Chapter 106-1 I was sound asleep, comfortably tucked in halfway underneath Finlay as usual when my phone wokeup. Nothing good ever cfrom being woken up in the middle of the night by a phone call. I reached for it and knew Finlay was just as awake and worried as 1 was.
"Hello?" I answered without even looking at who was calling.
"Luna Amie, we can't stay here any longer," someone whispered on the other end. It took my brain a moment to recognise the voice.
Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt"Bridget, are you in danger?" I asked Martin's sister. Finlay raised an eyebrow.
"No, we are safe for now. But we can't stay. My mom and dad agree withfor once," she continued to whisper.
It had to be bad if she was making a call in the middle of the night.
"You are always welchere if you need somewhere safe to stay. Can you get here?" "Yeah, I think we can get out unnoticed. Thank you, Luna." "Of course. Keep safe and letknow when you are safe and when we can expect you," I told her. She promised to be in touch and we ended the call.
"Something is seriously wrong in my old pack," Finlay said. I nodded "We will have to ask what happened when they get here. You should call the council and tell them we have four wolves seeking shelter from your old pack. I don't want your brother proclaiming them rogue when he discovers they are gone," I told him. Finlay nodded. If the wolves were made rogue by the council, we needed either the council's or their former pack's approval to make them part of our pack. A wolf that was turned rogue also beca different creature. It was like they started to decay from within the moment they turned rogue. I didn't want that to happen to Martin's family. Even if the status was revoked and they joined the werewolf society again, the damage could not be reversed.
"I will call them at once," Finlay promised and reached for his phone "I'll make sure Martin's house is ready for them." No one had moved into Martin's old house. There hadn't been a need for it. We had maintained it and planned to use it for a guest house. Now it seemed only right to have his family stay there. I mindlinked spack members and asked them to make sure it was up for the task and fill the fridge with sbasic food items. While I listened to Finlay explain the situation to whomever he was talking to, I looked at my phone. Willing it to call so I would know they were safe. Finlay ended his call and pulledinto his lap as he sat with his back against the headboard.
"They won't make them rogue without listening to their story if my brother asks," he told me.
"Thank you," I said and kissed him on his jaw.
Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm"It's only fair." "Should we wake up Matilda?" I asked.
"No, let her sleep. We can let her know when we know what is happening. It's no use making her worry when we don't know what we are dealing with." I nodded and snuggled up to him, still holding my phone. "Get ssleep, Red. You won't miss the call," he told me.
"It's fine. I'm awake and enjoying a snuggle,” I told him as I felt my eyelids getting heavier with each heartbeat. He hummed gently and massaged my neck with one hand. I drifted off to sleep before I could stop it.
Again I woke up from my phone ringing. I answered straight away.
"Yes, Luma. We made it out and it doesn't look like we were followed We will be in your area early om tomorrow morning," she told me. I En gave her the nof the human town I had lived in and asked heo call when they were three hours away from it.
"They are safe." I told Finlay. 1 said it more for myself because I needed to because I nee hear it, than for letting him know. He would have overheard the conversation.
"Good. Tfor bed. I think we need to reconsider my previous statement and tell the pack tomorrow about our guests." We got comfortable in bed as and got as close to Finlay as I could. This whole thing was worrying me. Something was seriously wrong and it madeuncomfortable that I didn't know what was happening or how it would affect us. mmMwWLlilofiflo&1 mmMwWLlilofiflo&1 mmMwWLlilofiflo&1 mmMwWLlilofiflo&1 mmMwWLliIofiflo&1 mmMwWLlilofiflo&1