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Ex-Husband’s Regret: Barren Mommy Has Quadruplets by Dolly Molly

Chapter 79
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Chapter 79 Dating

288 Vouchers

When the three children met each other suddenly, they were

all startled.

Seeing that there was no one around Otto, Lucas hurried over and asked, ” Otto, why are you here?”

Shouldn’t he and Nina be with mommy?

Lucas and Lyla looked puzzled.

Otto explained to them, ” Mommy and I went into the haunted house to play together, but Mommy got

scared halfway and we got separated.”

Lucas quickly put everything together.

I really didn’t

expect this to happen.

“That is to say, both daddy and mommy are inside, if they come out later, they will definitely run into

each other!”

“what should I do then?”

Lyla is a little anxious.

Lucas thought for a while, and made a quick decision, “Naturally, we should leave quickly. Then we will

contact daddy and mommy so we won’t run into each other.”



Both Otto and Lucas agree with the proposal.

The three children ran away quickly and did not go far, Otto


Chapter 79 Dating

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suddenly asked them, “Today is such a rare opportunity,

shall we … take this opportunity to match up mommy and daddy? For example, let them watch a movie

together or something?”

The matchmaking plan has been in his mind for a long time.

Lucas and Lyla thought about it, and felt that this was indeed a good opportunity.

Although they have discussed it before, they have not been able to implement it.

And today is a good opportunity!

The three children had an idea and came up with a solution. The three little heads got together to


Outside the door of the haunted house, Aletta Rogers waited for a long time, but didn’t see her son. He

was worried and anxious. When he was considering whether to go in again, Jason Hill also came out,

and his eyes quickly locked on the waiting Aletta . Rogers .

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“Why don’t you leave?”

Aletta Rogers saw him walking towards her, and said guiltily, “I my friend hasn’t come out yet.”

Jason Hill glanced around and did not see anyone else.

He thought she was a little weird and wanted to ask something, when Aletta Rogers’ cell phone rang.

She quickly took out her mobile phone and saw that the caller was her son, she was so frightened that

she almost

Chapter 79 Dating

lost her grip.

She hurried to the side to answer the phone, and asked anxiously in a low voice, “Baby, where are


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Otto said on the other end, ” mommy, I came out a long time ago, because I waited for a long time and

didn’t see mommy, I thought mommy was going to meet up with my sister, so I went out to find Daisy

and my sister, but I didn’t see either to mommy, where is mommy now?”

Hearing Otto’s report, Aletta Rogers breathed a sigh of relief.

Quickly said to Otto, ” Mommy is still at the haunted house.”


“That’s it, then mommy can come to us. My sister said she wants to watch a movie. I’ve booked a ticket

for the movie. It will start in an hour. Let’s meet up at the movie theater and I’ll send you the address.”

Otto was on the phone talking to Aletta Rogers about arrangements.

Aletta Rogers did not refuse, “Okay, mommy will go to you.”

the child sent me the address not long after

Meanwhile, Jason Hill also got a call from Ray White.

Jason, Otto and Nina are here with me. I just waited for you outside the haunted house for a long time,

but I didn’t see anyone. The kids couldn’t sit still and were very curious, so we came out first. Now I’ll

take them to the movies.”


Chapter 29 Dating

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Jason Hill’s thin lips moved slightly, and just as he was about to say something, Ray White said, “I’ll

send the address to your phone, come quickly too, see you later!”

Ray White hung up the phone without giving Jason Hill a chance to speak out.

Jason Hill looked at the hung up phone, a little speechless.

He always felt that something was wrong.

But at this time, the mobile phone vibrated and received a WhatsApp message, which was a voice from

his son.

Jason Hill glanced at Aletta Rogers, the two of them distanced.

He pressed play, and heard a crisp and lovely voice, saying shortly and concisely, ” Daddy is here.”

Jason Hill was stunned, the sound coincided with his memory, this is… the voice of a baby girl?

The little girl spoke?

A gleam of joy suddenly appeared in Jason Hill’s heart, and he dispelled the doubts just now, and

immediately typed a reply.


