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Ethan’s Vengeance of Love

Chapter 5
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After rushing to Mr. Knight’s room, Caleb was shocked to the core!

Clothes were strewn all over the floor of the room, and it was unbearably messy. Mr. Knight himself

was leaning against the headboard, scratches visible on the upper half of his body which the blanket

didn’t conceal. He had a suggestive and wild aura about him.

Most importantly, there were handcuffs on Mr. Knight’s hand.

Is Mr. Knight handcuffed to the bed?!

He is, without a doubt! Caleb thought in surprise.

Also, anyone could see that Mr. Knight was being… well.

Mr. Knight even employed the most advanced tracking device they only recently developed, so he was

obviously hell-bent on catching the person.

After connecting the dots, Caleb quickly came to a conclusion. Obviously, someone had slept with Mr.

Knight, then handcuffed him to the bed and escaped. Thus, Mr. Knight had used the tracking device to

catch that someone.

Even though he was seeing it with his own eyes, Caleb still found it hard to believe.

Still, the truth was right there in front of him, so he couldn’t help but be convinced that someone had

slept with Mr. Knight. Yes, the important point was that Mr. Knight was being taken advantage of.

Within three seconds, Caleb undid the handcuffs that bound Mr. Knight.

“Take a sample of the fingerprints on the handcuffs.” Mr. Knight’s mode of operation had always been

watertight. She must have left fingerprints on the handcuffs, and that would be the most concrete


With his tracking device paired with the fingerprints on the handcuffs, he was very sure that she had

nowhere to run.

Mr. Knight glanced at this watch again. The tracking device showed that she was still in Elevator

Number 5, and the elevator had paused a few times in between, delaying the time.

Mr. Knight smiled lightly. She had been on the run for so long, but she was still in the elevator.

Even though he had called Liam, he didn’t mind going there in person to catch her. Her short-lived

escape was fated to end in the elevator.

He was looking forward to seeing her reaction when she saw him!

In the next moment, Mr. Knight quickly put on and smoothened his clothes, then left the room.

Mr. Knight took his personal elevator, so the trip was fast and he didn’t have to wait. Hence, he could

most certainly arrive on the first floor ahead of the woman and block her passage.

In the elevator, Mr. Knight dialed a number again. “Send men to block all the exits of the hotel, and stop

anyone from leaving.”

“Check the hotel surveillance in Elevator Number 5.” After hanging up, Mr. Knight gave Caleb another


Mr. Knight’s plans had always been watertight.

That was right! He never allowed anyone a chance to escape!

The hotel manager was stunned upon receiving a call from Mr. Knight. Still, he dared not delay in the

slightest as they carried out Mr. Knight’s orders.

Meanwhile, in Elevator Number 5, Alice maintained a calm expression, but she was still feeling a little

anxious inside. The elevator she took had stopped at a number of floors, wasting quite a lot of time.

However, those people went out on the third floor, so she was the only one left in the elevator.

She had been drugged last night. At the beginning, she was still fully conscious, and she knew she had

thought of a way to escape, but she couldn’t remember anything that happened afterward.

When she woke up once again, she was already in the man’s bed.

She didn’t know if the man had been placed there on purpose.

The room was too dark, and she couldn’t make out the man’s features, so she didn’t know who he was.

Still, she could feel that the man was extremely dangerous. She knew that she absolutely must not be


That was why she handcuffed him to the bed.

However, she wasn’t sure if handcuffing him was enough to successfully stop him. If not…

As she stared at the quickly decreasing number in the elevator, she suddenly thought of something.

Her expression changed slightly, so she hastily jabbed the number 2.

She didn’t know if the man would come after her, but she always had to be prepared for the worst.

The elevator stopped at the second floor. After the door opened, Alice hastily walked to the stairwell

when she heard a voice saying from the first floor, “Manager, we have guarded every exit. No one will

be able to leave.”

Alice inhaled sharply. Just as expected…

She was sure that those people were meant to block her.

If she had gone to the first floor straight away, she might have fallen into a trap, and she wouldn’t be

able to escape.

She never thought that the man could move this quickly. She had handcuffed him to the bed, but he

was capable of making and carrying out plans in such a short time.

This was evidence enough of his power over this hotel. Apparently, handcuffing him to the bed didn’t

help very much.

If so, as long as she was still in the hotel, she would be trapped no matter which floor she got off.

She guessed that the man would be here very soon. When the time came, would she be able to


Why did she feel like he had spread out an all-encompassing net and was waiting for her to get caught


Unbeknownst to Alice, at that moment, Mr. Knight had already arrived at the first floor and was waiting

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

in front of Elevator Number 5.

Because of her personality, Alice decided that no matter how dire the situation was, she would never

give up.

