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Her Sweet Revenge by Authorfavour

Chapter 44
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Chapter 44 The father meets his daughter
James looked up and cracked his brain hard. The figure looks very familiar but he just couldn't process what he saw.
"Okay thank you.." He told the private investigator.
"Send me your account details, I'll send your money.." He added and the private investigator nodded with a bow. Then he walked
He was still thinking about it when Lauren walked in.
"Hun.." She called and he faced her.
"What's wrong?" She asked him when she noticed his long face.
"The private investigator found out something that seemed quite familiar about that assassin.." He told her and She took the
"Yes, the figure of the assailant looks very familiar but then, it could be any one's figure.." Lauren told him and he nodded.
"Moreover he said she has a mole beneath her ear. Don't you think it's familiar also?"
"Yes, I think I've seen something like that but enough of that. Are you really sure Jason agreed to the marriage cause I find it
really hard to believe.." Lauren said.
"He did.." James replied with a smile.
"Oh really!" Tyson's voice was heard behind them and the parents turned.
He was smiling, grinning from ear to ear.
"Is it true that brother is getting married?"
"You heard it clearly.." Lauren said and Tyson hugged her tightly.
"I'm really happy. I'm very happy for Jason. After such a long time, he finally accepted Giselle.." Tyson broke the hug.
"I'm sure Giselle is very happy.." He added.

"Why are you so happy?" James asked.
"That's because Elle is officially my girlfriend. She accepted me today.." He smiled more widely.
"Wow! Congratulations son. Should the wedding bells be ringing already?" Lauren asked with a smile.
"It's way too early.." Tyson said.
"Enough of that. Let's inform Giselle's parents of the latest news and fix a date for the engagement.." James said.

Elle froze on the spot when she heard that.
"What?!" She yelled angrily.
"Why are you here?"
"Mamita, you know how dangerous this is. Not only your Kiera's life is danger but yours too. What if worse happens to you!" Elle
ranted out again.
"You are the only families I have left. I can't bear losing you at all. I can't bear it.." Elle said.
"So please take Kiera back with you!" Elle pleaded.
"Sweetheart, Kiera was badly sick. That's why I even called you. She wouldn't stop crying and you know how stubborn your
daughter can get. I had to do so to please her. And moreover we will be staying for only a few days.." Lady red said.
"Fine, I'll come to pick you up!" She said and then hung up.
She sighed again.
"I hope this won't be a problem and another problem is Jason. I don't want him finding out about Kiera now. That's my greatest
fear.." She added and then wiped off the tears off her eyes.
"Everything will be fine.." She added and then took her bag, then grabbed her car keys also..

She then hurriedly ran out.
Wellington International Airport
Jason sighed and removed his sunglasses. Then he checked his wristwatch. His best friend Nicholas who resides in the states is
coming to New Zealand. It was very impromptu. He was at home when he received his call.
"That brat.." He thought and checked his wristwatch again.
Suddenly his eyes went to a young girl who was standing behind a middle aged lady wearing sunglasses.
The little girl was adorable cute. Her hair was black and very long. It was styled into two pigtails and then she was holding a
teddy smiling and caressing it. Suddenly she turned and their eyes met. It was then he noticed that she had bangs which made
her look more pretty.
She smiled at and waved at him.
Jason didn't know when he smiled back. He also waved at her. He turned back to check if his friend was coming. But then he
didn't even know when he turned back again and then he saw the little girl running to him. His eyes widened Immediately she got
to him.

She smiled again and he noticed her beautiful deep dimples. Wow! How could a creature be this beautiful, even as a kid. Her
parents must be very lucky to have her as her daughter.
"Hii.." She said in a soothing voice.
"Hey.." He smiled and crouched before her.
"I just wanted to tell you this. You are very very handsome. Your daughter is so lucky to have you as her dad.." She smiled again
and Jason's heart leapt.
Those words melted his heart and he felt very relieved hearing her voice. He took his hands to her black jelly hair and caressed
"I don't have a daughter. But, thank you for the compliment. You are very pretty. And you even seem smart?"Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

"How old are you?" He asked.
"I'm seven.."
"I actually came here to pay my mum a surprise visit. I stay in Australia.." She said.
"Wow! You left your dad?" He asked more curiously.
"I don't have a daddy.." She smiled and hus heart ached. He could tell that her smile was a sad one.
Jason smiled and cupped her cheeks and then he pecked her forehead. Something he had not done before to someone
"Don't be sad, princess.."
"Who knows? your dad might be eager to see you.." He told her and she smiled.
"You are really handsome, mister. What's your name?" She asked and she fondled with his cheeks.
Jason laughed.
"No, don't tell me your name. I'll call you mister handsome.." She said and Jason laughed again.
"Let's exchange numbers. I'll tell mummy and Mamita that I have found a new friend.." She smiled again.
"What? You have a phone?' Jason asked surprised.
"Oh, yes. Incase you don't know, I'm not a little kid anymore just that everyone keeps calling me princess. I want to be a queen.."
She whined and Jason laughed out with her expression.
"You are so funny.." He said.
"My mum says I took after my dad. She says that he might act all cold and grumpy to others but when he's with her. He's like a
"Okay, let's exchange numbers..' He said and they did so.

Meanwhile Lady red had already started to look for Kiera. She didn't even notice when she left her side. When Elle came, she
couldn't believe her ears. She almost went mad when she learned Kiera was missing. They sent the bodyguards everywhere
around the airport to search for her and even they themselves did so.