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Goodbye, My Wretched Love! By Dolly Molly

Chapter 79
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Chapter 79

During her three years in prison, she had asked herself this question countless times, why didn’t Finley

believe her?

But now she doesn’t need his trust anymore.

She said slowly in a hoa rse voice, “I pushed it down because I was jealous of you being nice to Ellie,

and I only wanted you to be nice to me alone.”

“I just invited her to the villa and pushed her off! Yes! Pushed off! Broke her hand. I wanted to break her


Sofia laughed, a smile that pierced through her bones.

Finley stared at Sofia’s smiling face, but his heart sank.

He stood up suddenly.

Sofia watched him silently, as if waiting for another wave of punishment.

Finley didn’t want to face her right now, no, more precisely he didn’t want to face himself right now.

But Sofia has pushed him to a corner, and he must take her under/his wing.

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Whether it is to let her die or let her live, she is in his hands.

Finley took a breath and said, “I will recuperate in the hospital for a few days, and then move to Sierra


The calm Sofia managed to maintain calmly disintegrated.

There was panic in her eyes. It’s not that Finley doesn’t know what Sierra Villa means to the two of


It used to be the love nest that the two of them built together hand in hand. The love nest three years

ago is now hell for Sofia, and he still wants to lock her there, living in the wedding room that he killed

her father and enemies every day and arranged by himself.

Standing on the balcony of the villa, you can see the deserted main house of the Campbell Family next

door. This kind of pain, Sofia is afraid that she will not be able to bear


“Finley! I’m not going!” Sofia’s voice was hoa rse, as if yelling.

Finley laughed, and raised her brows slightly, even though she hated him, it made her eyebrows come

alive, not like a walking dead.

He smiled lightly: “Sofia, you have no choice when you get out of prison. You are still too indulgent

these days, so please do it yourself.”

Sofia tightly grasped the sheets of the hospital bed. Because of too much force, the infusion tube on

the back of her hand was bleeding a little, and Finley grabbed her wrist.

He leaned over to look at her and said coldly: “Sofia, last time you came out of the Charming Bar, you

were free for a while, I think it’s better to put it back in the cage.”

Sofia stared at the man condescendingly looking down at her with an ugly face.

“Be good!” Finley raised his hand and stroked Sofia’s head, then turned around and strode out of the


He was so angry with this woman that he wanted to change his clothes and go to the garden

downstairs of the inpatient department to find a corner to smoke a cigarette.

That’s when Luke’s phone rang.

“Mr. Stwart !”

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Luke whispered: “Mr. Stwart, I checked the women’s prison according to your instructions. Just a month

ago, the surveillance cameras in the prison were replaced with new ones.”

“It is said that the old ones are worn out. Some kind people donated money to replace all the cameras

in the prison, and even replaced the supplies in the prison with new ones.’

Finley clenched his hands on the phone a little bit, with a cold look on his brows and eyes, and said

slowly: “Someone doesn’t want us to check there, then continue to check.”

“Since the new ones are replaced, where are the old ones?”

“If the old one is destroyed, I will ask the installer one by one. I am not afraid to spend money or time. I

only want the truth.”

“Yes!” Luke could already hear the unprecedented

seriousness in Finley’s voice.

Sofia was lying on the hospital bed, physically exhausted and weak to the extreme, but her mind was in

a mess.

She could endure being burned and smoked in prison, and her ribs were broken and then raised and

then broken again. She can endure being forced to kneel, forced to drink, and bullied at Charming Bar.

Even Ellie posted her most shady video on the Internet and. made NY headlines, which she can bear.