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Found by the Lycan King by Natalie Winter

Chapter 2
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Chapter 2

Chapter 2


I looked at Luna Celeste in confusion, wondering what she meant by that.

But she only smirked and replied. “In two days, we might have some guests come over. Ensure that

everything is sparkling clean and that nothing is out of place or you know the consequences.”

She warned me before setting off to jog. I let out a sigh of relief when she left and I took deep breaths

to calm my heart.

I had dodged the bullet by not letting her think of cutting off my college fees. As long as I was allowed

that, I was okay to work and clean the packhouse for eternity.

Now that she was gone, I decided to head back to my room and quickly change and run to my school

before Sid or his gang of friends found me to bully.

Thus, I quickly showered in the ice-cold water dribbling from the shower and changed into my clean

jeans and a loose T-shirt. I only had one hoodie so I wore it anyways.

Picking up my backpack, I stepped out of the territory before anyone else spotted me. That was the

perk of being an early


I did not mind the walk to the school as it allowed me to clear my head. The narrow path was filled with

a lot of trees and I had gotten into the habit of admiring the beauty of nature as I went to school.

I reached the school gate and found a slew of cars parked outside.

There were also a lot of men, all wearing black and having huge and massive body frames. They stood

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in attention outside the gates as they looked around, alert for the slightest noise.

I wondered what was going on. Our school was in the most isolated place and we never had any

bigshots pay us a visit.

So, it attracted quite a bit of attention from all the students and even staff, all of whom were clamoring

to get a good look at something.

I heard somebody yelling angrily and amidst the crowd I saw my friend, Cole, rising in the air. A big

muscular hand was gripping him tightly by the neck and Cole was flailing his hands and legs in the air

wildly, trying to get out of the vice-like grip.

My eyes went wide as I ran towards the crowd and tried pushing through the onlookers. Cole was one

of my good friends. and I did not want to see him hurt.

When I managed to get in the front I saw a huge man holding him by the throat. The man was literally

made of nothing but. muscles and had a stone-cold look on his face.

“If you dare raise your voice again in front of the king I will kill you.”

I ran up to the man and yelled at him, “Leave Cole alone!!”

He ignored me as Cole tried to speak, “II was not talking to the king, beta Matt.”

But that did not satisfy Matt who squeezed Cole’s neck harder. I could see his veins popping out and I


So I simply took my backpack and swung it blindly, connecting it with Matt’s abdomen.

“Leave him!”

Matt obviously did not budge but he was surprised by my act. I saw him turn to look back and my gaze

followed his eyes and noticed that he was looking at the dean’s office.

The windows were closed and the blinds were partially drawn but I saw a pair of eyes looking at the

scene through the slit in the blinds. Even from afar, I could see that they were golden, the color of fire.

Those eyes, however, were not looking at Matt but at me. They were fierce and held a predatory gaze

which made me involuntarily take a step back.

Some silent communication, maybe through a mind link seemed to pass between Matt and that

mysterious guy inside the dean’s office.

He dropped Cole and looked at the crowd with furrowed eyebrows and everybody just ran away,

leaving me and Cole on the ground.

Matt and the other men left too as I helped Cole get up.

“Are you okay?”

I asked Cole as he massaged his neck. He ignored my question and I looked around to find his


They were lying on the ground with his backpack so I picked all his stuff up. When I straightened my

back, I saw those golden eyes looking at me again.

Chapter 2

I felt an uneasy sensation gnawing at me but ignored it and went back to Cole while handing over his

glasses. “Girl, are you insane? You just hit Beta Mateo of the-”

I cut him off.” I don’t care if he was the beta of some s id pack. He was hurting you and nobody messes


my friend.”

He took his backpack from me as I muttered, “Too many people treat us like s t already. We don’t need


“Huh? What do you mean? Did something happen at home?” He asked but I shook my head, “Don’t

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bother. Let us get you to the school medic.”

Cole placed his hands on my shoulders and replied, “I am okay Zen. Beta Matt just got confused. It

was a misunderstanding,

that’s it.”

I looked back at the retreating figure of the Beta who entered the dean’s office while the rest of them

stood in attention outside. Just why did every alpha, and beta treat the less privileged like dirt?

The golden eyes were still on us, I could feel them on my back. They were observing us as I threw

Cole’s hands over my shoulder and helped him get to the medic.

I found the stare to be unnerving, not in a creepy sort of way but I imagined that face to be cold and

calculative as he looked at a small girl helping her skinny friend get up from the ground.

“Who are these people and why are they here anyway?” I asked Cole as we left the school ground and

entered the building.

“Not sure, many people say many things. Some say that the lycan king came here to donate some

money to the school, others said some alpha is looking for able students to work as his guards. I also

heard some say the Lycan king came looking

for his mate.”

I furrowed my eyebrows.

“What would make the Lycan king come to our school of all places? They would go to the top institutes

for that.”

I muttered and Cole only shrugged his shoulders. I helped him get to the medic who examined him and

my gaze flitted to the window agam

The eyes were still on me and I tried not to give in to the unease that settled in my heart as we walked

into the medic’s office, cutting off my eye contact with the golden-eyed guy.

Little did I know he had come looking for one person specifically.me.