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Goodbye, My Wretched Love! By Dolly Molly

Chapter 104
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Chapter 104

Noah is also quite shameless, saying that this Kings County development project is something he has

already prepared for. That was in exchange for her, Sofia, from Finley.

Suddenly Susan’s laughter came from under the stairs: “Mr. Stwart, are you back?”

When Finley came back, Sofia hurriedly turned off the computer and walked out of the study, and then

retreated back to the study.

She locked the door and looked at the dark night outside, it was already past one o’clock in the


coming to Sierra Villa at this time is definitely the most dangerous time.

Sure enough, after a while Finley walked directly towards the study and pushed the door hard.

Sofia sat on the fabric sofa by the window in the study.

In this deep night, any subtle sound will be amplified infinitely.

Finley must have been drunk, his voice was a little muffled.

Noah also came to NY, and Brian betrayed him again. It is estimated that his life is not easy. These

days, the pressure of competition is still quite high, and there are naturally many drinking scenes.


Chapter 104

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“Open the door!”

Sofia didn’t move.

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Finley took a breath: ” Sofia, I know you’re inside, open the door!”

His voice raised a little.

Sofia is actually really afraid of him, he locked herself here this time, and she also understands that his

humiliation to her is not over yet.

“Sofia, if you don’t open the door again, I’ll kick it, and then everyone will not look good.”

Sofia hesitated for a while, got up and walked to the door, took a deep breath and opened the door.

The cold and handsome face of Finley outside fell into her


Finley smelled strongly of alcohol, and there were even one or two lipstick marks on the neckline of his

shirt. One could imagine the glamorous scene when he was drinking.

“Mr. Stwart?” Sofia turned sideways, and Finley strode in.

This room is a study close to the master bedroom, and there are no important secrets, just some books

that Sofia loved to read before, and an old computer.

All the furnishings in the villa are still the same, and Sofia spends most of her time reading here these


Finley walked in straight away, slumped on the fabric sofa


Chapter 104

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that Sofia had been sitting on just now, and looked at Sofia with his back to the window.

His face was hidden in the moonlight that slipped in through the window, cloudy or sunny.

Sofia has been wearing the clothes she wore three years ago these days, and now she is wearing a

silk nightgown. She is now thinner and wearing the clothes she used to look a little loose.

Sofia likes silk clothes very much, mainly because they are so comfortable, slippery and cool.

Finley often sat here to work before, and Sofia sometimes came here to accompany Finley after

finishing painting in the studio.

She had always been very well–behaved, sitting with a book on the fabric sofa where Finley was

sitting, flipping through magazines while waiting for Finley to finish his work in the company, and then

the two of them went to bed together.

Finley is very dedicated, and often Sofia falls asleep before he finishes his work, nestling on the sofa

like a cat, sleeping very sweetly.

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Finley couldn’t stand her cute look every time, and picked her up and sent her back to the bedroom,

which was another obsession.

At this moment, Finley fixedly looked at Sofia in front of him, familiar clothes, familiar atmosphere, but

the person became strange.

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Chapter 104

Finley didn’t know why, and was a little annoyed.

He waved to Sofia: “Come here!”

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Sofia felt her scalp go numb, but she moved over slowly and stood in front of Finley.

“Mr. Stwart ?”

Finley’s brows furrowed. She used to call him Finley, but now Mr. Stwart, the dry and cold Mr. Stwart .

He suddenly got a little angry, grabbed Sofia’s arm and pulled her directly into his arms.

Sofia was shocked and tried to break free.

Finley’s chin rested on her heart, just like it was three years ago, and he gently wrapped her in his

