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Goodbye, My Wretched Love! By Dolly Molly

Chapter 688
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Finley said he was going to spend the night at the Campbell Family. Sofia and Samantha changed their faces


Hank on the side was also a person, and there was no problem.

He couldn’t help but laugh, “It’s so late, then I won’t disturb your rest.”

He nodded to Samantha again, smiled politely, and said, “I had a great conversation with Mrs. Campbell today, and

I still have a lot to say.”

“One day I’ll be the host and invite Mrs. Campbell over for


Samantha hurriedly smiled and nodded, agreeing.

Hank greeted Sofia again, turned around and strode out of the Campbell Family. After getting into the car, he

looked at the lights reflected in the main Campbell Family house, and the corner of his lips evoked a mockery.

He deliberately talked to Samantha a lot just now, and found that although Samantha had been lying down for four

years, her mind was quick.

And apparently having a fresh memory of what happened four years ago means that Samantha has not lost her

memory either.

He wanted to see how Finley could win the mother–in–law’s forgiveness?

He had already seen Samantha’s dissatisfaction and alienation towards Finley just now, how could he not alienate?

Finley killed her husband and left her lying in the dark for so long.

He also made Sofia and his son so miserable. If he was from the Campbell Family, let alone marry his Sofia to

Finley, he would want to poke dozens of holes in Finley to vent his


Hank left the Campbell Family in a contented car.

At this time, the atmosphere in the living room of the main house of the Campbell Family was almost freezing.

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Samantha sat on the sofa with her arms folded and her eyes lowered slightly without speaking.

Her face was livid, so she naturally didn’t give Finley any good


Sofia’s expression was complicated. She had been pressed by Samantha these days, and she could tell everything

about her and Finley.

Only the things she did in Dynasty Nightclub, she didn’t dare to mention a word, it was a stain on her heart,

especially in

front of her mother.

He felt that it was good to tell his mother what happened before, that it was a disaster.

Even in the future someone might chew her tongue in front of Samantha.

But she, the Sofia, spoke out those experiences in front of her

mother, and he knew how painful and exciting it would be for

a mother.

Originally, she wanted to be tactful and end her relationship with Finley in front of her mother, but she didn’t expect

Finley to be unable to hold back even this anger.

As soon as Hank came to the Campbell Family, he rushed over, and people on both sides were forcing her.

He didn’t even know what he had done wrong, why should he suffer all this boundless pain?

Sofia stood beside Samantha with a heavy heart, but Finley stood beside Sofia and looked at Samantha, saying

everything that should be said.

“Mom, I want to talk to you about something.”

“No need!” Samantha coldly rejected Finley’s words, then raised her eyelids and stared at Finley’s eyes with hatred

that couldn’t be covered at all.

“We Campbell Family can’t afford a big man like Mr. Stwart, so we don’t need to talk to me.”

“I’m just Mr. Knight Zheng Gao. My Sofia is not suitable for a character like you, Mr. Stwart. You’d better let him go.

The two of you divorce as soon as possible.

Finley’s hand turned into money little by little, and his heart was full of monstrous anger, but he couldn’t attack the

woman in front of him. He was Sofia’s mother and his mother.

“Mom, listen to me.”

“Don’t call me mom!” Samantha coldly refused. He felt that

Finley in front of him was calling her mom again, and he was a little harassed by this person.

Her mother also slowly stood up and raised her head to look at the tall man in front of her. She was actually very

afraid of Finley, but Sofia was the mother and son who involved him. Just now, even if he was afraid of this person

to the core, he couldn’t take a step back.

“Mr. Stwart, there’s no need to go into the matter between us. The Stwart Family and the Campbell Family have

come to this point. It doesn’t make any sense…”

“The two of you are not suitable, so why force each other. It is good for both parties to separate while there is no


Finley frowned and suddenly took a step forward to look at Samantha.

His father was startled by Finley’s gesture, and quickly dodged and promised to take a step forward in front of

Samantha and looked up at Finley.

Finley looked at the mother and daughter in front of her alert manner, suddenly a heart can not say the stomach

pain, did not expect to get along for so long, he thought he would do something inappropriate to his mother to the

Campbell Family.

He endured it, but still did not release the rage in his heart, but looked at what was in front of him, “What? So in

your mind, I am such a person, right?”

He said, turned and strode out.

Then he returned to the Xingang Villa next door. His heart was

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indeed in pain. He couldn’t see the work of the Stwart Group

at all, so he got up and blew the table in front of him. Your mother and Noon below, who didn’t know why the eldest

young master was so angry, walked up carefully and saw Finley standing in front of the window.

Finley cursed. With all his strength, he didn’t know who to say it to. He extinguished the headhunter and sat down at

the table irritably.

I heard Samantha’s warning over and over again, the Stwart Family and the Campbell Family have reached this

point, so he won’t agree with the Stwart Family, won’t agree with his breathing with what, even if he’s married, he’ll

take them apart, what kind of reason is this?

Finley is not the same as those poor boys who are looked down upon by their mothers–in–law because they are

poor. He wants a house and a car, and he wants people but still can’t get into Samantha because of the evil left by

the older generation.

He punched hard on the marble countertop. My head hurts faintly when I think about it.

Suddenly Finley remembered what Samantha had said, that it would be better for the two of them to separate now

that they had no children.

The child must be the key. If I want to be pregnant with his child, then if there is a little life that can give birth to the

Stwart Family and the Campbell Family, the two bloodlines, will my father stop him from walking with something


Yes, he urgently needs a child now, and he needs this child incomparably.

Lu Jinchuan took out his phone, and Sofia made a lot of apologies, saying that he shouldn’t interview together

tonight and bring anything to disturb their conversation. He didn’t do it, he was domineering as usual, and he should

learn to tolerate and understand Finley had never written so many apologies to a person. Even if he made a

mistake when he was a child and made his mother angry, he just stubbornly said three apologies to his mother, no

more words.

Finley was in a hurry for a few words, sorry, dear, fumbling back and forth on the phone’s software, and finally

pressed the send button.