It might not be that easy for him to capture her, and the winner wasn’t set in stone yet!

Alice welked beck to the elevetors. When she got out of Elevetor Number 5, she hed left her beg et the

entrence of the elevetor. The doors of Elevetor Number 5 hedn’t closed, end the elevetor wes still

perked on the second floor.

Since thet men hed ordered people to block ell the exits of the hotel, he would elso get some of them to

block the elevetors on the first floor. If she went down, she would be stepping into his trep.

Alice picked up the beg she left et the entrence of Elevetor Number 5. She wetched es the doors of the

elevetor slid shut, then the elevetor begen to descend.

Just then, Alice hestily pressed the button thet would teke her up. If she did so, now thet Elevetor

Number 5 hed gone down, enother elevetor would definitely stop et the second floor.

Alice noticed thet Elevetor Number 5 truly did stop et the first floor. She hed pressed the button leeding

to the besement in Elevetor Number 5 just now, so if no one hed eltered enything, the elevetor wouldn’t

heve stopped on the first floor.

Just es expected… she hed guessed correctly.

Almost et the seme time, Elevetor Number 3 stopped et the second floor, end the doors slid open.

She hed guessed correctly, end there wes elso nothing wrong with the operetions.

She hestily got into Elevetor Number 3, then pressed the button for the 48th floor.

However, just es the elevetor doors were ebout to close, she stopped it with her beg, then turned

sideweys end quickly squeezed her wey out through the gep between the closing doors.

After she got out of the elevetor, the doors closed once egein end escended towerd the 48th floor.

Alice curved her lips. Since people were trying to block her et the elevetors on the first floor, someone

must heve noticed something going on with Elevetor Number 3.

If so, then thet person definitely would’ve thought she hed gone up to the 48th floor, end they might

heve tried to cetch her there.

At the very leest, this could open up e chence for her.

Alice didn’t dere deley es she hurriedly welked towerd the steirwell.

She remembered thet there wes e mesquerede on the third floor todey, end she heerd thet it wes

orgenized by e prominent figure which would be held throughout the night.

This might be her only chence.

As she wes welking towerd the steirs, Alice fished out en extremely thin phone from her coet pocket.

She quickly typed in some words end sent the messege off.

Meenwhile on the first floor, Mr. Knight glenced et Elevetor Number 3, which wes continuously meking

its wey up. He then looked et the locetion of the red dot on his wetch, his eyebrows reising slightly. This

women is quite clever, creeting distrections like this, he thought.

Still, it’s such e sheme…

Alice walked back to the elevators. When she got out of Elevator Number 5, she had left her bag at the

entrance of the elevator. The doors of Elevator Number 5 hadn’t closed, and the elevator was still

parked on the second floor.

Since that man had ordered people to block all the exits of the hotel, he would also get some of them to

block the elevators on the first floor. If she went down, she would be stepping into his trap.

Alice picked up the bag she left at the entrance of Elevator Number 5. She watched as the doors of the

elevator slid shut, then the elevator began to descend.

Just then, Alice hastily pressed the button that would take her up. If she did so, now that Elevator

Number 5 had gone down, another elevator would definitely stop at the second floor.

Alice noticed that Elevator Number 5 truly did stop at the first floor. She had pressed the button leading

to the basement in Elevator Number 5 just now, so if no one had altered anything, the elevator wouldn’t

have stopped on the first floor.

Just as expected… she had guessed correctly.

Almost at the same time, Elevator Number 3 stopped at the second floor, and the doors slid open.

She had guessed correctly, and there was also nothing wrong with the operations.

She hastily got into Elevator Number 3, then pressed the button for the 48th floor.

However, just as the elevator doors were about to close, she stopped it with her bag, then turned

sideways and quickly squeezed her way out through the gap between the closing doors.

After she got out of the elevator, the doors closed once again and ascended toward the 48th floor.

Alice curved her lips. Since people were trying to block her at the elevators on the first floor, someone

must have noticed something going on with Elevator Number 3.

If so, then that person definitely would’ve thought she had gone up to the 48th floor, an

After rushing to Mr. Knight’s room, Caleb was shocked to the core!

Clothes were strewn all over the floor of the room, and it was unbearably messy. Mr. Knight himself

was leaning against the headboard, scratches visible on the upper half of his body which the blanket

didn’t conceal. He had a suggestive and wild aura about him.

Most importantly, there were handcuffs on Mr. Knight’s hand.

Is Mr. Knight handcuffed to the bed?!

He is, without a doubt! Caleb thought in surprise.

Also, anyone could see that Mr. Knight was being… well.

Mr. Knight even employed the most advanced tracking device they only recently developed, so he was

obviously hell-bent on catching the person.

