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Goodbye, My Wretched Love! By Dolly Molly

Chapter 11
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Chapter 11

Sofia’s gaze remained fixed on Finley’s intense, piercing eyes. Her heart began to race, and she found

it difficult to catch her breath.

Finley clenched his jaw and shook his head. “I told you to apologize, Sofia. I wanted you to make

amends with Ellie for what you did wrong.”

“It seems to me that you deserved to have your hand mutilated.”

“Are you deaf? I want to hear you say sorry!”

Finley’s low, venomous tone was equivalent to his yelling.

Sofia closed her eyes in pain. His fingers gripping her wrist were digging into her skin.

She backed away, and Finley released his grip. Straightening her posture, Sofia approached Mr. Baker

and Mr. Richmond.

Finley’s face turned w**e, and his eyes narrowed.

The two felt an overwhelming sense of embarrassment. They had once been close friends with Robert,

and the current situation had put them in an extremely uncomfortable position. They had weighed their

options and chose to sit on the sidelines as the Campbells were ruined.

They looked back and were happy with the decision they

made three years ago, and it was a good thing they didn’t

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help the Campbells, or else they would have offended Finley – which would have been worse.

They knew that Finley hated the Campbells and that he viewed all of them as gluttonous pigs.

The Stewarts and the Sanchezes couldn’t acquire all of Campbell’s assets at once, so they divided the

biggest ones. to give to smaller companies.

They rode on the Stewar’s desire to destroy the Campbells and sold the assets they were given during

their crisis. Then, Baker and Walter shorted their stocks, eventually making a bigger profit.

But seeing Sofia made them uncomfortable. How had she offended Finley Stewart? Obviously, it wasn’t

their fault.

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Mr. Baker looked at Sofia as she approached him, and he laughed heartily.

“Hello, Sofie! I haven’t seen you for three years. Let me pour you a drink!”

Sofia was just about to pour him a glass, but Mr. Baker interrupted her.

Mr. Richmond instantly understood the situation and sent the waiter to fetch extra-large glasses.

“And a couple of bottles of whiskey!”

Sofia’s heart started to race. She couldn’t drink alcohol, let alone strong ones. Her stomach simply

couldn’t stand it.

She pleaded with Mr. Baker, hoping that he respected her

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wishes, considering his previous relationship with the Campbells.

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She had just gotten out of the hospital and really couldn’t drink anymore. If she did, Sofia would d*e.

Sofia was f**ed with a difficult choice. If she refused to drink, she would have to apologize to Finley and

Ellie, something she was determined not to do. She didn’t do anything wrong and would never say

sorry to the woman who had framed her. Sofia would rather d*e.

Mr. Baker smiled as he eagerly popped open the cork and poured the spirits into a large glass.

“Come on, Sofie! Have a drink with your Uncle Baker and Uncle Richmond!”

Sofia raised her glass with difficulty, her hand shaking. terribly, and met the men’s cruel smiles. She

knew she was delusional. For three whole years, they hadn’t helped the Campbells and had fallen into

corruption. They wouldn’t dare disobey Finley. Helping her wouldn’t bring them any profit.

So, they would torture her. Probably just to please Finley.

Sofia took a deep breath, held the glass of whiskey to her lips, and tilted her head.

She coughed, sputtered, and almost choked.

Sofia couldn’t drink it. But Mr. Baker sneered and grabbed Sofia’s neck, holding the glass and pouring

more into her glass.


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Paralyzed, Sofia felt enveloped in Mr. Baker’s embrace and heard his cruel laugh. “Ms. Campbell,

you’re such a beaut!”

From Finley’s perspective, it seemed like Sofia was happily leaning into Mr. Baker’s arms, and the

veins on his forehead started to bulge.

It twisted his nerves to know that she would rather throw herself at another man than apologize to him.

Meanwhile, Sofia’s stomach roiled, the cramps making her want to vomit. Her face was w**e as a

sheet, and she looked up helplessly at Mr. Baker.

Mr. Baker, however, laughed. “Since Mr. Stewart wants you. too, I’ll let you kiss me.”

Mr. Richmond smiled at him as if it was their gift to Sofia to let her kiss the two old men.

In their minds, by humiliating Sofia, they believed they could gain a higher favor from Finley, and they

saw it as a beneficial trade-off. Besides, it was Sofia’s own fault for the situation she found herself in

Sofia laughed bitterly. Her family had taught her to maintain dignity, but she had none left.

So, she slowly lifted her head and stood on tiptoe, ready to come up to Mr. Baker’s cheek.

Suddenly a strong hand ripped her away, and she finally met. Finley’s icy gaze.

“Amazing. I can’t believe you’re that petty.”

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Finley was so enraged that he dragged her away from Mr. Baker and slapped her hard.

His hand was heavy, and Sofia knew that her face would be swollen the next day. Her lips split, and

she tasted the iron. tang of blood.

Sofia fixed her gaze on him and laughed out loud. Her smile was pale and terrible.

“You’re right, Mr. Stewart. I’m a real bitch, no doubt! You offered to pay me if I kissed Mr. Baker and Mr.

Richmond. If you double your price, I can take both of them in bed at the same time!”

Finley’s body trembled as he placed two hands around Sofia’ s throat, squeezing. Her two hands

clutched his wrist in a death grip, and Finley smiled menacingly.

The two men’s faces turned pale, their expressions shifting from arrogance to panic. They watched the

scene in front of them and sat frozen in their seats.

Finley wanted to strangle her, but Sofia just clenched her jaw and looked at him with an emotionless


“You like money, huh? I’ll give you something to work for!”

Finley suddenly stepped forward and swept her into hist arms. He kicked open the door and strode


The room fell into stunned silence as everyone watched in disbelief. The image of the composed and

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collected Mr. Stewart was shattered, replaced by a man consumed by

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uncontrollable rage.

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He carried Sofia into the elevator and rode up to the top floor. It was his special room. It took up almost

the entire top floor of The Charming Bar.

Justin was busy trying to keep up with him, only to have Finley yell at him to get lost.

He stayed outside the elevator doors and watched as his boss carry a woman to his room.

Meroy was also alarmed and rushed over.

“What’s going on here?”

Justin made a helpless noise. “I think he’s gone crazy.”

Finley’s long strides agitated Sofia’s stomach. Her face turned paler by the minute, the whiskey she

drank burning every inch of her organs.

She was carried into the bedroom, and she noticed it was black and w**e, mirroring the cold and

heartless man hel


Finley threw Sofia straight onto the bed, took out his wallet, and dumped its contents on Sofia’s face

and body.

“I’ll give you money! Here’s everything I have!”

Finley then straddled her and ripped Sofia’s clothes off.

Sofia suddenly threw up the whiskey she drank and vomited the blood that was settling in her stomach.


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Finley tugged at her clothes and let go of her hands, his lost. sanity finally returning.

“You…threw up blood,” Finley said, sounding a bit panicked.

Sofia, her body shaking, forcibly pushed him away, stumbled out of bed, and rushed into the bathroom.

She plopped in front of the toilet and vomited some more, her whole body on the verge of collapsing.

As Finley stormed towards the bathroom, Sofia looked at him in horror and started to scream.

“Finley! You’re sick, you’re dis***ng! You-”

Suddenly, spots swam in her vision, and everything went black. She passed out, and all Finley could

hear were the echoes of her screams.