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Goodbye, My Wretched Love! By Dolly Molly

Chapter 653
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Chapter 653

288 Vouchers

Sofia wanted to know why Noah hurt her so much?

The last time she took the initiative to go to the underground boxing arena to find Noah’s cooperation, she was

forced by Finley to find Noah when she was desperate.

It’s just that she is too naive, and rivals can tolerate and cooperate with each other because of their interests.

Sofia never wanted to be muddleheaded. Even in prison, she suffered inhuman abuse, and the clarity and anger in


heart remained intact.

The reason why she was able to live until now without being driven mad was because she still had a thought in her

heart and needed an answer.

Sofia felt a little more vigilant, even if she wanted to see this man, she had to decide the place.

The environment around the cafe is also very lively.

Sofia has experienced the days of being kidnapped in Paris, and now she will keep a lot of vigilance in dealing with

these people.

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Sofia didn’t drive, it was inconvenient to park here, so she took a taxi directly to the cafe.

There is no one in the cafe today, and the atmosphere is very quiet.


Chapter 653

298 Vouchers

Sofia sat down in a secluded place and ordered two cups of


After a while, Noah, who was wearing a silver–gray suit, walked in slowly.

He was wearing sunglasses and put them in his trouser pockets. He saw Sofia sitting in the corner at a glance, and

then walked towards Sofia.

“How do you know that I like this kind of coffee?” Noah smiled lightly and picked up the coffee on the table, took a

sip and put it down again.

He frowned and looked at Sofia in front of him jokingly, “It seems that you still know me very well, even the taste of

my coffee, why? Interested in me?”

Before Noah finished speaking, Sofia who was opposite suddenly stood up and slapped him hard.

This slap in the face immediately made everyone around look here, and the waiter hurriedly walked towards Sofia

and Noah.

“Sir, may I help you?”

“Get out, it’s none of your business!” Noah yelled at the waiter who came up to help, and then stared at Sofia.

Sofia’s slap really pissed him off.

“Are you courting death?”

If it wasn’t for the public, Noah would have put Sofia down by


I didn’t expect this woman to be so aggressive, and I


Chapter 653

underestimated her before.

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Noah’s body was smudged with bursts of murderous air, and he is also a famous big shot in NY.

After fighting with Finley for so long all these years, even Finley didn’t dare to hit him face to face, but he didn’t

expect to be hit by Sofia.

Sofia raised her head, stared at him not to be outdone, and paused every word, “What? Mr. Knight sometimes

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becomes angry?”

“When Mr. Knight hurt others for no reason, why didn’t he think that when he was hurt by others, he would also be

angry and in pain?”

“You call it the crime of intentional injury! I’m going to send you to prison!” Noah wasn’t trying to scare her.

At this time, he really wanted to make a big deal out of it, and this slap made Sofia go to jail.


But soon he understood that the woman he was facing was no longer the murderer who had just been released

from prison three years ago.

It is a well–known female entrepreneur who owns nearly half of the shares of Stwart Group.

The well–known female designer who frequently wins awards in the international community is also the wife of

Finley, a tycoon in the NY business world.

He would have to weigh it up if he wanted to get her into prison.


It wasn’t that he didn’t like Sofia before, he was also deeply attracted by the woman Sofia, but Sofia’s slap

completely slapped out the ruthlessness in his heart, and he just wanted to crush this woman at this moment.

Finley walked out of the organizing committee building of the Global Design Competition and got into his car.

Chapter 654