After connecting the dots, Caleb quickly came to a conclusion. Obviously, someone had slept with Mr.

Knight, then handcuffed him to the bed and escaped. Thus, Mr. Knight had used the tracking device to

catch that someone.

Even though he was seeing it with his own eyes, Caleb still found it hard to believe.

Still, the truth was right there in front of him, so he couldn’t help but be convinced that someone had

slept with Mr. Knight. Yes, the important point was that Mr. Knight was being taken advantage of.

Within three seconds, Caleb undid the handcuffs that bound Mr. Knight.

“Take a sample of the fingerprints on the handcuffs.” Mr. Knight’s mode of operation had always been

watertight. She must have left fingerprints on the handcuffs, and that would be the most concrete


With his tracking device paired with the fingerprints on the handcuffs, he was very sure that she had

nowhere to run.

Mr. Knight glanced at this watch again. The tracking device showed that she was still in Elevator

Number 5, and the elevator had paused a few times in between, delaying the time.

Mr. Knight smiled lightly. She had been on the run for so long, but she was still in the elevator.

Even though he had called Liam, he didn’t mind going there in person to catch her. Her short-lived

escape was fated to end in the elevator.

He was looking forward to seeing her reaction when she saw him!

In the next moment, Mr. Knight quickly put on and smoothened his clothes, then left the room.

Mr. Knight took his personal elevator, so the trip was fast and he didn’t have to wait. Hence, he could

most certainly arrive on the first floor ahead of the woman and block her passage.

In the elevator, Mr. Knight dialed a number again. “Send men to block all the exits of the hotel, and stop

anyone from leaving.”

“Check the hotel surveillance in Elevator Number 5.” After hanging up, Mr. Knight gave Caleb another


Mr. Knight’s plans had always been watertight.

That was right! He never allowed anyone a chance to escape!

The hotel manager was stunned upon receiving a call from Mr. Knight. Still, he dared not delay in the

slightest as they carried out Mr. Knight’s orders.

Meanwhile, in Elevator Number 5, Alice maintained a calm expression, but she was still feeling a little

anxious inside. The elevator she took had stopped at a number of floors, wasting quite a lot of time.

However, those people went out on the third floor, so she was the only one left in the elevator.

She had been drugged last night. At the beginning, she was still fully conscious, and she knew she had

thought of a way to escape, but she couldn’t remember anything that happened afterward.

When she woke up once again, she was already in the man’s bed.

She didn’t know if the man had been placed there on purpose.

The room was too dark, and she couldn’t make out the man’s features, so she didn’t know who he was.

Still, she could feel that the man was extremely dangerous. She knew that she absolutely must not be


That was why she handcuffed him to the bed.

However, she wasn’t sure if handcuffing him was enough to successfully stop him. If not…

As she stared at the quickly decreasing number in the elevator, she suddenly thought of something.

Her expression changed slightly, so she hastily jabbed the number 2.

She didn’t know if the man would come after her, but she always had to be prepared for the worst.

The elevator stopped at the second floor. After the door opened, Alice hastily walked to the stairwell

when she heard a voice saying from the first floor, “Manager, we have guarded every exit. No one will

be able to leave.”

Alice inhaled sharply. Just as expected…

She was sure that those people were meant to block her.

If she had gone to the first floor straight away, she might have fallen into a trap, and she wouldn’t be

able to escape.

She never thought that the man could move this quickly. She had handcuffed him to the bed, but he

was capable of making and carrying out plans in such a short time.

This was evidence enough of his power over this hotel. Apparently, handcuffing him to the bed didn’t

help very much.

If so, as long as she was still in the hotel, she would be trapped no matter which floor she got off.

She guessed that the man would be here very soon. When the time came, would she be able to


Why did she feel like he had spread out an all-encompassing net and was waiting for her to get caught


Unbeknownst to Alice, at that moment, Mr. Knight had already arrived at the first floor and was waiting

in front of Elevator Number 5.

Because of her personality, Alice decided that no matter how dire the situation was, she would never

give up.

It might not be that easy for him to capture her, and the winner wasn’t set in stone yet!

Alice welked beck to the elevetors. When she got out of Elevetor Number 5, she hed left her beg et the

entrence of the elevetor. The doors of Elevetor Number 5 hedn’t closed, end the elevetor wes still

perked on the second floor.

Since thet men hed ordered people to block ell the exits of the hotel, he would elso get some of them to

block the elevetors on the first floor. If she went down, she would be stepping into his trep.

Alice picked up the beg she left et the entrence of Elevetor Number 5. She wetched es the doors of the

elevetor slid shut, then the elevetor begen to descend.

