'Stay safe, if you need help, don't be too proud to ask for it,' Finlay linkedin our private mindlink.
'I'm not a man, I will be careful. That goes for you as well. Don't let that Alpha pride be your downfall,' I answered.
'I will be careful.' I ran through the forest, trying to move as fast as I could while still being aware of my surroundings. I had a secret fear I would hesitate when I needed to act. I had never killed another werewolf. I had hunted deer and rabbits and other gwho ran in the forest. But it was different with another werewolf. My answer cas I reached the top of a hill and saw another wolf standing at the foot on the other side. She was a stranger and my wolf did not hesitate. The strange wolf was a threat to me, and to my pack. I ran down the hill, the unknown wolf ran towardsas well. Halfway down the hill, I braced and leaped towards her. I took her by surprise and she didn't even try to swat atwith her claws as I sailed over her. As soon as I hit the ground, I turned around. The other wolf was trying to stop her forward movement. When she finally could turn around to cat me, I was ready. I swiped at her eyes with my claws, she turned her head away fromto avoid being hit, exposing her neck. I threw myself at her and closed my jaws around her throat. I felt her jugular tear and the warm fluid was everywhere. She tried to fightoff by clawing at my chest and face. She was losing strength quickly, and I only felt one or two wounds from her attempt. When I knew for certain she had no fight left in her and she would not survive. I let her go. I didn't have tto spare on celebrating my first victory. I turned around and kept running towards my goal. The closer I got to where I thought Cadence and Jon were, the more careful I was not to be spotted. The air was filled with the scent of strange wolves.
'Cade, Jon, are you okay?' I mindlinked the boys.
'Amie!' they both mindlinked back.
'We are okay, but there are a lot of wolves outside who we don't know,' Cadence told me.
'I know. I'm close. Are you in the small cave behind the pine tree?' I asked.
'Yes.' 'Good job. That is the best place to hide around here. Stay where you are and stay quiet.' I was now moving as slowly as possible to not let the other wolves know I was there. I was hoping to sneak close to the cave and keep watch as the boys sneaked out. Neither of them had their first shift yet, so they had to stay in their human form. It complicated things a bit, but I had hope. I slowly crawled to the top of the hill the cave was located in. I looked over the edge and any thought of getting the boys to sneak out of the cave was gone. Below was a large group of wolves, it seemed this was where they had set their base for the invasion. 'Finlay, the main force of the attackers are just below the cave by the pine tree where the boys are,' I mindlinked him.
'Fuck, okay, they need to stay in place and we will all work our way towards you. Stay put!' he replied.
Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt'Amie?' Cadence's link was full of fear.
'I'm right above you, Cade. There are too many wolves out here for you to try and sneak out. Stay where you are.' 'A-are we going to be okay?' It broke my heart to hear how scared he was. I made the decision based on pure instinct.
'I'm going down to them,' I linked Finlay.
'Dit, Amie! Stay put! If you are seen it will be an issue,' he told me.
'If I'm seen, I will continue down the hill and turn north. The boys will be safe.' 'But you won't!' 'They are scared, Finlay. If they panic they will give their location away. If they do, I don't stand a chance of saving them. I need to do this.' 'Fine. But be careful and stay safe until we get there.' I took a deep breath and wondered if I should shift into my human form. But decided against it. My human form was smaller, but it lacked advantages my wolf form had for traversing down the steep hill. I pressed myself as close to the ground as I could get and inched my way down the hillside. I made sure to use all the trees and bushes as cover and the gods smiled atas the wind was blowing towards me. It made the scent of all the unknown wolves hit me, but my scent was blown away from them. Just as I was about to crawl into the cave, I caught the scent of a wolf I thought I recognised. I couldn't place it and I tried to hone in on it. Then I snapped out of my thoughts and focused on the task. I managed to get into the small cave without being noticed. I was grateful the first snow hadn't come. My red wolf stood out like a sore thumb against the white snow. But in a forest with fall colours, I blended in. Inside the cave, Cadence and Jon were huddled at the far wall. Their eyes were big and full of fear as they watchedenter the cave. As soon as they saw it wasI could see them relaxing. The cave was too small forto stand in and it was cold. I did my best to manoeuvre myself inside, keeping quiet. I turned around so I was facing the entrance and backed up to let my body press into the boys. Even though they had on jackets, the coldness of the cave and them sitting still for so long had them shivering. I shared my body heat and comforted them with my presence.
