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Forged in the Flames by Karima Sa'ad Usman

Chapter 83
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Forged In The Flames By Karima Sa’ad Usman
Chapter 83 Summit (Nikolas POV)
The day of the meeting was finally upon us. Gabriel and Isreal had done an excellent job evacuating the werewolves and
sending them to Woodland.
We had Lycans fill in for them in their duties, leaving just a few to demonstrate the level of the scarcity we were experiencing in
the Labour market.
The palace was big enough to accommodate the guests for one night, and Gabriel had supervised cleaning the dormant wings to
ensure room and boarding for all.
Although I intended for them to leave after the meeting, Gabriel had advised me otherwise, considering the distance they would
have to travel to get home. It was only humane that I provided them with accommodation for the night. I suspected it would be a
long night because I did not plan to sleep with them around.
Title of the document
We stationed military, both newly trained and professionals, around the palace to protect and guard our interests should our
guests decide to be disrespectful and throw my hospitality back in our faces.
The biggest challenge was getting the right mix of women for entertainment.
I did not trust the Lycans, who could be easily swayed and divulge information. It could hurt our plans. I decided to settle for
Halfbreeds. They had just as much to lose as the werewolves, and they would not work against me because Forest was heaven
compared to the other part.
Ania had promised to help source for good dancers, and I left her to it. Since it was no longer a secret that I had a werewolf
mistress, I ensured Aliana had the appropriate attire should they request to meet her. One thing was sure; I would not let anyone
disrespect her.
We were still unsure if Fredrick would come himself or if he would send a representative; likewise, Aleksander, we would just
have to be ready to be surprised.
Whether they were present or not, it won’t change much.

The werewolf Omegas did an excellent job with the palace, which looked beautiful.
Though old, it did not look rundown. It looked like an expensive antique that was priceless.
The woods, stairs, chairs, tables and floors were polished. Everything looked neat and in good condition. It still had the dark
antique feel but was expensive and intimidating.
I was proud of the place.
Most of the projects were close to completion. It might not be as developed as the other regions, but it did not look like it suffered

Riverhead looked like it was on its way to becoming a mega city. I was proud of the work and hoped we would complete it as a
kingdom, not a territory.
I would lie if I said I wasn’t nervous about the meeting. I was worried. I could not anticipate how the events would turn out.
I did not know if I would be the winner or loser.
Honestly, it didn’t matter, but it was necessary to buy time. I wanted to be ready before I declared myself as King.
I did not want them to suspect my intentions and attack me when I least expected it when my army was not ready.
I wanted to be prepared because it was a battle that would be fought once, and there could only be one winner.
I stood at the entrance to admire the place; Ania linked me to inform me the hall was ready, and they had arranged the snacks
and drinks for entertainment.
Unlike Fredrick, I planned to be a good host.
Give people something to nibble on while we discuss serious matters. Aliana and Ania were in charge of the menu, and I knew
they would do an excellent Job. Aliana was my Luna; after all, it was best she started getting used to these things.
Gabriel walked to me, dressed in a clean shirt and khaki trousers. He looked neat and put together; although he won’t be a part
of the event, it was good to see him dressed appropriately.
“Your Highness,” he stated, and I was attentive.

“Since they have decided that you host the meeting, they know that you are royalty because only kings can host meetings.
Because of that, we have staged three seats to preside over the meeting; You will sit on one as the event host,” he said with a
wicked grin.
I figured that would happen because Abraham had mentioned something like that. Although I knew shifting the meeting to Forest
wasn’t to honour my status as royalty but to spy on me, I would use it to the fullest of my advantage.
I thanked Gabriel for the information and watched him walk away.
I left the entrance and entered my office. No one was there, so I closed the door and sat on my chair. Taking a deep breath, I
closed my eyes and tried to listen to the people’s conversations at the gate. I could only listen to mind links: Most people knew
that by now, so they were careful when linking each other, especially Aliana. I am still yet to figure out how she knew of my
I listened hard and did not get anything, so I reached out to the head of the guards at the gate. “Malcolm, what is the situation?” I
asked, wanting to know if guests had started arriving because I was expecting people from Snow to have arrived by now.
“Kelvin said they had just crossed the outpost in a convoy. All from Snow, so they should arrive at the gate in fifteen minutes,” He
replied, and I closed the communication.
I focused and chose to link everyone in Riverhead at once.
“The visitors are on their way in. I want everyone to remain in character and keep decorum. It is a meeting, not a war,” I linked

everyone and broke the connection.
“What should I do?” I heard Aliana’s voice in my head.
“Be calm, little wolf; you and your friends can go to the room. I will come and get you if needed,” I said.
“Okay,” She replied, trusting me completely, and I closed the connection. There was no way I was going to give her up. Not even
for the crown.
The guest started arriving, and Qusack took it upon himself to welcome them. According to tradition, I must wait until all the
guests are seated before entering the hall.
I decided to remain in my office.Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Ania and Lisa had to leave Aliana alone to join the halfbreeds in serving the snacks and drinks while they waited for the meeting
to start.
I was informed When King Aleksander arrived, and I knew Fredrick would come himself.
Some of the Alphas took the liberty to use the plus one invitation and brought either mates or mistresses who were ushered to
the rooms assigned to the Alpha they were attached to.
I learned that Piotr was Aleksander’s plus one, and I wondered who would be Fredrick’s plus one.
I hoped for my sake that it wasn’t Gwendolyn. I wouldn’t put it past Fredrick to pull off a stunt like that just to destabilise me.
Thinking about the things he could do, I knew I would have to keep Gabriel far away from the guy so he does not get him worked
up by telling him he was screwing his mate and had claimed.
It was sad because the only thing that could free Gwendolyn was Fredrick’s death, something I hoped to deliver on a platter.
“Gabriel, I will appreciate it if you stay clear of the palace. I do not want you to have any interactions with the bastard. I hope that
is fine,” I told him, and he obeyed me.
With Gabriel away from the palace, I doubted Fredrick would go to see him.
Gabriel was insignificant, and since I had confirmed I did not know who Gwen was, he might not try to use that.
Thirty minutes later, I learned Fredrick had arrived with Miles Gordon. Honestly, I did not see that coming. I did not expect that he
would show up with Miles in Forest. I wondered what my uncle was playing at. Unfortunately for him, I was ready, and my mind
was already made up.
It was finally time for me to join the meeting. Just as Fredrick had entered grandly in Snow, Grant announced my presence.
“His Highness, Alpha Nikolas Kowalski,” He said, and the grand double French door was opened wide for me to walk down the
aisle between the rows of seats where the floor members sat that led to the three chairs.
The alphas all stood up to pay their respects, some willing, others did it out of necessity, and I walked majestically down the

The three chairs were already occupied, and a man that looked like my father’s portrait was sitting on the third chair meant for
I held his gaze, and he stood up immediately, moving away from the chair. His actions did not please my uncle, and it was
evident on his face.
I had used my compulsion on him. In those few seconds, Bane had conquered his wolf in the battle of dominance.
Undoubtedly, he was my brother, but I wouldn’t let sentiments blind me. I might not resemble my father like this man, but I knew I
was a Kowalski.