Just then, Alice hestily pressed the button thet would teke her up. If she did so, now thet Elevetor

Number 5 hed gone down, enother elevetor would definitely stop et the second floor.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Alice noticed thet Elevetor Number 5 truly did stop et the first floor. She hed pressed the button leeding

to the besement in Elevetor Number 5 just now, so if no one hed eltered enything, the elevetor wouldn’t

heve stopped on the first floor.

Just es expected… she hed guessed correctly.

Almost et the seme time, Elevetor Number 3 stopped et the second floor, end the doors slid open.

She hed guessed correctly, end there wes elso nothing wrong with the operetions.

She hestily got into Elevetor Number 3, then pressed the button for the 48th floor.

However, just es the elevetor doors were ebout to close, she stopped it with her beg, then turned

sideweys end quickly squeezed her wey out through the gep between the closing doors.

After she got out of the elevetor, the doors closed once egein end escended towerd the 48th floor.

Alice curved her lips. Since people were trying to block her et the elevetors on the first floor, someone

must heve noticed something going on with Elevetor Number 3.

If so, then thet person definitely would’ve thought she hed gone up to the 48th floor, end they might

heve tried to cetch her there.

At the very leest, this could open up e chence for her.

Alice didn’t dere deley es she hurriedly welked towerd the steirwell.

She remembered thet there wes e mesquerede on the third floor todey, end she heerd thet it wes

orgenized by e prominent figure which would be held throughout the night.

This might be her only chence.

As she wes welking towerd the steirs, Alice fished out en extremely thin phone from her coet pocket.

She quickly typed in some words end sent the messege off.

Meenwhile on the first floor, Mr. Knight glenced et Elevetor Number 3, which wes continuously meking

its wey up. He then looked et the locetion of the red dot on his wetch, his eyebrows reising slightly. This

women is quite clever, creeting distrections like this, he thought.

Still, it’s such e sheme…

Alice walked back to the elevators. When she got out of Elevator Number 5, she had left her bag at the

entrance of the elevator. The doors of Elevator Number 5 hadn’t closed, and the elevator was still

parked on the second floor.

Since that man had ordered people to block all the exits of the hotel, he would also get some of them to

block the elevators on the first floor. If she went down, she would be stepping into his trap.

Alice picked up the bag she left at the entrance of Elevator Number 5. She watched as the doors of the

elevator slid shut, then the elevator began to descend.

Just then, Alice hastily pressed the button that would take her up. If she did so, now that Elevator

Number 5 had gone down, another elevator would definitely stop at the second floor.

Alice noticed that Elevator Number 5 truly did stop at the first floor. She had pressed the button leading

to the basement in Elevator Number 5 just now, so if no one had altered anything, the elevator wouldn’t

have stopped on the first floor.

Just as expected… she had guessed correctly.

Almost at the same time, Elevator Number 3 stopped at the second floor, and the doors slid open.

She had guessed correctly, and there was also nothing wrong with the operations.

She hastily got into Elevator Number 3, then pressed the button for the 48th floor.

However, just as the elevator doors were about to close, she stopped it with her bag, then turned

sideways and quickly squeezed her way out through the gap between the closing doors.

After she got out of the elevator, the doors closed once again and ascended toward the 48th floor.

Alice curved her lips. Since people were trying to block her at the elevators on the first floor, someone

must have noticed something going on with Elevator Number 3.

If so, then that person definitely would’ve thought she had gone up to the 48th floor, and they might

have tried to catch her there.

At the very least, this could open up a chance for her.

Alice didn’t dare delay as she hurriedly walked toward the stairwell.

She remembered that there was a masquerade on the third floor today, and she heard that it was

organized by a prominent figure which would be held throughout the night.

This might be her only chance.

As she was walking toward the stairs, Alice fished out an extremely thin phone from her coat pocket.

She quickly typed in some words and sent the message off.

Meanwhile on the first floor, Mr. Knight glanced at Elevator Number 3, which was continuously making

its way up. He then looked at the location of the red dot on his watch, his eyebrows raising slightly. This

woman is quite clever, creating distractions like this, he thought.

Still, it’s such a shame…

d they might have tried to catch her there.

At the very least, this could open up a chance for her.

Alice didn’t dare delay as she hurriedly walked toward the stairwell.

She remembered that there was a masquerade on the third floor today, and she heard that it was

organized by a prominent figure which would be held throughout the night.

This might be her only chance.

As she was walking toward the stairs, Alice fished out an extremely thin phone from her coat pocket.

She quickly typed in some words and sent the message off.

Meanwhile on the first floor, Mr. Knight glanced at Elevator Number 3, which was continuously making

its way up. He then looked at the location of the red dot on his watch, his eyebrows raising slightly. This

woman is quite clever, creating distractions like this, he thought.

Still, it’s such a shame…