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In the Lap of Luxury by Unsweetened Chestnuts

Chapter 45
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Chapter 45 Timothy Shows Up

Grace casually sat down and smirked. “Getting discharged after just one night in the hospital? You sure

are a tough guy, Mr. Luther.”

“You flatter me, Ms. Lewis. I was just worried my absence would affect the company’s performance.”

Cameron’s head was still bandaged, and he was actually wearing a patient’s attire underneath. Still, he

spoke up with an embarrassed expression.

“Also, I forgot to tell you about Barnes Group, so I quickly came back.”

Grace nodded toward the couch, motioning for him to sit. This man really needed a beating.

He had refused to talk when she asked nicely, but here he was offering the information on his own after

he had gotten beaten up.

“Barnes just announced the completion of their nanobots project. It’s a perfect match for Amirate’s

medical development project.”

Grace’s gaze turned irritated, and she massaged her temples before replying harshly, “Tell me

something useful or get out.”

Cameron started shaking. He knew she was the real deal, not just someone who gave out empty


So he switched tactics. “Barnes Group is considering a partnership with Hawkins Group. They’ve been

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going through the procedure for a contract signing lately.”

“Hawkins Group?” Grace was surprised.

Cameron approached her to talk about it, but one warning glare from her sent him retreating to the

other side of the room.

“I heard that they’ll be holding a small meeting at a rural racecourse to finalize the contract.”

Grace spun the pen in her hand and looked up. “Are your sources reliable?”

“Absolutely. I swear.‘

She hummed and looked away, approving his information.

If a person like Cameron could find out about top–secret intel like this, his contact was probably a high–

ranking person in Barnes Group.

Cameron had already offended her, so he should know that the next time he messed with her, a broken

rib wouldn’t be the only thing he would get.


“Ms. Lewis, if you manage to score a partnership with Barnes Group, I have a favor to ask,” Cameron


However, Grace seemed like she had seen it coming. “You want to take part in the project?”

“Very smart, Ms. Lewis. You guessed exactly what I was thinking.” He continued to flatter her, but she

didn’t even want to look at him anymore.

“Got it. You’re dismissed,” Grace said coldly.


After Cameron carefully closed the door, Grace took a while to think before she made her decision. She

needed to attend this meeting.

Since Amirate couldn’t avoid butting heads with Hawkins Group whenever they did business in

Pamore, she might as well face them head–on and see who would win in the end.

Grace took her phone out and began scrolling through social media. She noticed that all articles about

the Hawkins family were gone after the three–day deadline was up.

Even some of the accounts of news aggregators had been shut down. The Hawkins family’s official

account had also put out a statement denying all the allegations mentioned in the


Grace couldn’t stop laughing as her gaze turned frigid.

They were just doing damage control. If they were so concerned about their image, why had they done

all those horrible things at all?

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At that moment, the director of the investment department came in and handed Grace some


“Ms. Lewis, these are the documents on everyone we’re hiring.”

The investment department was crucial to Amirate’s Pamore branch, so Grace valued it very much.

In the past, they had never gotten the chance to expand their talent pool. So for the past few days, the

HR department had been working overtime to interview new candidates.

Grace skimmed through the new hires‘ resumes and nodded in approval.

But when she saw a specific name, she stopped and jabbed at the guy’s photo.

Timothy Donegan.

“Fire this man,” Grace ordered coldly.

The director hastily took the resume to see who it was, looking visibly conflicted once he saw Timothy’s



“Ms. Lewis, Mr. Donegan’s very experienced in investing. He made a name for himself on Bull Street at

the age of 15. He’s exactly what our department needs!”

Grace wouldn’t hear any of it. She and Timothy were sworn enemies, the type that hated each other to

the bone. “I said, fire him.”

The director had no choice but to agree. He was about to leave when Grace called out, “Wait.”