No way! That’s absolutely impossible! In such a short time? There’s no way anyone can do such a thing!’ Chris

followed up with a similar sentiment.

Irvin might have responded to a few messages in the group chat, but that did not prevent him from watching as

Alice continued to write the new proposal.

‘Guys, I have met a master. No, I should say that I have met the big man himself.’ His emotions that had initially

calmed down slightly flared up.

‘What’s going on? Hurry up and tell us! Don’t waste our time with nonsense!’

‘Somebody is helping me to rewrite the entire proposal right now. She has been writing for the past thirty-seven

minutes. You won’t believe me even if I tell you. Even though I’m watching this myself, I can barely believe what I’m


‘What can she write in thirty-seven minutes?’ Tyler wondered whether Irvin was desperately clutching at straws due

to the anxiety.

‘The proposal is already close to completion after thirty-seven minutes. So, I think it will only take another fifteen

minutes for her to round things off.’

‘Irvin, the key point isn’t to write out the proposal. The key point is that the planned proposal is used.’ Even the

usually taciturn Derek couldn’t help adding his two cents to the conversation.

‘That’s what I’m saying! The proposal she wrote in less than an hour is ten times better than the proposal our group

took over a month to write! No! It’s not just ten times better! Compared to her proposal, our previous proposal was

a complete joke!’

‘Are you serious? Are you sure you aren’t dreaming right now?’ Tyler clearly did not believe a word that Irvin was


‘Of course, I’m serious! If you don’t believe me, you can just wait for the good news when I win the Eastburgh

Design Project! I can guarantee that nobody will be able to compete against us once this proposal is done!’ Irvin

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believed that his words didn’t hold a single exaggeration. Everything he said was simply the truth.

‘Who is it? Where did you find her?’

Since he sounded so confident, the others couldn’t help believing him even though the idea remained rather


As the heirs of large corporations, what they wanted the most was to recruit such valuable talents. Regardless of

the credibility, it was always better to find out as much as possible.

‘Justin introduced her to me.’ At this moment, Irvin was overflowing with gratitude toward Justin in his heart.

‘A beautiful woman. I think she might be Justin’s lover. He was currently standing behind Alice, but he had not

forgotten how drop-dead gorgeous she had been when he first laid eyes on her.

‘A sister-in-law?’

‘We have a sister-in-law?’

‘How pretty is she?’

‘Irvin, tell us! How pretty is she?’

The group discussion topic had successfully deviated from the original topic.

Irvin felt extremely gleeful at this moment. ‘To describe her in one word—beautiful. To describe her in two words—

absolutely stunning. She is extremely gorgeous. More importantly, she is pretty in a way that is not over the top. It’s

the kind of cold and aloof beauty that does not allow strangers to approach them. To summarize everything, her

beauty is indescribable. If I didn’t know that she was Justin’s friend and might even be his lover, I would have

courted her myself.’

He added another sentence. ‘She is the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen in my life.’

‘Irvin, send us a picture.’

‘A video works too!’

“That’s right! We will only believe you if you have pictures as proof!’

Irvin glanced at Alice, who was currently focused intently on writing the proposal. Eventually, he couldn’t refuse the

request from his friends. So, he discreetly lifted his phone slightly and tapped on the video recording function.

Sitting in front of him and writing the proposal, Alice didn’t even bother looking at his phone as she suddenly raised

her hand and waved slightly. “Mr. Thorne, please do not take pictures or videos of me. If you’ve taken them, please

delete them. Thank you.”

He was already feeling guilty for secretly recording a video in the first place, so her sudden warning caught him by

surprise. His unsteady hand jerked slightly as a result, and he accidentally tapped on the ‘send’ button. He

immediately sent the few-second video he had recorded earlier to the group chat.

F*ck! Does she have eyes at the back of her head!? She was clearly focused on writing the proposal! How is she still

able to pay attention to such things!? Just how does her brain work!?

He had accidentally posted the video he took in the group, so he felt very guilty and anxiously took action to delete

the video immediately.

‘Irvin, who are you trying to fool with a back view?’

‘We want to see her from the front.’

‘We want to see her face.’

Irvin nervously gulped at those responses. See her face? She won’t even allow you to see her back! Then, he

quickly tapped on the ‘message recall’ button. It was not too late to recall the message yet.

Ethan rarely looked at the messages in the group chat between his best friends. Although he would never shy away

from his friends if they ever needed his help, he rarely joined in on their pointless banter. It just so happened that

he picked up his phone and coincidentally saw the video Irvin had sent. Moreover, he happened to click on the video

right before Irvin recalled the video!

The video depicted the back of a woman. When he saw the back silhouette of the person in the video, his eyes

narrowed at the sight. That back!? I know that back!

To be precise, what he recognized was not the figure from the back. Instead, it was the movement of her wrist

when she waved her hand just now. More precisely, he recognized her assertive and authoritative manner when

she waved her hand. It was exactly the same as the woman who waved goodbye when she left seven years ago!

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The room was very dark then, so he could not see clearly. Nevertheless, he had clearly seen that same demeanor

coming from the blurry back view of that figure. It was precisely the same as the person in the video Irvin sent just


Her boldness was a unique aura that emanated from within her. It was not something that just anybody could


He jerked up quickly and strode outside. At the same time, he made a phone call.

“It doesn’t matter what methods you have to use. Keep her there, and don’t let her leave.” As soon as the call

connected, Ethan’s voice came through the phone before Irvin could even say a word.

Although Ethan’s voice was as cold and dispassionate as usual, his voice also seemed to be mixed with a slight

sense of urgency.

He was certain that this woman was the person he had been looking for. This time around, I won’t let her slip

through my fingers again!

“Boss, what’s going on?” Irvin was utterly stunned. What did he mean by the last sentence that he threw out at me

just now? It doesn’t make sense at all! Don’t let who go? Who does he want me to prevent her from leaving?

“The woman in the video you sent out just now. The one who is helping you rewrite the proposal right now. Don’t let

her leave.” Ethan suppressed his impatience and explained.

“Why? Boss, what’s going on?” Irvin was taken aback. What’s wrong with him? This person was introduced to me by

Justin. Why does he want me to stop her from leaving? Moreover, why is he giving me such an attitude, as though

he wouldn’t back down from a fight? But we aren’t fighting! I don’t want to fight, either!

“Stop her from leaving. It doesn’t matter what methods you have to use. Just get it done.” Ethan did not bother to

explain further. He could not convey this matter clearly over the phone, so he emphasized his intention repeatedly.

Then, he immediately hung up when he entered the car.

After the phone call ended on such an abrupt note, Irvin felt highly befuddled. Can someone explain to me what just

happened? What on earth just happened!?

He looked at the unparalleled beauty in front of him, who was writing the proposal at high speed. At this rate, she

would complete the proposal soon. Can I really prevent her from leaving?