After Aletta Rogers hung up the phone, she was about to raise her foot, and the sentence flashed

inexplicably in her mind, ‘Why, leave after using it?’

Better talk to Jason Hill, or it would be rude.

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Chapter 29 Dating

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Thinking so, she silently walked to the man, “My friend has already left, and now I’m going to find her,

thank you just now.”

Jason Hill glanced at her sideways, with a cold expression, and said, “Thank you, I’ve heard Aletta’s

verbal thanks many times, and I’m always so insincere, I’m tired of hearing it.”

There was a bit of sarcasm in these words.

As soon as Aletta Rogers heard it, she subconsciously looked at his palm.

She knew that this guy should be referring to the fact that she didn’t bandage his wound.

Aletta Rogers opened her mouth slightly, suddenly feeling that there was nothing to explain.

What’s more, she let go of the words last time, and she didn’t want to bow her head, so she casually

gave an ‘um’, turned around and left.

Seeing her leaving like this, Jason Hill couldn’t help feeling a little tight in his chest and short of breath.

This little heartless!

Not far from the haunted house, the three children watched this scene and couldn’t help but exclaimed


surprise,” That’s great!”

They clapped each other’s hands and cheered loudly, “It’s the first time I set up daddy and mommy to

watch a movie, and you’re done!”

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Chapter 29 Dating

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“Okay, mommy is already on her way to the theater, so hurry up and find Daisy, we are going to meet

Mr. White too.”

It’s over, Lucas urged without forgetting the business.

Otto nodded, didn’t say anything more, touched the little hand that was clapping, and ran away quickly.

he found Daisy, he pulled her and opened his mouth, Daisy, mommy said that she is going to the

cinema tonight. She has already gone to the cinema. Let’s go find her there.”

Daisy never doubted that such a cute kid would lie, she nodded and said, “Okay, then let’s go to the


Here, after joining Jason Hill and Eaton Brown, they also set off for the theater immediately.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Not long after they left, Ray White came out of the haunted house.

children waiting outside, he opened his mouth lightly and. asked, “Tell me, give me an explanation, why

do you want me to lie to your daddy?”

what kind of experience it is for him to deal with NPCs and call Jason Hill at the same time.

Lucas had a ghostly face and said with a smile, “I will explain to Mr. White later.”

Around six o’clock in the evening.


Chapter 29 Dating

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Aletta Rogers was at the entrance of the theater, calling her son, “I’m here, how about you?”


Daisy is taking us to dinner, she will be there later, mommy, you go in first and wait.”

Aletta Rogers had no doubt that he was there, hung up the phone, picked up the reserved movie

tickets, and went in.

As a result, in less than ten minutes, the movie started.

This movie was relatively unpopular, and there were not many people watching the movie. Aletta

Rogers quickly found a seat and watched it for a while.

A few minutes later, a figure came to the side, and then sat down in the next seat.

Aletta Rogers thought it was a child and they arrived, she turned her head naturally and glanced


What catches the eye is Jason Hill’s cold face!

Chapter 201 on his lap

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Jason Hill came in alone, Eaton Brown and bodyguards were waiting outside. xo.com fast update

After finding a seat, when he was seated, he was also looking left and right, looking for the two


He never expected to meet this woman again here!

The two froze in their positions, looked at each other, and didn’t speak for a while.

After a while, Aletta Rogers jumped up from the seat and shouted excitedly, “Why are you here?”

The movie hall was very quiet, but the sound was so abrupt that all the few people present looked over.

Someone from behind spoke with displeasure, “Miss, can. you keep your voice down?”

Another person took the opportunity to complain, “Isn’t it normal to meet acquaintances, why are you

making such a fuss … ”

Aletta Rogers pulled her lips in embarrassment, and quickly apologized, “Sorry, I didn’t mean to.”

She sat back quickly, still unable to believe Jason Hill’s appearance in her heart.

After all, no matter how you think about it, this man should stay in the office instead of appearing in the

cinema …

Jason Hill frowned, obviously puzzled by her appearance, lowered his voice, and asked, “Why are you
