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Goodbye, My Wretched Love! By Dolly Molly

Chapter 134
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Chapter 134

According to Finley’s current state, coming to Sierra Villa is not a good thing for Sofia.

Just as Finley finished speaking, the phone rang.

Finley frowned slightly when he saw the number.

He still connected the phone, and Ellie’s delicate voice came from the other end of the phone, even a

little crying.

This trick, she tried repeatedly on Finley.

As long as Finley heard her cry, he would go to protect her desperately.

At this time Finley didn’t know why, it sounded a little annoying.

“Finley, I feel so uncomfortable, I don’t feel well, my father has gone abroad and is not at home, can

you accompany me, I am so scared!”

Although Sofia absolutely didn’t want to hear Ellie acting coquettishly, she sat in the same airtight

compartment as Finley, and Ellie’s voice penetrated her eardrums clearly.

These days, Sofia figures it out too.

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Finley protected Ellie time and time again. Apart from the life–saving grace, Ellie would act like a baby,

with a delicate. and weak voice, which made people feel a desire to protect..

Chapter 134

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She turned her face away slowly, not wanting Finley to think she was eavesdropping.

Finley frowned, somehow annoyed by Ellie’s voice.

He said coldly: “What’s wrong with you, I’ll ask Paul to go. over and take a look for you. I still have an

impromptu meeting, and I’ll see you tomorrow.”

Finley hung up the phone, cutting off the softness on the other end of the phone.

Sofia looked sideways at Finley in disbelief, opened her mouth, but still didn’t say anything.

Three years ago, she and Finley moved in together after confirming their identities as boyfriend and

girlfriend, whether they were abroad or back in NY.

Every time in the middle of the night, Ellie’s voice seemed to be urging her to die.

Nothing more than a few reasons, not feeling well, afraid of the dark and thunder, menstrual discomfort,

in short, all kinds of reasons and excuses.

And most of the time at night, when Sofia and Finley were in love, they would come here now and then.

Finley would definitely leave her behind and rush Paul to see Ellie. Ellie’s health has not been very

good, and it has become worse because of being shot while saving Finley.

At this moment, Finley actually hung up Ellie’s emergency call directly, threw the phone aside, and his

face became

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Chapter 134

even more ugly.



Soon Justin drove the car into Sierra Villa, Finley got out of the car, and Sofia bit the bullet and


Susan hurriedly greeted her : ” Mr. Stwart, Miss Campbell, are you back? I cooked porridge in the

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kitchen, it was just right, I’ll serve it to you…”

“Susan, Miss Campbell and I have something to talk about, and no one should come up,” Finley’s voice

was so cold that his tone trembled slightly, as if he was trying to restrain himself.

Sofia’s heart was cold, the seemingly intimate conversation. between Noah and her just now probably

angered this


She followed Finley upstairs, and when she passed the master bedroom, was she afraid to stand in the


Finley opened the door and walked in. Sofia wanted to turn around and leave. She didn’t think it was a

good time to talk to Finley.

Just when Sofia was about to escape, Finley’s strong arm directly dragged her in, and then kicked the

door up.

The sound of the door closing made Sofia feel the floor tremble slightly.

Before she had time to react, her whole body was already spinning. Finley grabbed her arm and

pressed her against the cold wall, and kissed her.

Chapter 135