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In the Lap of Luxury by Unsweetened Chestnuts

Chapter 67
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Chapter 67 It Was Me

“Believe me, Benjamin. Mom and I only got into this mess because that jinx started it.” Celia was so

worried that Benjamin wouldn’t believe her that her face turned red.

Susan was about to stand up and keep talking, but then she blacked out in her anger and collapsed

again. Celia quickly caught her.

Grace was already used to their tricks, so she smiled mockingly. “That’s right. It was me,” she said

proudly. She didn’t want to waste her time with these people, so she went back inside.

However, Benjamin blocked her way with his brows furrowed. Grace stepped back to put some

distance between them, then said indifferently, “Move.”

Benjamin took one look at Susan and Celia, who seemed half–dead, and changed his mind again.

“How much longer are you going to stay angry?” he asked with a cold voice and narrowed eyes.

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Grace thought that was the funniest thing she had ever heard that day. “What’s there to be mad


“Aren’t you attacking them because you still hold a grudge over being bullied?”

“You’re so full of yourself.” Grace shook her head, speechless. “I could barely stand to look at them.

Why would I waste my time like that?”

“If you’re really as noble as you say you are, why did you attack me?” Celia screeched, propping up

Susan, while the latter woke up and fainted all over again.

“You just keep asking for it, and you’re haunting me like a ghost. Doesn’t that mean I’ll have to give you

what you want?

“Keep your family on a tight leash, and stop letting them embarrass themselves,” she said, casting a

sharp look at Benjamin.

“If they go crazy again, removing their makeup with toilet water won’t be the worst thing I’ll do to them,”

she warned, but Benjamin kept looking at her coldly without moving a muscle.

“We used to be married. Do you really have to insult them so much?”

“Oh, I’m sorry. I ran out of good things to say before we even got divorced.” Grace looked down with a

smile, then looked back up with disdain and mockery.

“If you want to hear good things, then I suggest getting Ms. Quine to say them.”

“Benjamin, she’s already said such terrible things. Teach her a lesson!” Celia cried out.

“Benjamin… slap her. Defend me…” Susan woke up again.


She clearly wasn’t as sick as she had felt at first, but she thought pretending to be sick would make

Benjamin defend her, so she kept pretending.

However, Benjamin was so embarrassed that he couldn’t even insult Grace, let alone hit her. He just

couldn’t lecture her like he had used to.

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After all, he was the one who had kept pushing her away.”

“Ben? What are you doing, blocking her way like that?” Timothy suddenly showed up. He shielded

Grace with his b*dy when he saw what was going on.

“Are you alright?” He turned to ask her worriedly.

He had seen those online articles about the Hawkins, so he had some idea of how they had treated


Now that it was three of them against one of her, Timothy was worried Grace would get bullied.

Timothy’s appearance made Grace pause. However, she quickly regained her composure and replied,

“I’m fine. Thanks for asking, Mr. Donegan.”

“This is a family matter. It’s got nothing to do with you.” Coldness flashed across Benjamin’s face when

he saw how carefully Timothy was protecting Grace.

“You two are divorced. Grace isn’t part of your family anymore.” Timothy refused to back down.

“Milady’s business is my business!”

Jealousy raged within Benjamin. “Even if we’re divorced, she’s still my woman.” 