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Ethan’s Vengeance of Love

Chapter 45
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Archie was about to let out a sigh of relief when he saw how calm Alice was. Just then, he saw a new video posted

online. When he clicked in on it, his face turned pale. “You…” His eyes darted to look at her. “You actually destroyed

stuff in the Woland Residence?”

“Yes,” Alice casually replied. She did not even turn to look at him.

He felt sweat drip from his brows. The video that had been uploaded was a recording of Alice destroying vases and

trinkets in the Woland Residence.

“This is bad.” His face was stark pale. At that moment, he knew that they were done for. Alice’s reputation had

been utterly destroyed.

In his opinion, if Alice left her home, she would be beaten up, shouted at, and absolutely insulted.

The Wolands was a very sinister family.

“Let them amplify this. The worse it gets, the more interesting the ending will be.” It was only then that she glanced

at the video uploaded to the internet. She was not surprised to see it. Since Elijah had a scheme in mind, there was

no way he would not have secretly recorded her the entire time.

Still, she was not afraid of this matter going viral. In fact, she was afraid it would not.

“You have a trick up your sleeve?” His eyes gleamed as blood returned to his cheeks. He just knew it. Alice would

never have made such a basic mistake.

“Yes.” Her answer ended with just that one word.

However, that simple answer was enough to calm him down. “Is it wicked?” he asked, worried on Elijah’s behalf.

“Yes.” As usual, her answer ended there.

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He burst out laughing. He knew her well. If Alice said it was wicked, that meant her trick was absolutely cruel to the


Whatever. His anxiety was gone, so he stopped asking questions. He just had to wait for the show to start.

“What is there to worry about? It’s Mom.” Apollo, who had been silently looking something up on his computer

glanced at Archie. “Is something this trivial worth all that commotion?”

Apollo had absolute faith in his mother. Hence, he had never once worried.

He was more interested in something else. After Alice came home, he was asked to investigate someone who could

be his biological father.

He had looked into Ethan Knight, and it was really easy to find him.

With a few special connections, he had already gotten Ethan’s contact details.

Thus, he planned on contacting Ethan.

He might not have Ethan’s phone number, but through the contact details he had gotten, it would not be hard to

find Ethan.

“Mom, I’m going to bed.” After a look at the time, Apollo put his phone and laptop away before heading back to his


He did not want her to know yet, so he had to hide in his room to contact…

“It is ten o’clock. It really is time for Apollo to turn in. I’ll be heading back as well.” Archie stood up, but he did not

leave. Instead, he turned to Alice with excitement in his eyes. “When do you plan to strike back?”

“Let the situation fester a while longer. I’ll strike tomorrow.” Naturally, Alice had everything planned out. Timing was

very important. Thus, she could not act a moment too early or too late.

Let the situation develop for another night. If her guess was right, the Wolands would pull another trick the next

morning. It would be the perfect time for her to strike then.

“Okay. I will wake up bright and early for the show.” Happy to obtain an answer, he skipped out the door.

Meanwhile, in Ethan’s room, Caleb was informing Ethan of the news. “Mr. Knight, Miss Woland…”

Ethan merely glanced at the news. No emotions shone in his dark eyes.

“Mr. Knight, should we help her?” Caleb felt disturbed by some of the comments he read.

“How?” Ethan turned to look at him.

“I just looked up everything. Miss Woland was at the Woland Residence, and she did leave with several boxes.

Someone had been smashing vases and such in the house. However, the place does not have any surveillance

cameras. No one knows what happened except for the Wolands and Miss Woland. The Wolands are insisting Miss

Woland hit the old Mrs. Woland, and there is a video of her destroying items in the house…” Caleb paused before

continuing in a dark voice, “The video is legitimate. She did smash those items. The video was recorded by a phone.

It is clear this is all a set-up by Elijah Woland, and she fell for the trap. The current situation is not good for her.”

“I think there is no escape from this.” Caleb’s heart sank as he finished his analysis of the situation.

Sophia had publicly claimed Alice hit her, and her wound seemed quite serious.

Filial piety was something that often made people suffer.

Furthermore, hitting an eighty-year-old woman was enough to fan public outrage. One look online and it was clear

how serious the sin was.

What could they do?

They could not force the Wolands, especially Elijah, to concede defeat by throwing the Knights’ weight around. With

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how dishonorable they were acting, using the Knights’ might against them would only lead to unnecessary trouble.

The Knight family was powerful, but powerful enemies exist everywhere. No matter how strong they were, they still

had enemies. Someone would always be keeping a close eye on the Knights so that they could take advantage of

any tiny mistake.

Therefore, the Knights were more cautious than anyone else.

“Boss, why don’t we ask Sam to…” In just a few short minutes, Caleb realized the comments online were getting


He initially wanted to suggest getting Sam to ban any media outlets from reporting on this, but with how bad things

were going, censoring the reporters would only make things worse.

Of course, if they really censored the incident, the outrage would slowly die down over time.

However, the most worrying part of the entire suggestion was if Sophia would hold another press conference about

the incident after they censored it. That would worsen the situation.

He knew this was not a good plan. One slight mistake and the backlash would be even greater.

His head began to pound as he ran out of ideas.

“Do you have a plan, sir?” Caleb asked. In his eyes, Ethan was like a brave warrior who could do anything. Perhaps,

he had a plan in mind.

Ethan’s eyes darkened. He had grown up witnessing scheme after scheme. Still, none of them worried him.

The trap laid in place for Alice had been simple but very sinister. It would not be so easy to break free of it.

If he was not wrong, the Wolands was not done yet. Sophia would surely add fuel to the fire until Alice was dead.