'Are the two of you okay?' I asked the boys in a mind link.
'Yes,' Cadence answered.
'Better now that you are here,' Jon linked.
'The others are coming and will take care of the wolves outside. Until then, I will protect you. Stay close to each other andto keep warm and stay quiet,' I told them. The small cave would work to our advantage. Even if we were discovered, the wolves outside couldn't rush in all at once. At the most they could cone at the time. I could defend our position against one wolf. 'I'm with the boys. They are safe but cold and scared. No one saw me. We are staying put,' I linked Finley.
'We are on our way,' he told me. It felt like hours. I was focused on the scents and the sounds from outside. Ready to attack at any sign of an intruder. At the back of my mind, the familiar scent was gnawing at me. I knew I had scented the wolf before, but I couldn't place it.
Just a heads up: 5sis the only place to read the complete version of this book for free. Don't miss out on the next chapter-visit us now and continue your journey! 'I can't wait for the first snow,' Cadence mindlinkedand Jon.
'Shere,' Jon replied.
'Yeah? What is the best thing about the snow?' I asked to keep them going and keep them occupied with happier thoughts.
'When you take us out into the woods. It's always fun and you always pack hot cocoa and treats,' Jon said without hesitation. I smiled internally at the answer. It was nice to know they liked our outings and picnics. The thought of having picnics with the pups triggered the memory I associated with the scent. A picnic table covered in snow and an offer of coffee and sandwiches. I reached out to Finlay, Martin and Sam.
'It's the Rolling Hills pack,' I linked them.
'That is attacking?' Sam asked.
'Yes. I scented their Gamma. It tooka moment to place the scent, but I'm sure it's him,' I told them. We hadn't heard anything from the pack since our meeting with them. Finlay told us that even at the joint pack gatherings, they stayed clear of him.
'They must have becdesperate,' Finlay linked. 'Now we know it's not a loosely put together group of loner wolves. Make sure everyone knows it's a pack that is attacking and adjust the tactics.' 'Yes, Alpha,' we all answered.
'How are you holding up?' Finlay linkedin our private link.
'We are doing good.' Just a heads up: 5sis the only place to read the complete version of this book for free. Don't miss out on the next chapter-visit us now and continue your journey! 'It's taking us longer to reach you than I thought, but if we are fighting a pack it makes sense. They have trained together and are working as one. Just hold on and don't do anything stupid,' he told me.
Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm'I won't. And the sgoes for you.' I continued my wait. I could sense Cadence and Jon mindlinking each other. It was good they kept their mind off the situation and I appreciated them leavingout of their conversation so I could focus on listening and scenting. There were still a large amount of wolves outside. But they seemed to keep to the forest floor below the hill, most likely thinking they were alone and the steep hill would keep them hidden. Then something changed.
The first growl I heard I took for someone being impatient. They had clearly been given orders given orders to wait! while their pack mates were out fighting. The second growl I heard was not one of impatience, it was aggressive. 'Are you close? Something is happening outside, someone is getting pissy,' I mindlinked Finlay, Martin and Sam.
'We are at least ten minutes away,' Finlay was the first to answer.
'It's about the sfor us,' Sam linked.
'We are closer, but not close enough to make them react,' Martin told us. There was a new set of growls from outside the cave. This tit wasn't an individual, I could clearly hear three distinct growls. The sound of fighting followed. 'They are fighting,' I reported.
'With who? I don't have any reports of our warriors being in the area,' Sam asked.
'I think they are fighting amongst themselves. There are no familiar scents I can identify sof the growing butside was turning into yelps and whines. Someone was losing. My blood froze as I heard the loser starting to claw themselves up the steep incline. They were trying to get away from their pack mates and heading straight for us. 'They are coming towards us,' I informed the others and stood up as best as I could in the small space. 'You two, huddle as close to the
back wall as possible. I will block anyone trying to cin. The pack is way'd told dadence and Jon.
on its way, Their eyes were huge, but they nodded. 'Amie,' Finlay linked.
'It will be fine. We are fine. Don't take stupid risks. We can hold them off,' I told him.
'I'm giving you a direct order not to die. I will be truly pissed as your Alpha if you disobey.' 'Understood.' mmMwWLlilofiflo&1 mmMwWLlilofiflo&1 mmMwWLlilofiflo&1 mmMwWLlilofiflo&1 mmMwWLliIofifl0&1 mmMwWLlilofiflo&1