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Her Sweet Revenge by Authorfavour

Chapter 12
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Chapter 12 Unexpected Kiss

"You just said mummy, what's the meaning of that?" The voice asked again and Elle turned back. Her

throat immediately ran dry when she saw him.

"Tyson.." She called with a smile. She comported herself and walked towards him.

"What was that? I heard you say mummy loves you too?" Tyson questioned. Elle walked to him and

then held his shoulder, flashing him a seductive smile.

"You heard wrong, Tyson. I was talking to my mum and I said, mummy, I love you too. Is it bad to tell

my mum that?" Elle said and touched his chin.

Tyson sighed and touched his forehead.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it.." Tyson said and Elle pecked him.

"Let's go back to the party.." She smiles at him and he nodded.

"I'll lead the way.." Tyson added and Elle walled away. She scrunched her face in disgust and gently

wiped her lips with the back of her palm.

"I can't come to the party in vain. I have to do something at least. Think Elle, think.." She thought and

then an idea struck at her. She smirked immediately.

Then she suddenly gripped her stomach.


"I'm feeling pressed..' Elle said and folded her lips like she was in discomfort.

"Could you please take me to the restroom?" She asked.

"Of course.." Tyson said and he led her to the restroom.

"I'll wait for you.." He told her.

"No, no. You can go. I'll find my way back.." Elle said.

"Are you sure?" Tyson asked.

"Yes, I'm sure.." Elle said.

"Fine, I'll see you inside.." Tyson said and walked away.

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When Elle was sure that the coast was clear, she smirked and then made her way back. She would try

to plant the CCTV cameras now.

Her eyes scanned every where as she walked. She took another exit and came into a big passage.

Then she saw their rooms were located there. But one thing is for that, there are also some hidden

cameras planted by the governor himself so she had to ve careful.

Now is the perfect time she needs Damien. She looked around and then she brought out her phone

and then dailed Damien's number.

He answered the call almost immediately.

"Dam, it's time.." She said and then hung up. She continued walking, looking around like she's lost.

She stepped when she got to place which looked like a huge office and then she heard James's voice.

"Connor, make sure the drugs are delivered properly.."

Elle furrowed her brows.

"It's taking place tonight, don't fail me.."

"What do you mean by you don't where it's taking place?"

"It's at 42, Sarah streets. The outskirts of the town. You should get there by 12am and don't forget to

collect my money immediately.." James was still talking when Elle lost her grip on her bag and it fell

down causing a thud.

Elle gasped and she immediately took her bag and ran to a corner. Just then, the lights went off and

the sound of the door opening as heard.

Elle smiled.

"Thank you Damien.." She muttered.

James sighed and then turned in his phone torch.

"I thought someone was here.." He said and then the lights turned on back. James shrugged and then

walked back in.

Immediately he went back in. Elle walked out of there, slowly and she bumped into somebody. She

looked up and sighed when she saw that it was Giselle.

"What are you doing here?" Giselle asked her bluntly, glaring at her.

"It's none of your business.." Elle rolled her eyes and then turned to walk away.

"I get the fact that you are with Tyson but then, why Jason?" Giselle asked and Elle turned to face her

with a smirk.

"I don't understand…" She said with a light smile.

"All you need to do is stay away from him. Stay away from my fiancee and also don't you dare try to

ruin my modelling career. I won't ever take it lightly with you!" Giselle warned her and Elle chuckled


"All these for me. Are you that scared of me?!" Elle asked and Giselle scoffed.

"Of course not, I'm not and I never will be. I'm just passing a clear warning to you as you won't like what

i would do when i get serious.." Giselle warned and Elle chuckled again.

"I'm so scared. I'm expecting what you are going to do, sweetie!" Elle said and then walked away while

Giselle clenched her fists angrily.


Elle walked back into the party and sat down on her seat. Her mind was processing the information she

just heard.

Even if she could not install the CCTV cameras but then she found one useful thing to start with first.

"I'll make sure I'll ruin this for you. I'll ruin your life, James Madison.."

"It's time for the couple dance. Can our couples come out with their partners and rock the stage!" The

mc announced and Tyson walked towards her. He stretched his hand to her.

"May I have this dance?" He asked sweetly with a smile on his face.

Elle nodded and then took his hand. The soft music started playing and Tyson placed his hand on her

waist, while she placed his hand on his shoulder as they swayed their bodies slowly to the music.

But during the dance, all that was on Elle's mind was her master plan! She just had ti make it happen.."

Just then, her eyes went to Giselle and she was dancing with Jason, smiling and giggling while Jason

kept his normal straight face. Elle's hands tightened around Tyson's neck as she watched them.

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Giselle wouldn't stop giggling and trying to flirt with Jason and that was annoying her the most.

Jason turned her around and she fell into his arms.

"You should stop giggling unnecessary. I'm not dancing with you willingly. You should have a sense of

pride.." Jason told her bluntly and her eyes dropped.

"Now it's time to switch partners.." The Mc announced again but Tyson held unto Elle.

"Hey.." She chuckled.

"Let's switch.." She said and Tyson sighed. Jason was already getting fed up of this nonsense but he

had to do it! At least just for now.

Both Tyson and Jason exchanged their partners.

The air was awkward between Elle and Jason. Jason held her by the waist and drew her closer to him.

"W..what are you doing?" Elle asked.

"Nothing wrong.." Jason answered, his eyes glued to her face.

Jason grabbed her by her waist again and drew her more closer to him. Elle gasped immediately with

the way their faces were close.

Their breaths were fanning each other's face.

"Nothing I do can ever make you like guys me. Guys like me are plain and boring.." Jason whispered to

her and Elle closed her eyes, she tightened her grip on Jason's shoulder.

She forgot. She forgot that Jason was a guy with huge ego and pride, one like him hates his ego been

bruised and he's trying to prove her wrong by doing this. Seducing her intentionally.

Both Giselle and Tyson, glared at them angrily.

"I can't watch this any longer.." Giselle thought and then she thought of ways to separate the two.

She smirked when an idea came to her head. Her eyes went to them again and she smirked yet again.

Then she intentionally placed her leg when she noticed they were both near them. Elle's leg hit hers

and she immediately lost balance.

Her eyes widened and she grabbed Jason's suit for support but then they both went down. They fell

upon each other and their lips joined immediately.

Giselle's eyes widened. That's not what she wanted to happen. She wanted Elle to fall and disgrace

herself and not this.

Everyone's attention turned to them but both of them were still, still frozen in shock to what had
